Monday, April 20, 2020

415 Media Extra Monday; KNBR/Cumulus Asks Hosts to take 15-20 Percent Pay Cuts; Murphy/Mac Neutralized; Tolbert Miffed; Baer/Giants Tension; PD Crowe Mighty Target; Stress Level is High at The 'Sports Leader'

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Larry Baer, The Giants, SF Power ...

KNBR HOSTS MAKING THE BIG BUCKS: The Brian Murphys; the Paulie Macs; the Tom Tolberts and John Lunds; all of whom make more than $200K (and even more) have been asked by Cumulus, which owns KNBR, to take 15 percent salary cuts. For a guy like Murphy, who was pulling in around $300K a year, that's significant. Tom Tolbert too, (who is the highest paid Knibber host at nearly $400K a year)

The salary cuts mandate are just part of the story here; as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic affecting all radio, TV and newspaper budgets, advertising at KNBR is down a whopping 60to 70 % and with no viable end in sight, the usual fluid revenue stream at KNBR has left the station in financial purgatory. Furloughs are on the horizon too with most of KNBR's hosts working mandatory shifts --like three weeks and then suddenly disappearing off the air because of economic reality --there's simply NO MORE MONEY on the docket.

The quagmire has left both KNBR and Cumulus in a very difficult dilemma with its main cash cow, the SF Giants --no baseball on the horizon and no baseball to promote unless you consider pie-in-sky trial balloons, is a difficult challenge for all parties involved.

It's all about the money, of course it is. KNBR can't lick its main client's boot straps all the time. It has to improvise because for the time being, there's literally nothing on the docket to promote nor highlight. It could all crash soon too because so many dollars, so many egos, so many gigantic personal and business matters are at stake too. Ego and finances make for unflattering encounters, like I discovered recently.

Murphy and Mac, who are so ingrained and integrated in the Giants' hierarchy, had to cancel a Giants' PR event (for season ticket holders) for an on-line chat about the upcoming season (if there is one); seems the duo thought their PR pedigree would make the event a sellout even if baseball was in such a precarious situation. Guess what? Nobody was interested. ZERO. There was no event. Everyone was stymied but that's the state of business now; more importantly, the morning show got first-hand evidence of their current worth.

Same goes in the midday and afternoon time slot where Giants-related news and activity has been altered --much to the chagrin of all involved--simply because there is NO viable news to talk about or even comprehend. Team CEO and front man, Larry Baer, is in an unenviable position: who can I not crush? Truth is, the normally mass influential Baer is powerless here because his main PR engine, KNBR, is floating in the wind. Baer can only manage the tentacles so much but the octopus is on life support.

KNBR PD, Jerimiah Crowe, even in good times, is supposed to be a "major pain in the ass" to deal with; several of KNBR's air and non-air talents have privately told me dealing with Crowe is a  tough road. "He has no people skills", said one person in particular who asked me not to name his/her ID.

Giants KNBR Auction: 1st Class Ballpark Experience - Gotham Club ...Crowe himself will take a pay cut, because, well, he has to. His relationship with other major Cumulus suits is neutral at best. One big exec who has a major, local influence at the SF cluster, has TOTAL DISDAIN for Crowe, so much so that there's a massive friction when the two see face to face.

Meanwhile, the usually rosy atmosphere at the broadcast center is zombie-like now. The hosts are at home broadcasting from a distance due to virus-related caution. That's probably good for the major reason --it allows them not to have to look at Crowe and vice-versa and given the pay-cut and mandatory furloughs, tension is high for everyone involved.

Murphy's total, "KISS ASS" rep (to management)is a continued talking point among rank and file. In spite of the fractured atmosphere, 'Murph tries his best to curry favor with Baer and other higher-ups within the Giants and Cumulus organization. I guess living in Marin is an expensive proposition, you have to pay the bills.

We're entering a significant period now as the "Sports Leader" will be tested with all the current state-of-affairs; the virus isn't going away anytime soon; the normally potent Giants-KNBR alliance, even if the team is lousy, plays such a vital force together--when there's this much commotion and fracture within, and boy is there ever, it'll be quite a show to see who emerges as the victor. Right now, that's a difficult proposition to decipher.


Signs You Need To Relax: Do These Things Happen To You When Stress ...


  1. I read the entire article and came away feeling like I didn't really learn anything new.

    So is anyone going to be let go?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. While it's not good karma to wish someone to lose their job, I wouldn't feel the least bit sad for these fellas

  2. Always liked Tolbert. Murph is a total shill and well-described
    kiss ass. Paulie Mac is talentless. Fail to see how he lasts at KNBR. Never had much respect for Baer. We all have beefs with our wives, but when you knock a woman to the ground and then walk away, you have descended to the the depths of your toilet.

    1. The worst part about Murph & Mac is how close they are in longevity to Dill & Cleary, and even though the latter duo had its critics during their KNBR glory years, at least they were respected some. Can't say that about the current pair.

  3. If I were Cumulus, I would have KNBR scrap most of the local shows, Tolbert excepted because of his local pull. Go to national syndication, CBS/ESPN etc. When things settle, rehire some at a much lower rate or find new talent. Clean slate. Start with Lund and Willard, and maybe morning crew. Keep Tolbert and possibly Papa at a discount. Now is the perfect time.

    1. A good idea.
      I think Cumulus already has this in mind as it makes the most economical sense right now.
      Keep Tom Tolbert and run Tiki & Tierney

    2. Dear gawd no. National sports talk is painfully dreadful to listen to. I'd much rather have local broadcasts, even if the particular hosts aren't at the top of my list, than some guy in New York talking 80% of the time about New York sports.

    3. GregB: National sports talk...painfully dreadful??? What the hell are you talking about?? It's ALL I've been listening to for five-years now...having fled from the "painfully dreadful" KNBR and The Game. All you get from these two local-yokels is Giants....blah, blah...Giants....blah, blah...Steph Curry, blah, blah. At least with "big boy" national shows, they talk about the other teams across the nation--with nationwide guests/athletes to boot.

    4. I agree with 5:38. I listen to KNBR year-round. When they go national on the weekend its nothing but bullshit about the Patriots from that Boston guy or NY and Lebron from everyone else. Nobody outside of those areas gives 2 shits about those teams and players. Greg saying it's painfully dreadful is an understatement.

    5. 7:41: I suppose just depends on your interests. I'm more interested in the local teams than I am the national perspective. For some, I'm sure the national stuff is great, just for me, I'd find something else to listen to most of the time.

  4. Hi Rich: Rod Brooks first started working in the Bay Area at the Old Ticket 1050 way back in August 1997 becoming the 1st Black Regular Bay Area Sports Talk Show Host. After co-hosting the Ticket 1050 3- 7 pm shift with that Schmuck Paulie Mac Brooks he then transferred to KNBR 680 to Co-Host the morning show with Gary Radnich. I distinctly remember listening to both on Sept 11 2001 right after the World Trade Center was hit. Both guys did a good job in immediately steering away from sports while calmly but somberly discussing this horrible attack on the USA. Brooks then for many years co-hosted the KNBR early afternoon show with Bob Fitzgerald until "Rudy" was let go in 2019. Now Brooks is paired with Tolbert & Krueger. This coming August 2020 will mark 23 YEARS that Incredibly Rod Brooks has been on Bay Area Radio!! And Rod Brooks is still Incredulously Not Making over $200K per year? By working for Cheap is that the main reason why a Mediocre talent like Brooks has been able to survive for this long on Bay Sports Talk Radio or is it solely because of his Race? Rich: Keep Up Your Great Work--I absolutely Love Your Blog! Cary SF

    1. Yes and mediocre is a compliment, I will stay out of the race card, another guy who knows less then the listeners along with John Lund.

    2. You left out Rods run as co-host of the mid day show with Rick Barry on KNBR for a number of years.

  5. Can we get Murph and Mac's salary cut 100% permanently?

  6. Rich will you take a pay cut? I figure your pulling in about $ 500k a year, 20% ok?

  7. Funny, while reading this posting I realized I haven't listened to KNBR in months. Literally months. I can't imagine what they're talking about right now other than the Niners draft. I'm almost tempted to go there now and see. I agree with above, sounds like they aren't going to have much choice other than switch to nationwide syndicated shows. And what the heck do THEY have to talk about??

  8. Murph and Mac's online chat got zero interest.
    A very telling point.
    But also funnier as hell. They had a reality check.
    Those two guys should devote more time to schmoozing Larry Baer.

    1. I'm sure Murph is doing more than schmoozing

  9. Tried listening to KNBR yesterday several times. Each time I heard a Giant's broadcast of some game. Why would anyone want to listen to last year's games? Good grief.

    1. Same here. Haven't listened in months. That show is terrible.
      The only bright side was not catching one of those godawful parody songs that only they seem to enjoy.

  10. If Tolbert cut back on his gambling he could easily handle a 15% cut.

  11. The more important question is why in the world would you pay these guys so much money to begin with?? Murph and Mac are a couple of clowns and Tom needs speech therapy bad and is very immature. And poor Lund, were to begin.

  12. I think KNBR does an outstanding job of pretending people still care about baseball.

  13. I stopped listening to KNBR over 5 years ago and don't miss it a bit.

  14. Murph and Mac are terrible and should be dumped immediately. I tried listening to them a few times many years ago, and now I am at the point where I change the channel even when I hear their voice for ads. KNBR could be so much better than it is, but without baseball to keep the listeners coming in, you see how exposed some of these clowns are.
