Wednesday, April 15, 2020

As Gov Newsom Becomes Rock Star Ronn Owens is Pissed off. Here's Why.

Gavin Newsom was a rising star — now he's lieutenant ...

YOU KNOW THIS NOW: Gavin Newsom has become a rock star across the USA. Well, you probably knew that already. If you've been watching the news lately, you see and hear for yourself.

What you don't know (until now) about the CA governor: his rising star has ROYALLY PISSED OFF a onetime KGO Radio star by the name of Ronn Owens. Why? Mostly ego and you shouldn't be surprised now, at least I'll give you the reason and reasons too.

Owens has known Newsom for years; knew his late dad, an appeals court justice-- used to have him on his KGO talk show when Ronn was last relevant in the 80's and 90's/2000's --when being on the Owen's talk show was regarded as great PR especially for Newsom as a budding politician and future president. He's got the high post in Sacramento now so Newsom really doesn't need Ronn and that drives Ronn nuts.

But there's more to tell.

Owen's largely dumb and sunset career placement, "Ronn Report" is basically a present from current KGO management to placate Ronn and Ronn only because no one listens to his (Ronn) report except his (Ronn) friends and accountant. That's it. The ROR is on the air to finance Ronn's cruise ship membership and free travel. But that's not why you stopped by here now and that's not why I'm talking about Ronn and the Gov.

Seems Owens has REPEATEDLY tried to get Newsom on the radio show, his radio show. To no avail. Well, maybe a long, long time ago but not recently and THIS has Ronn STEAMING!

And when Ronn gets pissed off, watch out. At least in the good old days there was no reason to piss off Owens. He had good ratings. His talk show on KGO used to be must-be-on basis, especially if you wanted to sell a book or maintain stardom. No more. I'm not pouring on here, I'm stating facts.

Newsom loves media. He'll need it to become POTUS even as Gov and even as a Rockstar as he is now. He'll be invited on plenty of TV and radio shows only he'll evaluate what's big and what's not. Owens mini-bar is not on the list. Just the facts.


  1. Giving Illegal aliens federal money makes him a rock star?

  2. Gavin Newsom is a fucking scumbag and the worst thing to happen to California taxpayers in decades. Nice job low information voters.

    1. Yeah, I miss Gubernator Schwarzenegger, who spent us into a heaping deficit, all the while pretending to be a "fiscally conservative" Republican.

    2. Totally agree!!

  3. Newsome has done well lately, I give him that but god, how many times does he have to use "ah" before each sentence? It's I'm glad to be here ah, and ah, would like to thank, ah, the press that has, ah, covered. ah, ...

    For me, it's, ah, tiresome so much so that I, ah, can't listen to him anymore. It's all I hear.

    1. Saying ah works for Newsome. It doesn't work for lots of others. Ah works when someone believes in what you are saying. Ah doesn't work when you are suspected of not telling the truth.
      Ah would never work for Trump.

  4. Newsome will be our Nation's president in no more than 8 years. He's half the age of the current crop of Democrat hopefuls. If the Dems run him with a black female they will torpedo any GOP candidate

    1. I agree. God help us. The same people who voted for this asshole, will be ah our next president

  5. I recall those days when newsom used to frequent ronnnnnnnnnnnnn’s show and gadget mannnnnn would tease newsom that someday he’d be president. Blowensteinnnnnnnn blew it with his response after the KGO mass firings. It showed us the type of scumbag he truly is...increasingly he reminds me of that bitter old salieri in Amadeus. Btw the fact that repugniKKKans hate newsom makes me more proud to call him: MY GOVERNOR AND FUTURE POTUS. Deal with it!

  6. You are 100% right @827PM. A very choppy, fragmented delivery. It doesn't flow. I will, however, give him credit for getting on top of this coronavirus quickly.

  7. > no one listens to his (Ronn) report except his
    > (Ronn) friends and accountant.

    I'm sure the accountant has better things to do. Like clip his toenails, or change the charcoal filter in his fish tank.

  8. Newsom has shown he is more interested in coronavirus treatments than conspiracy theories. Not to mention he trusts open-minded healers, scientists, and experts, instead of close-minded dividers, hiding under collars while calling themselves "advisors". Newsom is secular, but he has acted far more Christian than the sinful anti-mom contingent who call themselves "Evangelicals". Note that more GOP governors are starting to agree with CA's Lead Democrat and sheltering their own states in place, knowing that even church gatherings will only worsen the COVID-19 pandemic due to the typical coughs and sniffles that exist at every single church service. The economic liabilities are way heavier than a "way of life". Can't have a way of life if baby-saving lives keep falling ill. Talk about backward thinking protesters in CA, MI, and other states, compared to 38-44 of 50 governors in the U.S.
    Newsom and his fellow governors trust the real and NOT fake media as well as medical staff more than they ever will the Fraudulent Franklins, Pilfering Paulas, Conniving Kenneths, and Jibrant Jerrys among the "Advisors", never mind the Lards of talk radio.

  9. The writing is on the wall.
    Newsom will be a ONE term governor.
    We already gave his prop 13 tax the boot.
    Does money grow on trees ? Newsom thinks so.
    Quit playing fake doctor & start governing the state.
    You are not a Kaiser employee dictator.
    Start dealing with the PG&E crisis.
    The pending water shortage crisis.
    And Newsoms out of control spending crisis.
    A failure at all levels.
    BUT illegal aliens love him.
    So do inmates on death row cause he's SOFT on crime.
    No wonder San Francisco has soo many car break-ins. Mr. Softie
    Try that in United Arab Emerites.
    Get your hand cut off!
    Make California great again !!
    Get RID of this piece of shit governor.

  10. 8:27...Tiresome, that's the under statement of the year, he drives me nuts. I can't listen either. I'd like to but I don't hate myself that much. It's an embarrassment. It's verbal irritation, after awhile all you hear is the ah, the ah shouts out at you. Then when ah is followed by umm...Beam me up Scotty, I can't take it any more. Transport me to Planet Zit, please!!

    POTUS, are you kidding me! Can you imagine what the State of the Union speech would sound like. How many years has this guy had to perfect and fine tune his public speaking, 20 or 30 years!

    On the other side of the coin...Robin Winston, I have never ever heard her say, ah or umm...not once. She is as verbally perfect as you can get. She is also 'perfect' in many other ways, but I won't go there, just an absolute pleasure to watch! One of those times when I can say, "Aren't we lucky."

    There is one thing Planet Earth and Planet Zit have in common...The Women Are The News. Fly Navy

  11. I don’t know how you can possibly call Newsome anything but the asshole he is. When he was mayor he thought he was bigger than the state. Now that he is governor he thinks he is bigger that The President. With leaders like Newsome and London Breed California is lucky not to have 100% infection. Newsome does nothing but talk about himself and the wonderful job he is doing. I don’t care about his wife and kids or his affair with his best friends wife-he’s gay and that’s all he cares about. London Breed only cares about her peeps-the junkies, the homeless and the gays. She is a racist bitch who hates Whitey.

    1. You think Newsome talks about himself, I hear him talking about the virus, where we are, what is being done from the State of California. I assume you are not a fan of Trump's news conferences? As for you comment about London Breed, I think you are the racist.

    2. Really? Newsome only talks about the virus? In one of his daily speeches he talks about the pioneering spirit of him marrying the first gay couple of Ca. and goes on and on about it for at least 10 minutes. Nothing about the virus! So you have ask yourself? Do I really have selective hearing or just ignorant?

    3. Well, I guess we all want to hear what we want to. I hear Newsome give updates on cases, fatalities, equipment, how they have increased personal at the unemployment office, and more.

      You must not be a fan of Trumps news conferences then, he takes self promoting to a new level.

  12. @8:27 you sre correct. Verbal pauses because he has not prepared. And drink some god damed hot tea or something for that gravel voice, Govnuh! Just like Nikki Medoro overly says "you know" - she is a total amateur, you know?

  13. I have said this before many times, that these daily noon news conferences that Newsom is interrupting the noon news for, and only being done to provide him with video to use when he runs for President in 2024. And i agree with Anonymous 806pm, in that indeed, he is the worst thing to happen to CA. He did the executive order requiring CA resident so have health insurance or pay a penalty. I mean, that is the same dang thing that Obama did and why the Republicans were swept into office back in 2016. Then, he gives millions to house the homeless, never mind the average minimum wage worker who cannot afford to live here. I mean, where is the justice in that? They work hard and can't afford to live here, but if they were to quit work, Newsom would give them a place to live? Then, he has the audacity to order shelter in place for the whole state, and say that some people are "essential" while others are not. How would you feel being labeled as "non-essential"?

  14. Gav has done a good job managing the COVID-19 situation. He's taken advantage of the situation to make him look like a superstar. Gav knows how to corral the support of the populace. He jumps on a hot button issue and presses the hell out of it. It doesn't make him a good politician, however. He's a user. He uses people and topics for his own gain. Then again, what politician doesn't?

  15. Gotta love that Gov. Newsom is taking care of his voter base by giving illegal aliens a $500 stipend during the shutdown he imposed on us.

  16. At what point do you change the name of the blog from 415 Media to Fuck Ronn Owens? Seriously, every 5th post is you complaining about him. Here's an idea... stop fucking listening to him or stop whining.

    1. At what point do you just scroll pass it and move on. I do that all of the time on FB. Relax and go online and do meditation video for 5 minutes. Oor take some Valerian, over the counter in Vitamin section, helps you relax.

    2. Excellent post by 10:01am.
      We all dislike the Cool Guy Ronn Owens.
      The hippest talk show in Frisco. (at least in his mind)
      Besides Ronn has a weak voice.
      Keep it up Rich we read your blog.

    3. I agree with 9:27 pretty much. Being critical of Ronn's report is okay, it is on the air every day. Rich looses me when he goes back several years and bring up some supposedly feud between Ronn and someone that is no longer on the air, or worse dead. That is overkill

  17. Rich,
    I would suspect that there is more to a story than Gavin not doing Ronn show, other than Ronn is antique and irrelevant. There is something that happened between the two. I doubt that Ronn is small potatoes and Gavin ego is huge and that is why he won't go on his show.

  18. Newsome, the guy who had an affair with his best friends wife....Oh yea he's reliable!!

    1. It takes two to tango...or horizontal mambo.

    2. That was years ago, he seem to be a devoted husband and father now. I assume if you don't trust Newsome because of his affair, neither do you trust Trump, he had affairs on all 3 of his wives. Also bragged on tape, how he put the make on a married women and he was married at the time. Besides being married to Kimberly Guilfoyle (she is now dating Don Jr.) could possible have driven him to stray.

  19. Benjamin Disraeli was right. "Critics are those that failed in art and Literature". You fit the bill. Get a real job, stop begging or go center span of the GGB and be done with it. You'r also a crybaby.

  20. Ronn's loving all the attention. It means more people are tuning in, it's natural.
