Friday, March 13, 2020


Image result for Paralysis

YOU'RE OUT OF IT. So am I. It's a spooky Friday. Streets are empty. Sick people out there, some more sicker than others. The POTUS is about to declare a state of emergency. Media is non-stop on the Coronavirus and the public is panic-mode.


If you want to commiserate --I'm here. You want to talk? Let's talk. If not, stay safe.


  1. Extra bonus you forgot to mention: It's also Friday the 13th.

  2. Nick Gerz trapped in the TenderloinMarch 13, 2020 at 1:02 PM

    Yo Rich, shit is getting real up in my filthy hood. No amount of hand sanitizer can clean up these streets! What should I do?!

  3. Streets aren't empty in the North Bay. Besides the heavy traffic, Trader Joe's was a madhouse. Most of their customers had full shopping carts, and even multiple full shopping carts. People are acting like the end of the world is nearing.

    One plus to this emergency buying madness: if the big quake hits, a lot of folks will have their stock of canned food, water, TP, and potato chips.

  4. The fools can panic all they want. I just spent 4 glorious days in Lake Tahoe where rooms are $40 a night and the streets are almost free of idiots.

    Restaurants are not crowded, and everyone seems pretty content.
    Great time to travel...
    An average of 102 people die each day in auto related mishaps.
    Shut down the freeways and garage all the cars.

    The media continues to lie to us.

    1. That average is likely to go up, now that people are maniacally racing to the store to satisfy their fiendish impulse for toilet paper.

    2. That's what I say. I was almost run down in crosswalks twice yesterday, both times by idiots on their phones while they were driving, probably reading the latest feeds about the dangers of the virus on their Facebook feeds while driving.

      If every injury or death from an idiot on a phone while driving were reported as breathlessly as the Coronavirus, we might have people take safe driving more seriously.

  5. I don't think there are cause for panic, but I think there are cause for concerns and caution. The media is not lying, the are relaying what the scientist and experts are telling us. Don't listen to the media or the politicians, but to those who really know the scientist and expert in pandemics. There is much we don't know about this virus so it is only prudent to be cautious. However, I don't see a need to buy toilet paper and other stuff to last for several months.

  6. A Good ‘Ol Darkie stuck in FremontMarch 13, 2020 at 8:31 PM

    My man. Been inside all day watching the fine sistas on screen. Only corona I gots is my 40. You heard me!

    1. We had some Coronas nd fine, fine smoke. Still have both. Heh heh heh...

  7. I haven't had the flu, another contagious germ, since 1994 shortly after I received my 1st and last flu shot. The odds of getting the virus are low and the mortality rate is even lower.

    Why should I join all the asians who shop at my Safewy in a state of panic? A couple weeks worth of TP is good enough.
