Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday News Blues

Beat the Monday blues | News | Des Moines UniversityMONDAY --feels like every other day.

*If you feel lousy, it can't be any lousier than some of the furloughed KGO talk hots; they're pretty pissed off now having to work three weeks and then, take a week off.

They're not so much mad at Cumulus just upset that this virus quagmire comes at a time when KGO was beginning to build some momentum --no, ratings weren't spectacular but much better than previous books.

An irony: the virus being the virus and everyone home, many SIP (sheltered in place) folks are listening to news and KGO has been A-solid on this story from day one.

*I'm spontaneous and unpredictable. I didn't have a lot of choices so I took to the radio Thursday night, and, yes, listened to KNBR for its NFL Draft coverage. I was blind-sided how good it
was and thought it was entertaining and solid. So I plugged its decency and get barraged by people half-joking (and otherwise) that I must have took money from Greg Papa. That would be a decisive "no"--yeah, bad me, I RIP people one day and compliment the next day. I'm fair. I'm also quick to highlight good work. Even people that despise me. Go figure.

*Love the people who write me and lecture about my want to ask for donations and support. It's called  just making a few bucks to live. This takes time and money. I'm not saying this is the NY Times --never have. I'm not going to berate you every day like RSN or KQED; they still have MILLIONS while I'm just trying to pay for meds and a bowl of cereal. So, fine, you want to rip me, go ahead, make my day.

*For over 10 years I've ripped Cumulus. For good reason(s) --how can I rip them now? Their advertising has gone to mush and they're operating on a shoestring budget. There's hardly any million-dollar parachutes (the Dickey brothers are gone) so I can reset and see the damage. I'm not gonna celebrate, just reflect.

*The new KCBS: giggling Stan Bunger and sports maven, Steve Bitker, the new Laurel and Hardy.

*Armstrong and Getty: I'm the only outfit that exposed these frauds. They are angry, misplaced, unfunny, egotistical white men on a radio show better suited for Barstow --what schmucks.

*Another A&G trademark: when you berate other talk-show hosts on another talk station and when you do so with a woman, it reaffirms just how truly AWFUL you are and will always  be, jerks.

*Marty Lurie: radio chicken soup.

*I'm soon going to write about the 49ers' broadcasting wiz, Bob, "Sarge", Sargent, a terrific man who should get plaudits. He will.

*Ted Robinson and Randy Hahn: instinctively complete and professional.

*Joe Staley should be interviewing at Fox TV Sports any day now.

*The most powerful voice at KGO: Pat Thurston. Pulls in women (25-54); has mass appeal. Does one helluva job interviewing. And scores well across the board with Big-name guests. Thurston stock getting higher and higher.

Herb Caen in 50 Quotes | Tony Quarrington
Herb Caen with a Vitamin V (vodka) special martini
*Herb Caen writing about Coronavirus. If he's out there, Herbie, the kid from Sacramenna --miss you.


  1. On A&G, I agree with you, Rich. I tried to overlook all their crappy toilet humor, body fluids,and lame jokes that only they laugh at, and gave up on these obnoxious clowns.

    I know you will not agree when I say I Liked the classy Kenny Choi on the morning news, and am dumbfounded at his replacement. From Chicago? Does the station manager come from there? They lost a great weather person, Paul. This new guy this have is out of his element, very weak. The one they have on the weekend is a lot more likable and better, and I thought HE was the new one.

    Do a bunch of idiots run KPIX? I hope you will give us your take on Choi and his replacement. I find ample pleasure at KTVU, for the most part.


  2. What the hell is with your obsession with Pat T (Trump hare 24/7/365)? She almost makes me want to listen to Christine Craft and look at her too. Mind you Craft is hard on the ears and eyes.

    1. dear 12:15....I'm not only cute as hell, but when you do radio, there is no camera, because it's radio. I haven't worked at KGO radio for nearly half a decade. Why are you still talking about me?

    2. "Why are you still talking about me?"

      Perhaps it's his obsession with Christine C.

    3. For 12:15, the operative words are "hard on", not the before and after words.
      Christine, for whatever reason, Rich doesn't answer my questions about Bernie Ward; do you know what he's up to these days, and if there's any plan to return to radio?

    4. Bernie, some say he was set up. Read the transcript in what he says via IM. He claims it was for research! What he said, for no amount of money (or research) would I ever do. Read it. But make sure your dinner is settled first.

    5. Is hell a cute thing??

    6. I wonder what Heather Holmes would look like naked.

      For research of course.

    7. Oh please. Hypocrites at KGO.

  3. I turned on KGO last Friday at 9 PM expecting to hear John Batchelor (one of my favorites) and was unhappy to discover that the Ronn Owens Report was on. Since I've never heard it I figured I'd listen for a minute or so before turning it off.

    As somebody who listened to Ronn for decades, but ending at least a decade ago, I was shocked how bad his voice sounded. But I must say, he did a really good interview with Phil Bronstein.

  4. "KGO was beginning to build some momentum"

    Please. There is no there there.

    Furloughing Charles Franklin is actually am improvement.

  5. - I wonder how many 49er Faithful - even with the team's seventh Super Bowl appearance, although second loss - are still ticked at Sargent for shoving out Robinson in favor of Papa, especially those still with deep hatred for Sin City's newest Major Sports Franchise. RL may like Sarge; not convinced it's the same feeling in the Silicon Valley. BTW, Niners remained Stanford smart in the draft as in the eyes of more well-respected broadcasters, John Lynch earned a Masters this past weekend. Only the Vikings & Cowboys among their biggest NFC threats did better.
    - A&G's foul act should be further exposed nationally. Of course, they are not the only ones impeding national health care worker efforts with their discouraging rhetoric.
    - I too miss Herb Caen terribly.
    - From a local standpoint, the ESPN documentary The Last Dance remains a fascinating contrast between 1990s Chicago and 2010s Oakland/2020s San Francisco. The late Bulls GM Jerry Krause did nearly everything the opposite of what today's Warriors GM Bob Myers does. The comparison from a Steve Kerr standpoint is night & day. Though 1990s Chicago media, warts and all, very much dwarfs today's Bay Area media.

  6. Pat Thurston pulls in white women from the white liberal enclaves in San Francisco.
    We all know where these neighborhoods are located.

    1. In the words of a great man from KRON, they've got 2 fingers in the air, now give them something to smoke!

  7. Good for A & G, sticking up for themselves when KGO routinely would cut away from their show on 'breaking news' right when the show would expose Democrat hypocrisy through the impeachment.

    The 'breaking news' was just an excuse, it was so ideologically obvious.

    And, Hey guys, there's a famine coming down the pike if this economy does not get back up and soon. Those with eyes can see that now, but you have to look.

    At the very least, recognize the paradox of this scenario regarding the virus and Rich, do yourself a favor and stop being such a bigot towards 'fly over' and/or country folks. They feed us and what the vitals show now aint good man.

  8. Since there are no sports there should be no sports radio or sportscasters on television. I am sick to death of anchors talking about how much they miss their colleagues. These people are all egomaniacal and hate each other.
    Gasia did her usual poor job cutting her own hair. Too bad she didn’t work on her proud Armenian mustache.
    Hopefully Madam Mayor will be able to skim enough to get that car fixed and pay back $5700 she still owes her boo thang. Maybe even get down to Ross Dress For Less and pick up some new polyester pants suits.

  9. Why do we still have traffic reporters? I can’t believe that horrible little dweeb Sal Castanado is still on every day. That little prick must be working for nothing. He and Sad Sack Steve have a real “Bert and Ernie” situation going on and it ain’t pretty.

  10. Hey Rich, Your hateful and intolerant comments regarding A&G remind me again of why I don't send you money anymore. Thanks!

    1. @708..You actually like A&G? ... Wow, you got low standards and must be one of Trump's cult followers. These two hacks have less personality than a Fresno Dennys. Cackling over their lame jokes. Pathetic. Btw, how come they don't take any calls? Afraid of being called out on their bullshit?

    2. Hi 1:09.....blowing kisses at you :-), your special
