Sunday, March 15, 2020

UPDATE: KGO Radio's John Rothmann Makes Rare Sunday Appearence

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Gov. Newsom orders all bars and nightclubs closed

*Now that Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered all bars and nightclubs closed, the local news stations, KCBS, KQED, KGO in some respect, have to look and organize a new business model.

People working at home and those without Internet access will be turning to terrestrial radio in the coming days and weeks.

UPDATEL 4: 07 PM PT...

KGO Radio's John Rothmann is set to be in the main studio beginning at 5 PM for a rare Sunday show .


  1. What a f$#@ing disaster with our news media today. WTF for over an hour KCBS said that a news conference from the Gov.of California will be any minute now. Switch to local TV only to show infomercials and out dated sports. Finally found KGO 7 with the live conference only to cut it of for Trumps conference and then cut that off too. What a joke!!!!!!

    1. I think you are being too harsh, I heard the news conference from Newsome. I think they are at the mercy of info from the Governor as to when he will speak> If they had not run Trumps conference then someone would saying they were anti Trump.

      Anyway I'm glad John was on lots of good info, especially the physician from Menlo Park that called in, I will listen to his advice and take on the situation rather then Trump.

  2. Mixing the drinks and getting ready for Rothmann! My wife and I will sometimes have a couple of friends over and we'll play a drinking game during his show. Every time he says "President of the United States" you take a shot. Rothmann has this way of speaking where he's trying to sound like the voice of God when he says "President of the United States." He stretches out the phrase for five seconds. He could easily say "president" since nobody would wonder who he is talking about. It's fun to listen to his show because he's a live parody of local talk radio -- a Ted Baxter-like pompous ass who wants to sound like an authority but is constantly bumbling his facts.

    1. This bothers you? So listening to Hannity and Limbaugh's propaganda is more your cup a tea?... Smh.

    2. Add "Nixon" to the game then take away your friend's car keys.

    3. That is your opinion, but John have many fans, and he got plenty callers tonight who was glad he was on the air and discussing this crisis, including a call from a physician from Menlo Park, who had some very good points. Could you be specific as to what facts John bumbles? Certainly ANY host who is on the air several hours a week, will get something wrong at times. Are you equally critical of Hannity and Limbaugh and their bumbling of facts. Rush is the pompous ass that sounds like Ted Baxter.

  3. Chicken Little......THERE WAS A DEBATE TONIGHT. Hellooooooo

  4. People here are referring to the Menlo Park MD who called into KGO Sun. afternoon/evening and gave good info on the air -- anyone know where we can read a transcript of that broadcast?

  5. Listen to the podcast. I believe it was in the 7 or 8 o'clock hr. Not sure though
