Thursday, July 9, 2020

Your Favorite: Ask Rich Lieberman

TV vs. Radio: Is the Radio industry undersold? – Rush Talent
YOU HAVE MEDIA QUESTION? I HAVE THE ANSWRS --Bay Area TV/Radio/Internet/Newspapers --whatever your interest. Please, name and city. I'll try to answer all your queries ---try to stay on media topics.


  1. Has VDLC's voice become much harsher after her bout of coronavirus? Or maybe it's just because she was gone for a while and I forgot how bad it was? But I find I can't listen to her anymore, and that doesn't even include the hair-flipping and "sincere" glances to her right at the end of a story which used to bother me the most previously.

  2. I'm not a doctor obviously so I don't know much about the effects on her voice via Covid-19, but yeah, she's more shrill, her voice at least. She's got a lot on her plate --it's more the same --I can't figure her out --I've been trying for 5-plus years now. I don't think KPIX has a clue either.

  3. How much say does Fox have on the national/international stories that run on the KTVU newscasts? Sometimes I feel like I'm watching Fox News Channel when I'm watching the 10 O'Clock News. The tone and angle seem so conservative. -- Gordo from St. Helena

    1. Gordo, officially, they have no influence but just watching the KTVU news, you can see a Fox element, several. It's much more LOUDER and there's also a lot more "Bleed and Lead" stories. KTU is a vastly different product these days, not the Cox media of yesterday but it's also a different world.

  4. Rich will you ever try to get a gig in the media again?

    1. Probably not and besides, no ne in their right mind would hire me anyway, so that is that.

  5. So is Susan Leigh Taylor covering the KCBS 10am-2pm shift the norm now?

    1. She's filling in , still, officially, for Rebecca Corral who has some non-serious health issues, I'm told.

  6. I know you're a big fan of John Rothmann, but do you agree that his doom and gloom coverage of the coronavirus topic night after night after night is bordering on hysterical and getting tiresome for radio? Pat Thurston shares John's point of view, but at least she manages to talk about the issue with a level head.

    1. Yes, I reluctantly agree. It's hard to because as you point out, I like John. But I'm tired of the doom and gloom. I wish there was more election talk and politics, I hope as we get closer to November, the emphasis on the election will supersede the virus. But regrettably, I agree with your assessment.

    2. My John Rothman pet peaves:
      "The President of the United States"
      "The Coronavirus"
      "The DemoncraTIC Party"
      "I want to know what you think"
      "Oh, and I have to tell you"
      "Will you do me a favor and call me back (in three months)"
      "Free Parking, yes FREE parking at CalMart"
      and his awful theme music

    3. "I appreciate your call"
      "I'm appalled/outraged
      "Three cheers for you"
      "Trump callers,where are you?"
      "Am I wrong?"
      And of course "the Raymond Burr Bathroom"

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. also, rothman must either be related to or personally know every single public offical in san francisco..i was all but sure he was gonig to say he used to baby sit gavin newsom at some point

  7. Rich, your qualifications?

  8. Frank in GubservilleJuly 9, 2020 at 9:47 AM

    Was the Dr. Frasier Crane Show out of KACL in Seattle ever simulcast here back in the 90's? I remember the Howard Stern Show out of NY being simulcast here on 105.3 back in that era and it was a huge hit. I can only imagine Crane's show would have been an even bigger hit, maybe even on the late KGO.

    1. Hi Frank: I have no idea on this one.

    2. Frasier was a sitcom, not a real radio show. I hope Frank is playing with you.

    3. Program Directors don't usually air fictional talk shows on fictional stations from NBC sitcoms. #troll

    4. His show was far far better than the assclowns KGO trots out nowadays (minus Rothmann he's pretty good).

    5. 11:38 I'm not sure I grasp your point?

      KGO's program director airs fictional talk show hosts every day with the likes of Nikki and Chip.

  9. When is Betty Yu going to move up and or move out to better places?

    1. Whenever she wants to...some people are still guided by location and tranquility and not always by money and outfit. Betty Yu seems to be content living here and being low-profile which might not be a bad idea in a world we live in today.

  10. Rich: Lance from Martinez here. Recently, I heard a voice I rarely hear doing news: Liz St. John. She had done news on KRON 4 years ago and I heard her fill in on KCBS. She seems solid. What do you know about her? Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Lance: I've heard her--at first I was "who's this woman? She's awful!" Now she's grown on me but she could only work the overnight, she's not a primetime player now.

    2. She's awful. She's done some local radio too, where she is equally awful. It's truly amazing the no-talent types this business attracts like flies. Maybe it's the low barriers to entry. It's harder to get a job at Home Depot if you're just going for entry level or fill-in.

    3. Was Liz St. John a DJ on some of the Bay Area hard rock stations, years ago?

  11. It seems to me Niki Medoro has been furloughed more than other KGO hosts. Chip Franklin is filling in again this week, and he filled in for her not to long ago. Since it seems her ratings are low, do you think KGO is testing Chip as a possible replacement for Niki.

    1. You hit the nail on the head bg time. I like Nikki but her show isn't working all that well in the morning. And you're right, she's been furloughed a lot --more than 3 weeks on, 1 week off. I'm betting KGO puts both Chip and Nikki on in the morning, now that would work.

    2. For a station getting 1.2 in the ratings, I am sure KGO will try anything.

    3. Her show isn't working for you, but it's a broadcast and you're just not the target demo. These are business decisions and they are not made based on personal taste and opinion. The younger target demos have improved over A&G and that's what sells. I'd say that improved demos on a smaller budget works for Cumulus, especially during an unprecedented pandemic. As for furloughs, she said she was taking three weeks off and this would be her last week. Pat is also taking three week off. Mark and John on the other hand both said they were opting for a pay cut instead of taking time off.

    4. Is her target demo age 18-45 year old assclowns like it was when she was on Chips show?

      Then by all means she's hitting her demo.

  12. Rich, one of your readers claimed Nikki was beating A&G head to head. Can you confirm? Mike in Montclair

    1. Mike, the answer is NO --if that were the case, we'd all know about it and we don't because it's false.

  13. Hi Rich

    I'm not sure when the news stations can stop the home broadcasts. You would think the in 2020 with all the technology we have that they could figure out the sound and picture quality. What's your take?

    P.S. Reggie Aqui needs a new backdrop or replace him all together.

    1. I think you're right. This "remote" studio is so passe and ridiculous. Like they can't anchor six feet apart from the studio? It's a joke and it looks and sounds like shit.

    2. If neither anchor is masked while talking, then a six foot distance is not enough. You need to catch up on the biology of contagion...Viral particles spew out of noses and mouths when you are breathing, talking, coughing, singing, sneezing...etc. The distances vary depending on the force pushing them out..with sneezes and shouting the most dangerous. Anchorspeak is typically a bit louder and more emphatic than average conversation.

    3. Employers are getting smart. Employers know that employees who work from home have fewer expenses,(transportation, dry cleaning, child care, etc.) therefore employees have received a wage increase by working from home.
      I feel that as long as employees work from home management will have less reason to OK demands for increases from employees. While at the same time advertisers are perhaps paying the same rates.
      Broadcast employees are looking more and more like regular people vs. super good looking. Therefore; anyone with an IQ can deliver broadcast shows from home. And knowing management, they will have employees who will work for a lot less.

      It is possible that working from home could become a new option for employees.

      Last; the quality of from home broadcast will improve.

  14. Did you ever party with Charley and Humphrey back in the 70's and were the Humphrey/Barbara Simpson rumors true?

    1. NO on both but you just made me laugh.

    2. How about Captain Satellite?

    3. I believe you mean Captain Cosmic.

  15. If I recall correctly, a while back you had mentioned that Allen Martin had a bit of a frosty attitude toward Liz Cook. I was wondering if Martin has lightened up, in more recent times, toward his oft-paired coanchor?

    1. No, he really can't stand her, I know from a first-hand source.

  16. Rich, how come you never discuss the LGBTQ anchors in news broadcasting....such as Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Robin Roberts. Shepard Smith, Steve Kornaki, Regi Aqui, etc.

    1. Because that's not the gist of my blog: I talk about media not the sexual identities of various media members, so I judge, say, Rachel Maddow on her talent and ability not on the fact she's a lesbian, who cares? If you're good, great I don't give a damn about personal shit like that. Guess what? Don Lemon is gay? So what. I like watching him. Shep Smith, same thing. Anderson Cooper? What a good guy the fact he's gay I could care less.

      There s plenty of blogs and sites where LGBTQ matters (as it should to some) and good for them I'm just not in that subject matter.

  17. Do you think JR Stone will take over for Eric Thomas at some point?

    1. Yeah, probably, which is why KGO probably hired him as Thomas is nearing the end one way or another.

    2. Since the probably pay Stone 1/8th what they pay Thomas, most definitely.

  18. Rich, not a question per se but kudus for not mentioning Pat Thurston this week. I agree with 90% + of what you say. Your analysis of her misses the mark by a mile.

    1. Used to feel the same way but I like her a lot which means everyone has their opinions..I HATE ketchup on a hot dog but some of my best friends love ketchup on a hot dog, see what I mean?

  19. Hi Rich- Any update on the new editor of SFGate/Chronicle? If it's someone from out of town, Hearst really doesn't get SF.
    PJ in Berkeley

    1. PJ< no news on the newbie but I haven't been paying attention, sorry.

    2. SFGate has blocked me from commenting. Something to do with "terms of service," I think. Enjoy the hot as Hades weather, little devils! Bwahahahahah!

    3. It is probably a white liberal.

  20. Rich

    Does Ray Ratto really think his curmudgeon act play in today's world? He is so predictable on 95.7.

    Allie in Menlo Park

    1. Allie, frankly I stopped listened Ratto years ago because of the very old style you talk about. Ratto is tired, dull, pedantic and predictable --somehow he keeps getting hired because the PDs think he's great but NOBODY is listening.

    2. Fatto used to be relevant. He's just a grumpy sour son of a bitch. He could write at one time, now he can't even see the tops of his shoes. He's been luckier than most to have held jobs for a long time at various newspapers and media outlets.

  21. Where is the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library going to be located? My suggestions are Ocotillo Wells, CA, Winterhaven, CA, or Gila Bend, Arizona.

    1. Oakland, home of the Clorox corporation (sorry, you gave me an opening, I went for it.)

    2. All visitors get a free sample. Drink up a-holes.

    3. Probably Russia or North Korea is my guess.

    4. I heard the owner of Clorox on Pat Thurston's program, he sounded like a nice guy, and a nice employer. It would not be fair to him and his employee's.

    5. Why use Clorox when Rum works just as well?

  22. Any idea of how much KGO_81 or KSFO charges per 60 second spot for those endless ad spots for the Babble language system, or the even worse Balance of Nature spots that feature testimonials that claim to cure, help, or prevent every known malady ever seen in human history?

    BTW...having looked into Balance of Nature fruits and veggies, their claim of the daily "serving" of 6 tiny pills, giving you "more than 10 servings" of fruits and veggies is a complete provable falsehood.
    Yet KGO...Cululus allows them to keep fleecing their "family of listeners", especially the elderly who are fearful of Covid-19... As close to outright fraud as you can get.

    1. They are probably "network" obligations, spots that are sold by a network that KGO is affiliated with (even if KGO doesn't carry the network's actual programing, like a newscast or a feature), and is therefore *obligated* to air in particular time windows (for example, between 8:00 and 8:30 am) in exchange for what the network pays them for clearing their spots. That's pretty common in radio.

  23. Has Frank Somerville officially divorce his ex wife? If yes, what was the settlement??

  24. Rich I said this before, all signs point to Rosemary Orozco not getting the evening weather assignment. If she was, then why was Kyla Grogan, an ex weather channel (and onion news) personality brought in "after" Rosemary? I am thinking KTVU was put Rosemary on the Sunday morning shift to get some more experience, but something's just not clicking. Plus, I'm sure KTVU wants a personality for the long hall and not worry about someone leaving after a few years.

    Besides does KTVU really need 5 "meteorologists". If cutting is to be done, let's start there.

  25. O really liked your article about Leslie Griffith but the comments were intense. That story about Mark Ibanez' tea can't possibly be true can it?

  26. Rich....this week's 6+ saw KGO slide again. I read your recent post assessing KGO's current ratings where you point your blame on Nikki's under-performing AM show and Mark Thompson's weak late AM show. Yet despite those handicaps, KGO has a solid roster of hosts from Noon to 9 PM. Shouldn't that lead to some ratings growth during this news intensive pandemic / election lead-up moment in time? Also, do you think the demise of KKSF as a liberal newstalk station will help KGO a bit?
