Sunday, April 19, 2020

Rating the KGO Radio Hosts on Coronavirus Programs

Extreme Makeover, KGO Edition – RAMP – Radio and Music Pros
Left to right: Mark Thompson, Pat Thurston and John Rothmann

* Mark Thompson: Thompson has improved. Moreover, his show has improved but unfortunately, Thompson still suffers from excessive giddiness. He doesn't know when to shut up; he still thinks that his voice is what drives the show. it doesn't. Thompson has this disturbing habit of over-modulating --as if by doing that no matter how impish the subject, he'll make waves because of his baritone voice/ Again, NOT THE CASE. Instead of just talking to the audience, Thompson continues to shout and talk to his listeners as if he were a game-show host. Not only is that not good radio, it's disheartening to the listeners. Seriously, I want to like Thompson. He's got some talent, but he tries way too hard to compensate for a lack of vision. Wisdom too. If he can practice more self control, than maybe his show will get better but don't hold your breath.  GRADE: C-

*Pat Thurston: Thurston, long ago, was not one of my favorite KGO talkers; in fact, I immediately turned the channel and listened to anyone but Pat. Times have changed and changed dramatically. Thurston is appointment radio now. Her style and technique is second to none. She handles calls and subject matter with genuine fluidity as if playing a concert violin --it's usually a masterpiece. Thurston has also become a fantastic interviewer; it started with her gonzo performances during the wildfires that hit our state the past few years. Thurston's creative and combative efforts to put PG&E on notice were almost newspaper-like attention and much-needed public advocacy. The same, spot-on watchdog activism has been the same quality with pols Trump, Newsom, and Breed. KGO's BEST host has been killing it since day one. GRADE: A

Nikki_Medoro_KFBK_picnik | Banana Moments Foundation
Nikki Medoro
*John Rothmann is still the supreme talk host in addition to a virtual professor of sorts when it comes to pandemic coverage, with a major blemish: his insistency to allow some of the most inane caller rubbish on KGO's public airwaves. Rothmann is his own worst enemy: it's one thing to remain sane and tolerant when it comes to caller stupidity. It's another to allow such frivolity to have potent air, as Rothmann allows this to take place on a nightly basis. I will still listen to his 6-9 PM show but he has to become a better editor. GRADE: B

*Nikki Medoro: I have railed on and on and on...about how lousy her show is. She was given the keys to the kingdom for morning drive radio --Medoro could have swatted a huge home run when she debuted in early March, right when the virus was taking hold of the state and Bay Area--she failed miserably. Her pedantic ways; her lecturing us like a kindergarten teacher talking to her students; the constant references about her kids and family, were much too much for me. Unfortunately for Medoro, I wasn't alone. Nikki still has time to re-work her performance; the program is barely 6 weeks old, but her ego apparently is more important than results. GRADE: D-

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: KGO Radio Audio Carnage: Chip Franklin ...
Chip Franklin
*Chip Franklin: Franklin is still irritating to a degree. Big deal. So am I. Franklin was first at KGO to concentrate heavily on the Coronavirus --he was talking it in early January and interviewing guests. I remember. Yes, Chip has his faults, but I love the back and forths with callers and guests alike. His frequent interviews with Mark Fisher, the editor of the WASH POST, are both cool and entertaining. Franklin likes to talk, a lot. It's not the greatest show buy at times, damn close. GRADE A-

*Ronn Owens: Are you serious? C'mon now. GRADE: F


  1. Pretty spot on the ratings. I'd bump up John to an A- and Nikki to a D+, and bring Pat down to a B+. They need someone after John from 9p to 12a but money will be tight with lost advertisers and still stagnant ratings ( March the same as February with a 1.8 share).

    1. John is still my favorite, I would definitely give him an A or A+, Mark a C or C+, I agree with Rich he some unfavorable, but I like him, I like when he does the swam sweep, he sounds like a nice person, so I hope he continues to improve. I like Pat, not all of her shows, but I agree she is a good interviewer, so I guess it is a matter of preference. I would give her A or A-, I'm fine with the grade Chip got, he too has improved. Niki need to improve, I hope she will I will be generous and give her C- or D+. I guess I'm not as tough as Rich, and Ronn is on just a few minutes why bother to grade him at all.

  2. I noticed KSFO ratings were up last month thanks to A & G.

    1. Let's hear it for my Boys; A & G,
      still carpet bombing the Libs with the wisdom of humor.

    2. @557...KSFO went up a bit from 1.8 to 2.0. KGO the same, 1.8.KCBS was an insane 9.9, up from 8.7;KQED #2 at 8.1, up big from 6.6.

  3. I've heard many people refer to Rush Limbaugh as "El Rushbo".

    I've also heard many people refer to Chip Franklin as "El Assclown".

    1. I think Rush's fan calls him El Rushbo, he might even have used it himself. So it is more of a compliment. The term for Chip is not, however many of us like CHip.

  4. Nikki Medoro: "Her pedantic ways; her lecturing us like a kindergarten teacher talking to her kid students"

    How is this any different at all from that dumpster fire of a show she had with Charles "Chip" Franklin? She's a fucking moron. Her and Charles.

    1. Glad she is on where I can't listen to her. Chip is 1000% better without her. Hope he doesn't get a partner. He is a good solo.

  5. ran across yr Merc story on Pix hire of the cornstalk moron for weatherman. He's a gross insult to bay area intelligence & want grassroots campaign to get his inane dog showw off the air. Darren Peck is so much more informative & cogrnial. How do we reach Pix GM & news dir? The madness is abysmal.

  6. Pat Thurston is much better since she stopped personally doing those awful Online Trading Academy commercials.
    Thankfully the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued the company and stopped them from advertising like they had been doing, plus froze the company's assets so that customers could recover their tuition before the money was all gone. From the FTC's site as follows.
    --"The order temporarily freezes OTA’s assets and limits how much the individual defendants can spend, to preserve funds for potential redress to consumers."--
    One can only wonder how many naive KGO listeners were taken.

  7. Almost every host did the Online trading academy commercials, Armstrong and Getty did, and Tom Sullivan syndicated fairly right wing host on 1520 AM, Sacramento. I like Tom's show and listen often, more over I like Tom's personality, I was surprised hearing him doing that commercial, he has a background in investments, and as far as I can tell he does not need the money. His show is syndicated on numerous stations, and he use to have a TV show on Fox business channel.

  8. None of this is familiar. Oh, that's right I listen to Sirius radio.

  9. Rich reviewing radio hosts is like Milt Kahn reviewing sports anchors.

  10. John...The common thread in your grades is that outside of AM Drive, KGO has returned to delivering good talkradio, especially John Rothmann and Pat Thurston, who are reminiscent of the old great original KGO. I was expecting to at least see a deserved bump of this improvement in their on-air product, but they're flat 6+ with just a 1.8 share.
    Is it simply that the market is unaware that the station has somewhat refocused itself to providing good radio in some dayparts? John and Pat are excellent, and as you note, Chip Franklin in afternoon drive has stepped up his game as well during this crisis. Furthermore, having a live and local show in AM drive is a true commitment to this media market. For these and other reasons, I would think KGO would be seeing at least somewhat of a positive trend, rather than sitting flat, during this period in which quality and informative newstalk is what the listening audience is craving. Thoughts?

  11. KGO has been doing great, let's hope that translates into higher ratings. Chip is much better without Nikki. Mark Thompson has grown on me and I like him. Nikki might help the station with diversity but I don't know if she will be able to pull in the younger demographic that KGO needs.

  12. I like Pat Thurston. I enjoy listening to her. Love John Rothmann. Can't stand and will never listen to that whiny treating midori. I actually like Franklin now that he is alone. He isn't silly and unfunny. Mark Thompson - tired of the Mother Teresa thing. Also, too old to say girlfriend. Companion or partner is a better. Really like kgo from noon to 9.

  13. I have a much more simple broad brush review. Basically, I really like the whole lineup at KGO with one exception, John Batchelor (and John is actually a syndicated personality, not a KGO host).


    KGO was great until Lew Dickey ("Lewd and Icky") dropped it ego driven A-Bomb on the whole thing. Apparently has some sort of silly fantasy that Cumulus Communications of some sort of iconic powerhouse.


    Then somebody got a brain cell, and started to repopulate the Hiroshima like landscape thst Lewd & Icky had created with his A-Bomb strength stupidity.

    after many years of blowing off KGO I'm back.I was delighted to discover several months ago that the hosts were engaging and not can syndicated pap.

    I've got no significant problem with any of them (except John Bachelor, but he's syndicated).

    You're much more strict graderthan I am. I like Nikki medoro. She's be easy to listen to. I just like to listen to her talk.

    For me, Mark Thompson is a delightful surprise. I see him as being top caliber.

    Pat Thurston is just fine, really grown into her boots. No problems with Pat Thurston.

    Chip Franklin, again, like Mark Thompson, no problems. Total pro, offers great opinions, has a deep well of knowledge.

    John rothman is an honor to listen to. The dude is so knowledgeable about American political history. there is no one I would rather listen to during a major political event than John Rothman. And I like the way he that's the way that he lets those political wackadoodles talk, As he continually says, how are we going to know about them if he does not let make idiots (that's my word) of themselves?

    The one guy I have a little problem with his John Batchelor. I just don't think he's up to snuff. He's seems too credulous. There's a number of things where he's fallen in with, snd a few days later, you find out it was completely wrong.

    But, he's syndicated and not a KGO native. So he doesn't really count.
