Sunday, March 15, 2020

It's the End of the World and You Know It

Image result for doomsday coronavirus

THE NEW NORMAL: It's here.

Did you watch the Sunday talk shows? We're in for a massive hunkering down and it's no longer a political deal--the virus doesn't care if your Republican, Democrat, or Independent. I'm laughing out loud, (no lol) because someone from Facebook wants to get in  shout about how "terrific" a job Mr. Trump is doing. Save it for 2024 when we might be out of this mess.

*KNBR "Sports?" --More like a new news-station because sports is dead now, at least pro and college sports. A coffee with your spouse could be off-limits in the coming days.

*I listened to Marty Lurie on Knibber last night and a few of his callers said baseball will probably be back in May. I'm not trying to scare you all but I believe baseball is gone this year. All other sports too. KNBR should put Marty on 24/7 if it's humanly possible because he's as calming as ever. Our media landscape will be changed. NO sports? Hell yes. How could there be baseball without any toilet paper or humans? Think more like a Costco veteran like me.

*I wonder what "Paulie" on the Morning Show will do without a sound board or Murph's UCLA references.

*KGO Radio is nonstop virus. And that's not enough.

*The sports anchor is no more. Which is why Mark Ibanez will be on hand for KTVU "News."

*IN all this coming hell, there is one constant: Ronn Owens will be on his 233,657th cruise up the Atlantic Ocean --thanks to the "Ronnnnnnnnn Owens Rep[ort."

*I'll bet you can get a great deal on a Handlerly room I just have a hunch.

Back later.


  1. Just heard the Highway Patrol will start assigning officers to all the Rest Areas in CA to guard the toilet paper. If you are now the proud owner of 100 rolls of toilet paper, you have a screw loose.

    For those who have two loose screws, the Costco toilet paper is 2 ply. You can (very carefully) split the plies and end up with the equivalent of 200 rolls of toilet paper.

    For those who have three loose screws, stop eating any food which has fiber in it, thus eliminating the need for toilet paper at all.

    For those who have more than three loose screws, it's not the virus you should be concerned about, it's your mental health.

    The only good News in America today...The Women Are The News.

  2. I posted with a Pic, a double roll of "Charmin" freshly out of the package roll of toilet paper for someone's 65 Red Mustang Convertible and am getting responses!!

  3. Shutting down everything is overkill and it will result in pissing people off and destroying the economy. This never happened with H1N1 under Obama. Just isolate the ones who are at risk (elderly with underlying conditions). Someone is trying to kill the economy. Too much hype and fear.
    The question needs to be asked who will benefit from all the closures?

  4. I love how they're rerunning old sports events on the weekend. If this lasts long enough we could be watching Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb, or Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics.

  5. KPFA just played a happy song in honor of the Coronavirus. They played Barry McGuire's 'Eve of Destruction'. Yeah,that song is a load of laffs.
    I suggest we all hold hands and sing a hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus Alou" Or Matty or Dominick. Take your pick.

  6. No one is going off to war. Everyone is encouraged to "hunker down" - that means basically staying on your couch for the next period of time. Now how hard is it to stay on your couch? Would you rather go off to war? It's seems like a dream government requirement to not do anything, just don't over exert yourself doing it.

  7. I rarely agree with your predictions and take them with a grain of salt but I also believe this baseball season is kaput. (one more excuse Belt ("but they moved the fences in, and he has a more aggressive approach at the plate!" has to not hit 30 homers again btw)

  8. The Giants don't have a team anyway so it doesn't matter when or if they start playing.

  9. Donald Trump who told us two weeks ago "The virus is under control here"? You notice he couldn't look more bored or maybe forced to talk about the plague? His last announcement,he didn't even comb his hair or wear a tie. He talked flat in a emotion at all. No empathy at all. What we've seen for too long now from trust fund spoiled baby Trump.

  10. Maybe COVID-19 is the common enemy both sides of the political aisle can fight together.

  11. Last Night on MSNBC's 7pm show the host Lawrence O'Donnell did a little monologue that couldn't have been more like my post of Trump's forced to talk public warnings here in the morning.
    I've lost count of things I've written posts of paragraphs,that I would hear later by hours or days on MSNBC hosts lips.
    They love my blog. Somebody there.
