Monday, March 2, 2020

Chris Matthews OUT at MSNBC; Will Ronn Talk About his Buddy on KGO? Hell No

Image result for chris matthews hardballANOTHER MADE-UP STORY: Yeah, Chris Matthews "retired" earliet tonight, more like was told to get the hell out of town.

I wrote on Saturday he's a creep; his Bay Area buddy, Ronn Owens, wonder if Mr. Lowenstein will opine on his KGO Radio report?

Yeah, right, and the Pope is Jewish.


  1. Yay!! finally!!!

  2. Oh look, a liberal loon had a meltdown. #notshocked

  3. Did he get the Radnich retirement plan?

  4. I like the previous CM, but I also think Eliz Warren needs to get out of town. Trump has a nickname for her already.

  5. It seemed kind of sad the way they just drop kicked him out the door.
    He barely had time to clear his desk. This is why more and more men prefer not to work with women. They can make you lose your job just by accusing you of something.

  6. He was not everyone's cup of tea, but I use to watch his show, and liked his analysis for the most part, he wrote a book on JFK that I liked very much. If he was fired for saying something fairly innocent to female employee, according to what I read, it seems overkill. I'm female, I worked in New York City in the late sixties and early seventies, I was in my twenties, I'm Scandinavian and looked it (or did, my strawberry blond hair is now almost white, ha, ha) I had my share of comments from men I worked with, some I just took as nice compliments, others not so much, but nothing I could not handle. Certainly if it affects a female's job review or she feel pressure to have sex with someone to move up, that need to be called out and it is appropriate the person loose his job. But comments that are fairly innocent (no swearing dirty jokes etc, overt sexual tones)and meant as a compliment, that is going overboard. I for one always liked when men complimented me and paid attention to me, within bounds of good taste of course. I think we had more fun back then, I'm glad I'm not young now.

  7. And let’s face it ... he retired so he could keep his pension ... he knew he was gonna get the axe so he took the easy way out.

  8. Now he has time to take a cruise on an Aircraft Carrier. Zero three hundred is commonly called the dead of the night.

    The 'reason to watch award' this evening goes to Liz Cook. Why, isn't it obvious, she wears the 49ers color red better than anyone!

    In the National news arena there is a woman who stands on top of the pyramid, a place where she belongs...Trish Regan. She also is simply the best, better than all the rest, better than anyone. Her ability to add some 'sexcitement' to the Newscast is legendary and perfectly accomplished, a pleasure to watch!

    The Women Are The News...Liz Cook, Trish Regan.

  9. Being a guy whose face was designed for radio, he lasted a long time.

  10. He can go work for space force. Congrats!

  11. At least he stepped down. FOX has had to wait until their hosts do actual crimes,Bill O Reilly, before letting them go. Meanwhile, loons like Lou Dobbs who says right wing crazy things even more often than Mathews ever did for the left ..never has sat out a day. Same for the "Judge" who would have been fired by MSNBC or CNN. fOX? take the weekend off Jeneane.
    Lispy Sean Hannity caught in pure lies like the death of a young man as part of a democratic conspiracy.
    Mathews like Al Franken did the mea culpa and be a man thing. FOX? Doesnt know do the right thing from do the right wing thing,LIE!

  12. It's all about the ratings........and who's way in front with the most watched Cable TV?
