Monday, April 6, 2020

Greg Papa on KNBR Just Said Andy Dolich Looks Exactly Like Dr. Tony Fauci

Andy Dolich — Accelerate Sports LLC
Andy Dolich
 GREG PAPA just said the Bay Area sports exec, Andy Dolich ,  whose resume includes the 49ers, Warriors, Oakland A's "looks just like the current USA medical darling, Dr. Anthony Fauci

I normally would agree with Pop but here? I dunno.

You be the judge.

Dr. Anthony Fauci on how Americans can reduce the coronavirus ...
Dr. Fauci


  1. I don't know, maybe the second cousin twice removed. Actually other then the gray hair and both being male. I don't see it,

  2. Replies
    1. I second 11:07, only with a capital U. No wonder Niner Faithful are holding their noses and choosing Joe Buck or Chris Myers or any other FOX PBP over Papa, never mind the constant ignorance toward Santa Clara & San Jose.

  3. That's not Andy Dolich, that's Capt. Sully, the pilot who landed the plane in the water in New York.

  4. This one's a little more accurate: Papa looks just like a communal douche at a Mexican donkey show.

  5. Greg Poopa -- the ultimate kiss ass. Wonder why he's trying to cover his ass right now? Disgusting. This comes out of the Bob "Rudy Rudy Poohay" Fitzgerald playbook.

  6. This is why I don't trust people to pick the correct perpetrators out of police lineups.

  7. Greg needs the doctor's glasses!!!

  8. 1205 This crack might get you a Cease-and-Desist letter from the Mexican Donkey Show AND Communal Douche Anti-Defamation Leagues for suggesting they might have anything to do with Mr TOUCHDOWNNNNNNNN...SAN-FRAN-CISCO!
