Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Oh Please, Just Shut Up; KCBS Promos; Darya Folsom; KTVU Cheap; Michelle Griego; Larry Beil Arrogance; Kate Larsen Circle7 Smug and Smugger; Nikki Medoro AwfulNess; KNBR Lund More Penis Jokes and Booze; Ronnnnnn Owens Report New Apartment

Just Shut Up! (TV Series 2013– ) - IMDb

CRISIS Brings out the best and worst --media is a major player --to wit:

*KCBS running self-serving promos in the middle of its news platforms highlighting reporter's home studios and reporter talking to the audience as if we're third-graders. Amazing, patronizing, annoying and wildly out of place. The latest spiel from the woman who sounds like a screeching cat based in Walnut Creek. Timing is everything and KCBS is dead in the water.

Gabriel C. (@itsgabriel69) | Twitter
Darya Folsom
*The abysmal KTVU and its two-cent mobile operation --what a catastrophe every night! How much so? Mark Ibanez, the 40-year sports anchor veteran, had to go buy his own microphone because his station-supplied mic was so AWFUL; it sounded crappy and consistently out of whack. Ibanez shouldn't be made to sound terrible. And FOX should be able to spend a few hundred bucks on its talent and not buy the 15 dollar special at Radio Shock, dear lord.

*KCBS, again, for telling us, every five minutes, about their anchors (especially the guy in the afternoon drive) doing his newscast from "a home studio in Sausalito." Really? I think I figured it out now, KCBS wants you to know it went to great sacrifice so Mr. Bell could talk from home, gees what a milestone, actually, what an outrage, Just Shut Up, please!

Michelle Griego – CBS San Francisco
Michelle Griego
*KRON using yenta supreme, Darya Folsom on the weekends --as if that's supposed to indicate she's a regular Mother Theresa. Good god, Darya, just keep sleeping with your boyfriend and quit pretending you're a news journalist. Yeah, and I'm George Clooney.

*OH PLEASE, Just Shut Up! : That morning misfit on KPIX who told her underlings that :she never gets any respect." Well, dearest, Madame Michelle Griego, I don't have the full details; I was given scant evidence, but I'd suggest you quit crapping out on everybody and then, maybe you'll get that "respect" you so obviously yearn for. The new guy has barely paid his apartment deposit and already you're dumping shit on him? Please, you need a big reality check.

*Larry Beil of KGO (ABC7 Sports) for once again, in the middle of a pandemic, acting like a complete ass buffoon in front of KGO interns. The arrogant jerk had the audacity to yell and scream to a few guys around the Circle7 newsroom, all EGO! Seems Beil was pissed because his copy was late to his desk and all hell broke loose. Larry Beil is a self-centered imbecile who was born on third base and thinks he hit a home run.

Kate Larsen på Twitter: "Here's my view right now! Up dark and ...
Kate Larsen
*HEY< KATE? Shut up! --Kate Larsen, the real, HUGE, Yenta at KGO who consistently walks around the newsroom, even in these crisis days, as if she was some Anna Wintour (AKA: The Devil Wore Prada) --Kate should have an affair with Beil--wait a minute.

Nikki Medoro (@NikkiMedoro) | Twitter
Nikki Medoro
*Nikki Medoroa nover at KGO Radio in the morning still talking and talking about nothing really. And when she does talk, it's usually about her kids, her husband, her kids, her husband, --seriously, I root for the Nikkster, I do because she has legitimate credo but her daily barrage of nincompoop verbal sputting is revolting. Nikki has a voice and a pulse, that much is clear but she's gotta move beyond the trying desperately to appeal to the housewife in Dublin and more just be sincere and herself. Which might be just all that.

*JUST SHUT UP! John Lund of KNBR can't help himself: The overweight otter is once again, bearish on penis jokes and booze consumption--why? Because that's all he knows. I TRIED mightily to like Lund, which is sort of like enjoying back-to-back, daily colonoscopies --even reached out, but Lund was busy on the phone talking to his agent about why he's been BEATEN to a pulp by the crew at 95.7 FM, "The Game." Lund brags about his working in ten different markets. Great, the gypsy host and his vibe can be heard in Dayton anytime soon.

Many KGO Radio, KFOG employees laid off due to restructuring ...
Ronn Lowenstein Owens
*Ronn Owens, not content with his BORING "reports" just moved out of his Seacliff home into a lavish North Beach apartment --good, now if he could only afford to broadcast his crappolla in the dining room instead of a closet. There is good news though: Ronn can and will make room for his girlfriend when Jan is out of town.


  1. Hello Rich, I feel like Darya is more of a meiskeite then a Yenta. What do you think?

    1. I can't decide who is getting the worse end of the deal. Pero or Darya?

    2. Pero asked for it, went out of his way. He had a wife and kids. Asswipe if ever there was one.

  2. In the 6-9 am slot, did KGO ratings go down and did KSFO ratings go up?

  3. "Oh please, just shut up". Thats how many people felt when they saw ole Hussein Obama come out of the woodwork yesterday.

  4. Rich if you want to shut Larsen up just tie her hands together and she wont be able to say a word. Her wild hand movements are infecting other young reporters at KGO. Amanda Del Castillo looks like she is doing the Flamingo when she does her reports. She cant stand still.

  5. > Ibanez shouldn't be made to sound terrible.

    He does that himself every time he opens his gob. "And that's the sportin' life...Oh wait, wasn't he a character in Porgy and Bess?"

  6. Bonnie Jill Lauflin in San FranciscoApril 15, 2020 at 11:38 AM

    If I show my boobs more, do you think I’ll survive the upcoming budget cuts?

    1. Your boobs? or the two boobs who are on the show with you?

    2. Sharron Cox in SOMAApril 15, 2020 at 2:35 PM

      Hey BJL, is this really you? If so,do remember that crazy night at MoMo's after the 2014 NLCS game winner?! As the great G-Rad would way...we got down! YES!

    3. Ass man/Jenny Talia fake name person: just google her. The boobs have been on display before.

    4. Jenny Talia in ColmaApril 15, 2020 at 6:03 PM

      Call me Jennifer if you like. I’ve heard all the jokes before. The name doesn’t matter, only the comment. And I haven’t posted on here for weeks so leave me out of it please.

    5. Phil Latio in the TenderloinApril 15, 2020 at 7:42 PM

      Why are you talking to yourself? You've commented 3 times in your own post, once to yourself. Are you not getting enough attention in quarantine? Here I'll play along, this is how you do it.

      - Phil Latio

  7. Too bad that Griego's ego outbursts stigmatize her situation. I actually think that she is a good looking woman, who presents adequately on-air.

    1. At least Social distancing will help the new guy from being back stabbed immediately. Choi looked happy on the 11pm just to be away from her.

  8. I don't listen to all of Niki's show since I'm usually asleep for most of it. From what I hear she has gotten better, sounds like she gets calls and lots of email, so perhaps she appeals to housewife's in Dublin, Concord wherever. Don't particular care for the stab at housewife, but okay. She does have some good interviews, like this morning when she had Josh Rogan on, I think from the Washington Post, however one interview in a 4 hours timeslot is not much. So I hope she will continue to improve.

  9. Howie Feltersnach on south beachApril 15, 2020 at 3:50 PM

    Rich- love your site. Long time reader, first time commenter. Ive been thinking about donating but im wondering if that lifetime membership comes with any perks? You mentioned Reds Java House in the past but now that its gone, what's next?

    1. You pick the place, I'm there. How easy is that?

    2. Rich why are you falling for fake name/ass man? As a great man once said, "Read the room". Better yet, read the fake name.

  10. Would I be wrong in saying Rich that if both Darya and Michelle were to lose their jobs, that they would have to leave the Bay area to continue their anchor careers?

    1. looks like Diarrhea is auditioning for her next role... between her on air muscle posing and sticking out her fake boobs I'm sure she will land on someones casting couch

    2. 7:26...Your 'ignorance' is a constant source of entertainment for me. There is an old saying, "If you just keep your mouth shut, no one will ever know." We all know, it's time for you to grow up.

  11. YES, Dayra, Michelle, not necessarily.

  12. Nikki reading the news is great. But way too wired for AM show! Says a lot about the "management" at KGO, total retards.I could do better.

  13. saw i believe it was laura garcia, on ch 11 this morning, trying to interview someone and it was HORRIBLE, you could hear the feedback and echo in her home "studio" and she ended it after three minutes..nikki medoro shoud run away with brian murphy and they can open a chain of amici's together, and be banned for radio for life
