Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Ask Rich Lieberman

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING YOUR TV/RADIO/INTERNET know the drill. Name and city/town, please, always gets to the front of the heap


  1. It's getting more painful to follow local media. How do you think the business will be after this pandemic?

    1. Worse than it is now if that's possible --other markets share the same fate. This will kill newspapers at the very least.

  2. Darya had cleavage on full display this morning. Based on the spacing those things look fake. Tacky?

    1. She gets by on ass.

    2. A large part of a woman's beauty is her sexuality. I love the women who have the guts to add some 'sexcitment' to the work they do, be it subtle or not so subtle. They are extra special and a pleasure to watch.

      The Women Are The News...Darya.

  3. A good old darkie in HaywardApril 29, 2020 at 11:31 AM

    You said that we would have furloughing and cutbacks on KNBR yet every show is exactly the same with every host present. What happened?

    1. The furloughs began on April 20...stay tuned. By the way, furloughs are voluntary --which means some hosts can work for free if they choose to.

  4. What is going on with VDLC? Have not seen her in at least a month.

    1. Every other day, she has issues, all I know. She needs a long-term vacation.

    2. At least they don't say she's "on assignment". Has anybody missed her?

    3. she is currently in negations with Maury for a new show called.... "Quest a for Daddy!"

  5. I'm starting a collection to get Julie Haener a cable internet connection. Want to contribute?

    1. Yeah, so as long as KTVU can take a hold check.

    2. I think she needs money for a new wardrobe too. Half her blouses were fashionable on TV in 1985. And you can't say they're paying her for her brains and not her looks, because when she has to ad lib it's clear there's nothing there past the capped teeth.

  6. Rich, stop publishing these posts with these racist names. "Good old darkie" and the other stuff this person posts under is not cool. I expect more of you.

    1. So do I although like you Anthony, I don't go for the politically correct crowd, but I'll be more careful.

    2. Bea NĂ©rr in NapaApril 29, 2020 at 1:07 PM

      Totally. I agree. I hate that racist stuff but love this blog.

    3. John Gullbunny lurking in Hunters PointApril 29, 2020 at 1:48 PM

      For me racism lurks all around us, both online and in the real world. I see it every day so I understand Rich's perspective too.

    4. BTW by name is not based on race its a cigarette.

    5. Wow, that shows you how much I even notice the names. I didn't even notice Christine Craft on here till about six months ago. I remember my dad talking about her in the 70s.

    6. Ah...the seventies! I lived in Carmel and started in TV at KSBW, then KPIX( on Van Ness), then CBS Sports, then back home to Santa Barbara to KEYT, high atop TV hill, overlooking Leadbetter Point, a great wave indicator for Rincon, my favorite spot ever. Everybody who worked there surfed. So when we'd finish the 11 o'clock news, we'd check out the swell for the next morning's potential romp with the innermost limits of pure fun. It rarely disappointed.

    7. Give my regards to good old King Harris.

    8. 2 piece or 1 piece? Photographic evidence?

  7. Hi Rich-Steve from Martinez here- My question has to do with commercials. In our liberal area we see lots of national commercials featuring mixed race couples and same sex couples. In other parts of the country where this sort of behavior is not tolerated do they use a different set of ads?

    1. There are regional ads and national ads. So there's always ads that don't get play in a particular city/town. National plays, like the Super Bowl --their ads run everywhere, every platform. Thanks Steve.

    2. "where this sort of behavior is not tolerated" Gee, bummed out that you can't buy bleach to get your Klan robes nice and white?

    3. I always found it hypocritical with the one black one white commercials. It's like come on, 13% of the population and they get commercials and an entire all black hour of the Today show? Those commercials and that hour should be Latino. That's 35% of the country right there....triple the representation.

    4. Idiotic: a great % of the time on network shows, all white hosts all rhe time...why do you complain about all black hosts? what is your point?

  8. Rich, Where do our local TV stations find these so called "reporters"? I wonder how they survive with avg salaries of $60k/yr in Bay Area.
    -Jim R. (Marin)

    1. Ji, Sacramento and Fresno are popular locales --usually some of these "reporters" are in two-income families so that's how they survive. Even so it's a difficult proposition.

    2. > usually some of these "reporters" are
      > in two-income families

      And some, especially at KRON, are so young and green they still live with mommy and daddy. Or their buddies from college.

  9. After all this time, why hasn't Channel 7 learned how to broadcast the morning news from people's homes? Yesterday and this morning were so bad as to be almost unwatchable -- nobody seemed to know whose turn it was to talk or where to look or what to say -- lots of giggling and sighing and eye-rolling with long drawn out pauses that went nowhere. You'd think that 6 weeks' practice would lead to improvement, but they seem to be getting worse instead of better.

    Disgusted in SJ

    1. Hi "Disgusted", I heard from several people about what you observed, I'm going to have to ask around.

    2. I don't watch it live. Record it..... watch the weather and trash the rest.

    3. > After all this time, why hasn't Channel 7
      > learned how to broadcast the morning news
      > from people's homes?

      Because they broadcast the news from Sutro Tower.

  10. Have you seen the proposed Major League Baseball realignment? If so, what do you think? It has been rumored that the Commish, Rob Manfred, wants to permanently eliminate the two league format. Can you imagine MLB without the American and National Leagues?

    1. Maybe it's just me but right now, sports is on my back, back, back, burner. I'll comment in 2048.

    2. Yes I can because baseball has become so predictable the two leagues are more alike and there's also more interleague play. Get rid of the leagues and adopt the dh for all of MLB

    3. Get rid of the leagues AND eliminate the DH.

  11. Hi Rich,

    Do you have any idea what Rosie Allen and Greg Jarret are up to from KGO? Is Dr. Dean Edell still in the area?

    East Bay

    1. Hi.

      Rosie Allen is retired and living in Oakland. Greg Jarret works for Bloomberg --Dr. Edell is also retired living up north near the coast.

    2. Jarrett left FOX for Bloomberg? WOW! Didn't see that coming.

    3. There's 2 Greg Jarretts, one from FOX and one that used to work for KGO, no relation.

  12. I think a lot of the crappy video quality of these home-based liveshots are due to the louse "Best Buy" videocameras being used. In fact, video on many news stations nowadays are crappy compared to 20-years ago. I got out of the TV news biz 11-years ago (for the safety of a state PIO gig)...and am appalled at the small cameras used nowadays. Yeah...they may be 4K...but you can tell when a small camcorder is used to shoot stories when they appear on-air. The stories just seem lower-grade in quality. I'm not talking about the writing/reporting (that's a whole 'nother story)--I'm talking about the technical quality. They just seem washed out...not as "deep" or vibrant. I had to go to SF last week for a family matter--and saw a KPIX photog shooting something--and was pleasantly surprised to see that he had a good ol' shoulder-mounted Panasonic camcorder...with a REAL Fujinon lens! So I watched their news that evening--and their video just jumped out. I switched over to other channels...and while a lot of theirs also jumped out, I did notice some local stories that looked a lot less "vibrant." KRON in particular--(being a VJ station, I'm guessing they use those "toy" cameras).

    Back to my original point: I bet a lot of these home-based live hits are shot with $1,000 cameras...or probably even iPads or iPhones!

  13. How come Dan Ashley and Kristen Sze decline to work at home and still coming to work?
