Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Apparently Pam Moore at KRON is Not So Eternal

KRON 4's Pam Moore | Jose, Bridesmaid dresses, Francisco
Pam Moore

I WROTE, not so long ago, that Bay Area veteran anchor, Pam Moore, was content to end her career at woebegone KRON.

Not so fast.

Moore may have been happy to stay at one time; she's now open to moving; but why would she do so now in this crazy, pandemic world. You would think she'd wait for more settling times.

You would think wrong.

Moore has an innate ability to compartmentalize. Her look may be her own way to say everything is OK and it probably is but riding the waves at the local albatross is a tough deed.

I'm surprised she's stayed as long as she has. She could make near or more at a competing station. And yes, she's got plenty of options.

Moore is still quite rock solid. She's also got a name and news acumen. And yes, she's still got plenty of glamour left.

I'll be watching and exploring.



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  1. > And yes, she's still got plenty of glamour left.

    You need to upgrade to a high-def TV...

    1. Oh, God, that made me spit coke out my nose

      She looks like an Italian scrub woman

    2. I believe he meant "glamour" aa in a person having an attractive or appealing quality about them. A quality that is not measured in pixels. If Pam does leave KRON how about Noelle Bellow for her replacement? Your high-def pixels will love her.

  2. Pam is a very good anchor, but she is no longer a spring chicken, and she works in a visual medium that's unapologetically youth-oriented. As good as she is, I don't see where she's going to have "plenty of options," especially after having complacently sat in the KRON4 anchor chair for all these "albatross" years. Maybe 15 years ago, not so much anymore, methinks.

  3. I think he meant glamour as in someone being fascinating, alluring or charming which has nothing to do with the number of pixels on your screen. Read a book next time. IF Ms. Moore does go they should replace her with Noelle Bellow. She would be perfect for your high-def TV.

  4. Will she replace the MIA Veronica De La Cruz. Is that an option you're thinning about?


  5. As much as I admire and like Pam (I watch from Southern California), I wonder if Pam is up for contract renewal and is saying she will jump ship as a way to get more leverage..aka $$$ out of Nexstar.

  6. Here is information on Pam Moore....apparently, she never got married. And it has her "approximate" age...


    1. Great source.,! It says she,'s 6-foot-5.

  7. > she is no longer a spring chicken

    She's not even an archaeopteryx.

  8. I don't know why anybody stays at KRON. I'd go anywhere else, even public access news.

  9. Rich, I was going to donate right up until you threatened to call me if I did.

  10. I saw Pam Moore at Whole Foods about three months ago, the woman is absolutely radiant in person.

  11. I know this is a year later, but anyone know what happened to Pam? it's been about 3 weeks and KRON socials or news cycles haven't mentioned a thing. It's been about 3 weeks maybe since I've seen her.
