Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Michelle Griego at 'PIX Wants Everyone To Know She Still Ain't Taking Any Shit But It's Complicated

KPIX ' A DAY IN THE LIFE': Morning Anchor Michelle Griego - YouTube


She is, from a morning person at KPIX, "out of control." Not as in physically out of control, obviously, more like working overtime to maintain her authoritative manipulation over the CBS-SF staff in the AM. I have it from a station spy that her reign of force involves everyone from the bottom to the top. How is Michelle Griego able to conquer? What is her end game? Just exactly what are her motives? For god's sake, I have no clue.

She is supposedly a real nice woman. I respect the fact morning TV News is a tough business, here, anywhere for that matter. Griego feels compelled to show everyone at 855 Battery that, "Hey, DO NOT MESS WITH ME!" She seems adamant. My spy says people are "real, damn nervous."

Divas never disappoint.

Michelle Griego (@MichelleKPIX) 's Twitter Profile • TwiCopyI have mixed feelings. Those of you regulars know I've often ripped Countess Griego and chided her for being such a yenta. She has broad appeal, from women professionals to truck drivers in Aptos.. I can understand her desire to dig in and not take shit from assholes like the guy who likes to poke at people in the PIX lunch room. But he's small potatoes. Griego knew the drill when she got into this position, she knows better. It's one thing to show force, it's another thing to act contemptable on a daily basis. C'mon, girlfriend!

Quit the Imelda Marcos routine. Stop throwing everyone under the bus. Be nice. Grab some doughnuts from Safeway and feed the cameramen. Griego, it's not that difficult, plus, you'll show your girth and it won't register down on more important things.

On the plus side, your new shoes?  Quite lovely.


  1. Rich L. You've got one KPIX spy who doesn't think Michelle G. is the best at being a people-person at work. I don't care. Michelle G. is pleasant to see & hear (if I'm ever awake from 0400-0700 to even see her).

    When I am watching the news in that time slot and I'm in the Bay Area, I'm constantly switching between KTVU, KNTV, KRON, KPIX, & KGO trying to find any relevant-to-me news as there are so many commercials. I do understand commercials are a necessity and I'm glad to see the stations getting revenue. Otherwise, I switch to news on a cable channel or the AM radio.

    As I type this, I'm trying KGO 810 and trying out the Nikki M. show; but so far, not liking it. It's 10 a.m. now, and see I've merely caught the end of her radio broadcast with a whole lot of commercials, Mark T.'s voice was obnoxious-to-me, and now ABC national radio news. I'll switch over to 560 a.m. now; oops, just in time for more commercials; radio & tv now off.

  2. Please tell me more about Ms. Griego's "girth". She doesn't look zaftig to me.

    1. There is a reason why she does not do stand up shots. its between the waist and the knees... wide load

    2. No, she's just a little short but not fat

  3. Who? The majority of the Bay Area doesn't even know who that chick is.

    1. Half the talent of Anne Mackovec. And half the looks. Twice the age, though.

    2. Mackovec talented? When did that miracle occur?

  4. Michelle, I know you're readings this....so Chill out and be a good colleague.

  5. Griego's "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'..." shot, in the upper photo.
