Friday, April 3, 2020

A Few Personnel Notes; Bob Pryor OUT at KCBS Traffic; Tower of Power Salvation Needed and Met Amid Madness; KNBR Cuts Coming

Tower of Power: Back to Oakland - McGill Music Sax School


IN ADDITION TO technical cuts in personnel, KCBS, Enercom is redoing its traffic and sports coverage; Bruce Macgowan, Joe Salvatore, and the latest name, Bob Pryor have been let go; more layoffs and outright goodbyes to come. Traffic and sports on weekend the biggest turnover but weekday layoffs are coming fast and furious.

*I'm told Cumulus and KNBR/KGO are about to boot out "several, name hosts" because even in good times, they'd be history. Well now, in these times, management has an excuse.

*KTVU and KRON: several pink slips coming, both on and off camera.

*Those that make big money can expect "significant salary cuts" --guess who has big times leverage now? The suits do.

*KCBS, yes, Entercom, cut, cut, cut, but keep running those lengthy ads morning, noon and night while your workforce starves: classy.

*Several members of "Tower of Power" are playing a private gig --all social distancing intact--at a friend's outdoor deck in the Oakland Hills. A big bar of beer, vodka, and Remy Martin, will be provided to those who need adult beverages, like myself. Never ever has there been a better time for this "Back to Oakland" virus jamfest --Count me in.


  1. I don't give a shit about any of that crap! Can you make Oil Can Harry aka Gruesome to shut the fuck up and stop high jacking my mid day news. Asshole druggie adulterer!I didn't vote for the schmuck.

    1. Harry Reid has been out of office for years now.

      Oh wait, did you mean Chuck Schumer? Then yes, agreed.

  2. That Tower of Power jam sounds awesome. Take a picture!

    1. That must be a gigantic deck. MIT says 6' is way too little. Having a "gathering" of any kind is just stupid, even if Tower of Power is the entertainment.

  3. bye bye Lund! Back to 95.7. BJL to go next. Willard? His one year is up. At 95.7 maybe evening dummies. Bye Covay and Butchie!

    1. Yeah agree with 12:44pm.
      John Lund it was nice knowing you.
      Good bye phony conservative. Weak man.
      No conviction.

    2. Mark Willard has nothing to worry about.
      He will just do more kissing to the management of Twitter.
      Another weak man at KNBR.

  4. Start at KGO with Nikki Me-BORE-OH.
    Who cares about your husband. Who cares about your kids. Constant blather and fluff. Bret Burkhardt is really making me dislike him because of this show. Turn in your man card now. And once again, as with Medoro on the white chocolate Chip's show, a person doing news should NEVER be doing talk/editorializing. Just a basic media ethics no-no.

    1. Nikki Medoro.
      A adult woman who has the speech pattern of a little girl in high school.
      Oh woooooooooow man !
      Like wowwwww. Ya know !

    2. I agree. Rarely listened to her and franklin. Too whiny, loud and just p!ain boring. I have not and will not listen to her for even a second. I NEVER thought I would say this but chip isn't bad on his own. He is a bit hysterical about the virus, but he doesn't mention penis or any other little boy talk. I think he has grown up. Love John R and really like him on Saturdays. Love him during the week. When does Brett have a show? I like him. But, if he is with the chick in the morning, no can do!

  5. Where can I see more pictures of the freeway before the 1989 Earthquake? All I know is the freeway heading to the city ended on Battery Street at KPIX 5 building heading to Broadway.

  6. Bye bye, the Ronn Report???

  7. Now that personnel cuts are being made at the various media outlets,
    expect Ronn Owens (the coolest man in radio) to make a pitch for work at KGO or KCBS.
    Gary Radnich will not be far behind.
    Watch your backs on-air hosts at KNBR.

  8. KCBS cut the wrong guy. Instead of Pryor, they should have cut Dave "Mumbles" Fowkes. Or at least get rid of Kevin "The Rat"
