Monday, April 6, 2020

Orlando Anchor, Len Kiese, Comes to PIX To Do Weekday, Noon Gig

Len Kiese WFTV (@LenKieseTV) | Twitter
Orlando to SF at KPIX: Len Kiese on his way to the 415

I TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS move back in January --didn't now a name, but now I do.

Len Kiese is coming to KPIX to do weekday morning and noon anchoring.

Kiese is supposedly a good guy; he'll do what Kenny Choi  was doing but Choi wants to report from the field and temporarily 86 anchoring.

He'll get his wish.

Kiese hails from Orlando's WFTV.


  1. At least its not another "recent US citizen".

    1. The pandering got us to where we are today.

  2. @10:48 AM Oh look, another "ignorant US citizen."

    1. Please don't cough in my vicinity. K? Thanks.

  3. "...Choi wants to report from the field..." That's one way to keep his distance from Griego.

    Hey, I haven't seen Veronica Diva La Cruz on-air lately. Is she on another hiatus?

    1. I was just recently wondering about V. De La Cruz, too.

      Not KPIX, but I did see Darya Folsom anchoring on the weekend; R. Winston anchoring the entire morning, today (Monday) and wonder if that'll be permanent or only for these Covid19 times.

      There sure is a lot of news lately and the anchors and scheduling is all mixed up it seems.

      Stay well, everyone.

    2. Who can blame Choi for wanting away from Greigo? So this new guy is the new reason KPIX is dead last in the mornings now?

      VDLC seems to have not working built into her contract. I think she only has to work 3 yrs of her 5 yr deal.

    3. Further on V. De La Cruz from my understanding from my memory/understanding/internet. I can suspect she may have taken time off for some possible reasons:
      -juvenile age son with a broken arm (possible FMLA leave);
      -single mother of son, now with social distancing involved, even from earlier/usual caretakers;
      -any personal HIPAA issues we may never know or need-to-know;
      -probably making good enough money to afford taking even LWOP (leave without pay) if necessary;
      KPIX seems to have staffed well to fill in anchoring duties on channels 5 and 44, but hopefully she hears people are missing VDLC.

  4. Ya' know Rich, there is a such thing as chemistry, such as what there was with Sydnie Kohara and John Kessler, back when the KPIX morning show was great. I don't know, and it is just an impulse judgement, but I don't see this guy as having any more chemistry with Griego than Choi. Who the heck is running KPIX anyway????

    1. Change the weather anchor, change the Traffic, change the male anchor, change the EP.... maybe there is one more change that should be tried?

  5. Only this BIG MACHO anchor can treat a shorty Michelle teaching her not to back stab their co anchors like Frank and Kenny and respect other anchors. I bet Kenny got demoted because of Michelle.

    As for VDLC, let her go KPIX. Everyone has their own children and babysitting issues but what give her the rights not to expose herself anchoring on camera like all other anchors.

    1. Cook just had a baby. Would not the baby be more at risk then VDLC's older kid?

    2. VDLC never can manage her child vs work. She never comes in on the weekend or breaking news and Liz does all the extra hard work. She must have serious connection or else, what station would hired a reporter coming in when they felt like it and not showing up with tons of excuses. The Covid-19 is serious news and all Bay Area reporter are showing up on camera showing their honest support as a reporter and to the community

  6. Hmmmm... Frank and Michelle, Frank is booted. Kenny and Michelle, Kenny gets kicked to the street. Now it's gonna be Len and Michelle. Can anyone else guess what's gonna happen?

  7. Len K. please consider getting rid of that Fu Man Chu beard.
    Either grow it out, or just keep the stache.
    Right now, it looks to be drawn on with a Magic Marker.
    I'm trying to help you.

  8. The VDLC absence must be more personal than usual. Haven't read anything here on Rich's blog or from the Trib's Chuck Barney. Until the pandemic is contained, we will never know if or when PIX will escape their molasses mess in middle management.
