Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Thursday Nosh; Fox Factoid; Nikki Medoro Still Needs Tweaking; Kate Larsen Circle7 Arrogance; Damon Bruce 95.7 FM Sports Excess; Women in Radio Dress Like Hookers; What an Abomination

Pin on Courtney Friel Reporter Fashion Freak


At least I admit it.

*THIS MORNING I woke up (always a good start) to once again, trying, trying real hard, real hard, to make sense of Nikki Medoro on KGO Radio, but somehow, someway Nikki refuses to tweak. She has miles of promise but she's hellbent on doing it her way. A shame. I know why; at least I think I know why KGO suits decided to give her a shot at her own show, prime time no less. Morning drive no less. Because while she filled a part on Chip Franklin's show in the PM, KGO, notably PD and programming czar, Lee Hammer, saw a potential budding star in the works and thought to be creative. I applaud that move even if at this point, it's not working.

The Morning Show with Nikki Medoro | KGO-AM
Nikki Medoro
Nikki needs a good editor. A strength coach, if you will. She has a wonderful, sexy, voice. That's not a negative, it's damn well inviting. I'm thinking Nikki is on morning drive (when people used to drive before the virus) because she captivates an audience, notably suburban women with kids and horny truck drivers in Milpitas. Don't be pissed because I'm right. But Nikki has to broaden her shtick. She needs to space more, be aware she's not only talking to housewives but common folk too. I wish she'd also talk up and not down to her audience. In time, I think she'll adapt. So move forward, Nik, and keep firing away. Just try to nuance a bit and you'll see much more success.

Kate Larsen - I may not be smiling, but I was very happy... | Facebook
*I HAVE resisted the temptation to knock down KTVU diva, Gasia Mikaelian, because I've been dissing her for years. She's once again proven that she's nothing more than a physical attraction on the news desk, if that at all. Gasia can giggle, laugh, and giggle again. If she'd give as much attention to her news presentation as she does to her hair style, she'd be a modern-day Barbara Walters.

*Kate Larsen --an ego-centric diva with all the sensitivity of a Union City McDonalds. Good god, what an abomination! Larsen, pay attention: in times of crisis, it's not kosher to walk the newsroom and tell people (indirectly and directly) you're the boss. KGO staffers think you're some shiksa-yenta more apt for Akron and Toledo! Be happy the ABC suits regard you as sex appeal and nothing more because if it was my way? You'd be doing weather in Buffalo. Part time!

Bay Area radio personality (KNBR) Damon Bruce discusses the - YouTube
Damon Bruce
*That afternoon schmuck on 95.7 FM, "The Game", who thinks it's cool to post baby pictures on Twitter, well, I hope he's updated his resume. Entercom is busy picking out the breadcrumbs and Damon Bruce? You've made the finals --stay tuned.

*I DON'T mind the women who work in radio to be creative, in fact I encourage it. I'm just a bit pissed off they dress like downright, HOOKERS! Who taught them to portray such awful judgement? Who forbid them to appear lady-like? Was there a consistent case of brain retardation and massive human interaction at work? I'm beginning to think they don't care or really give a crap. Which is bad because women broadcasters have to dress more adult, more subtle, less whore look--otherwise as time moves forward, we're looking at a LOST-IN-SPACE! What an abomination!Pin on Life board


  1. I see KPIX has brought in a strong pimp hand to put Michelle in her place.

  2. Uh, wat? Nikki has a very annoying voice and is profoundly unattractive...she isn't captivating horny anythings anywhere.

    1. Absolutely agree with this assessment of Nikki. Unlistenable for me, in style, substance, everything.

    2. That's funny because its true.

    3. This is sexist's, she is on the radio, what does looks have to do with anything? Does it also bother you that Rush is unattractive?

  3. Damon Bruce only makes our current situation worse. Just like he does with sports, he paints the bleakest picture possible and positions himself as the world's foremost authority. New flash Damon - we are all going thru this, understand the situation and don't need your hyperbole. All you doing is feeding on people's fears. Ray Ratto sounds like he wants to kill himself working with this guy.

    It was hilarious when Damon was bashing Florida's intelligence and covid policies the other day and then totally backed down an hour later when a Florida sports columnist he was interviewing called him on it. Such a cowardly blowhard.

  4. Bruce might be let go? I hope not, yea he is arrogant and was tired of his rants against Levi Stadium but get rid of the other guy Kolsky, his voice and what comes out of it is annoying but probably does not make much. Don't learn much from him. Is it me or is Guru also annoying with that whinny voice.

  5. I don't know where you hang, Rich, but that last picture does not look like any hooker I ever saw. She's very pretty. Must be a Piedmont hooker.

    Seriously, these women work in radio. Radio. It's a voice, not on camera. Why not be comfortable if you can. I work construction and we can not be comfortable due to safety restrictions. Grow up, this is 2020.

  6. I like your comments about Niki, at least you admit there is room for improvement, I agree, instead of just being totally negative. Don't know if you listened to Mark Thompson lately, but he certainly has improved since he started. He still does pretty much the same show, some politics, some interviews, some pop culture. Both Niki and Mark came from show with co-host, I would imagined that is kind of a security blanket, and it takes awhile to learn to fly alone. I wish Niki luck, it is nice to have a woman host in a venue dominated by males, but being female, does not cut it, so I hope she will continue to evolve.

  7. I like when Gasia giggles, then her (.Y.) jiggle!!!

  8. From your mouth to God's ear concerning Bruce; they ought to show Kolsky the door too. Feel badly for Ratto having to put up with those two. Love the B.S.+ G show on mid-afternoon.

    1. Ratto is terrible. Please stop.

      Bruce is average and Kolsky is poorly cast.

  9. Channel 7 has really become almost unwatchable in the past year. It began with this whole "Building a Better Bay Area" B.S. What consultant recommended that nonsense? What a joke. Completely insincere and most of the time a reach trying to make it relevant. Leads to a bunch of who cares and made up drama stories. Agree 100% that Kate Larsen is unwatchable. She looks ridiculous wearing a mask during her standup as if she's on the front lines battling the virus. Usually her standups and bridges are in some generic location, no place close to the virus and making the mask completely unnecessary. Talk about trying to look self-important. Check the ego at the door and just tell the story.

  10. PCon in South CityApril 16, 2020 at 9:47 PM

    Hey @Neal your dead wrong. DBruce sucks and should be sent packing back to ChiTown tomorrow! Kolsky all day! Come with the knuckles!

    1. PCON,
      There are things I don't like about Bruce, he is arrogant, he just goes on and on about his hatred towards Levi's stadium, tired about hey I am a Dad thing, nice but say it once, don't like the Lowell Cohn imitation as I am a fan of Lowell's, when he signed his contract two years ago, he kept on talking about as he is so happy to be here blah blah blah. I do think he respects and has patience with Ratto, as Ratto disagrees with everything he says. As far as Kolsky, he is a bore, just knows sports like a common fan, nothing more, not a fan of his voice or what comes out of it. That being said I have not listen to the Radio since the Shelter in Place

  11. Here are just a few of the many synonyms for "abomination" that are readily available and free to use -- start by trying one a day, you might like it (I'm sure the readers would!):


  12. Two questions: Why do women in media intimidate you so much and how fast would you change your stance on Damon, as you've done in the past, if he called you?

    1. hahahaa. i can't believe he even posted this knowing how thin skinned he is. congratulations rich. you must be running out of posts to censor!

  13. BTW, all the women dress sexy where it's warmer, not just the news ladies. Like Florida and LA and SD.

  14. Agree with him or not, Bruce has the most entertaining sport talk show in the Bay Area. (used to say the same about Barbieri).

  15. Seems like wishful thinking more than substance. Similar to past predictions of Jon Miller's leaving the Giants.

  16. Oh cool another sexist post from a guy who never gets laid. Awesome dude!
