Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Believe It or Not: I'm Hooked on 'Hooked on Golf'; Abendroth and Juricich Drive Golf Show on KNBR

I KNOW GOLF LIKE YOU KNOW RUBIK'S CUBE --which means I'm scrambled. Well, duh
Hooked on Golf, GB MP2 - YouTube
THIS, I do know.

I know authenticity and realness. I love sincerity even when it involves something I have zero knowledge of which involves, again, golf. In this instance, golf on the radio. Or a couple guys talking golf on a weekend morning.

Welcome to Hooked on Golf on KNBR. More to the point.

 John Abendroth and Mitch Juricich are the men behind the golf program on Knibber. Just a few ordinary guys who make me laugh, sometimes uncontrollably and on point. I don't know why I like these guys but they sound cool and funny. The coffee tastes better when I'm hearing their show, I just wish I knew golf and especially how to hit it straight. But see, that's the point. Listening to the duo without puts knowledge means quite a bit to me and adds to my glowing review of this show.

Lately, "Hooked" hasn't been on the KNBR show schedule which is too bad but another ruin courtesy the Coronavirus pandemic --a shame for a show that's been on the air for 26 years and a Saturday/Sunday staple.

I've learned through the radar the show is due back once the virus crisis settles. Good. Because it wreaks of audio chicken soup, a reassuring program of two guys talking shop in a coffee shop and that's real delightful in a time when reassurance is a virtue.

So, yeah, I'm an advocate of Hooked now if only I understood golf.

File:Rubiks cube.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


  1. Two men who like a good long 18 hole course, and 18 course meal.

  2. They look like Sally Balls and Fat Tony.

  3. Don't know if this will change your view on Abendroth, Rich, but pre-pandemic, he did have a TV assignment....analyzing each Major Golf Saturday & Sunday that CBS airs, i.e. The Masters and PGA Championship. You know who Abendroth has to talk to, right? At PIX. Hint: The two at PIX boast often about The House of Prime Rib.

  4. Real athletic looking these two guys are. These yuks have their own seats in the clubhouse -- close to the kitchen. They live up the old saying about golf: "Golf. A good walk ruined."

  5. Rich, I'm glad you acknowledged John and Mitch. They are really good on radio and know what they're talking about. Their show goes very quickly and they are always upbeat and Mitch is a riot. John was a pro golfer and Mitch has been in Bay Area media for decades.

  6. John Abendroth is one of the biggest assholes ever to hit the links at the Olympic Club, and that’s saying a lot. He thinks is better than everyone else and treats staff like dirt and has never tipped anyone in his life.

    1. Well...I can say you are wrong on one part of this...I have tipped and have helped a number of people over the years. Sorry you don't quite have your facts straight. The other part is your opinion which I also think is wrong.

  7. This is a great show and these guys do an especially good job on local coverage.

  8. Oh yea, J.A. is a real Arnold Palmer. In fact, I heard he makes Arnie look like Mother Theresa. /sarc

    get outta with that nonsense 1:36 dude. The Club is where you do tip well to show it off man, get a clue.

  9. I've enjoyed their show for years, and I don't golf. It's a must listen when Pebble Beach is going.

  10. These guys used to have a TV show where they would journey to some Northern California golf club and film a round of golf. The show was part informercial to promote the golf course and part lesson. I used to love this show and am sorry it's no longer on.
