Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Papa and Lund on KNBR Take Coronavirus Crisis Head On

Image result for Papa and Lund KNBR
Greg Papa (left) and John Lund

TODAY on the KNBR , "Papa and Lund" show the popular duo spent the entire opening portion of the program (10 -2 PM) discussing the ongoing Coronavirus situation and how it pertains to the sports world.

"Games will be affected," said an emphatic Lund. Papa went further: "We're talking about the beginning of the NCAA tournament and NBA Playoffs." I agree.

I have (and still am) been a harsh critic of Lund but he's become more adult and he's starting to take his gig seriously. He made a point of emphasis this morning to tell the audience that while sports talk is KNBR's bread and butter, "we have to acknowledge what's going on in the world. And this is such a time."

Both Lund and Papa said the closest thing to this crisis was 9-11, but maintained the scope of that tragedy was far more pronounced. Lund told one particular listener that he wasn't trivializing the terror attacks simply saying this virus crisis had its own tragic trajectory.


  1. I'm a huge fan of John Lund.

  2. Why are the Warriors getting special treatments when it comes to large gatherings?
