Tuesday, February 18, 2020

This, That, and the Other

Image result for San Francisco Oakland media

YOU WANT PROOF POSITIVE Larry Baer is back in the Giants' influence farm? The team's telling Aubrey Huff to take a hike to its 2010 World Series re-union.

Baer has tried to avoid a PR disaster by inviting the hateful Huff to its party --I agree, Huff's politics, are extreme but his hate and craziness are the primary reasons for the snub.

Only Baer himself has set him and the team up for a layer of wrongs.

*It was Baer that directed a tweet (now deleted) immediately after the 49ers' loss in the Super Bowl saying in so many words, "Now that football season is over, come give us (the Giants) some attention." Larry Baer never heard of the SF 49ers. (wink)

*The Oakland A's plan to ditch terrestrial radio for their 2020 broadcasts is no big surprise because the A's frankly, don't work well on local radio. It would be easier if their broadcast wing viewed local radio as beneficial as their baseball team. The A's, will be on a TUNEIN app, I can't wait.

*I called that local travel agency where Ronn Owens is whoring his latest free sea cruise, the one this fall from NY to Canada--get this, the price of the cruise (not mentioned in the radio ad KGO has been running every minute it seems) is $3699. Wait, there's tax too. Then there's the hidden doozy: to get to NY harbor in order to catch the cruise? You have to fly cross country and that's EXTRA as are meals, which pretty much runs you past 7GRAND for your lovely get-together with Mr. Lowenstein. The password is: RIPOFF!

*The Chronicle knew all the London Breed-Mohammed Nuru do-do and chose to IGNORE it, then and NOW which explains why the Chronicle is still in bed with the mayor not that it's surprising but even NOW? Sickening.

*The reason why Eddie DeBartolo got a pardon from Trump: One word: OHIO.

*Rush Limbaugh has TERRIBLE ratings lately you think announcing his medical condition was an attempt to...? Never mind.

*The old Chronicle was never even in bed when Joe Alioto was mayor now I was just a little kid back then but trust me, I know.

*Herb Caen would have straightened ALL this out were he alive and I'm sure that would have suffice plus London Breed and him would have covered all bases at lunch. Today's Chronicle boss is more concerned about Hunter Pence's reunion than the legacy of a once-decent newspaper.

*KCBS and its suddenly giggling anchors: what a disgrace.

*Jim Taylor a guy I used to like now just a dude in love with his voice.

*Stan the commentator --it's a good thing I have a huge sense of humor.

*I miss Lowell Cohn: Neal, can you talk to him? Tell him Rich is begging for a guest column, here, written by Lowell himself.

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  1. Interesting . . . Huff was on The Game this morning. Smurph said he invited Huff on The Sports We Feel Like Covering Leader, but Huff told him (literally) to fuck off.

  2. Ohio..you need to court that AA vote. Next they'll have free chicken giveaways at Popeye's.

    1. Razor sharp wit right here.

    2. @5:54
      Your bar is extremely low. The "free chicken" line has been used countless times and is now stale. Nothing "razor sharp" about it.

    3. @8:18
      It was sarcastic. Now go clutch your pearls elsewhere.

  3. Todays batch of pardons, clemency, etc. is supposed to make pardons for Stone, Flynn and every other felon in trumpworld seem like another day of the office.

  4. Cruises comes in all sizes and prices. It is customary that the airline ticket is not included in the price of the cruise. How someone gets there is up to them, low air fare, private plane, train, bike whatever. This is a business deal if the agency was not making money on it agree to it. Like or dislike Ronn who would say no to a free cruise?? When I had a career in the insurance business, I got a free cruise to Mexico, along with other agents that wrote a certain amount of business. It sounds like a mutual benefit to both the agency and Ronn and I don't see anything wrong with it, even if someone does not care for Ronn, that is besides the point.

  5. Do the Giants vet everyone on the 2010 roster before inviting?

  6. Pitching a cruise amidst a Coronavirus outbreak? Unfortunately timing.

    1. Those commercials were running before the news was out about the Coronavirus, I'm guessing everything is planned and bought way in advance. I do agree this is not a good time to get someone to pay for a cruise.

  7. Wow, I just got my 15 minutes of fame or maybe less lol, will see what I can do.

    1. Thanks Neal!..sorry late to answer. The kooks never change,I tell ya Neal.

  8. What's Len Tillem up to these days? He seems to have fallen off the radar for the 415 Media?

  9. When you address Ronnnnnn....say "Ahoy!"

  10. Now what?
    All I know..I have to be the most stalked commenter in the Universe. These guys say the same thing,the same cadence..never even mention the topic..its go for me like I'm a magnet to psycho's who seem to be always caucasian and right wing.
    I know they are all unbalanced cowards who haven't touched a woman in their lives or maybe decades and watch FOX news all day and night..getting all lathered up.
    I might make a good FBI profiler one day. With experience.

    1. How do you know they're caucasian and right wing?

      Maybe they're Hispanic. Maybe they're Black. Maybe they're left wing or center. You wouldn't do well as profiler. Profilee,? Yes.

    2. You realllly think you're this sweet and innocent guy just minding his own business on the internet and these people come out of the woodwork to attack you for no reason? Really now? Come on man, lol!

    3. We have too many unbalanced cowards both in media and in the Administration. Unbalanced cowards put us where we are now, where one's values mean nothing, only "image" and "sounding good" counts. That won't help with bills or respect.
      The only pardon that makes any sense is only because it was a governor that baited the owner into the crime, and the guv spent 8 years in jail for his conviction. None of the other pardons received a positive response from three Hall of Fame athletes, one of which is not really known to speak out to the public, but led the statement just the same.

    4. See1237, You missed the point. I never said I was a saint..since when do you have to be one to point out a devil?
      What I said is..they never say squat about the topic..years now,here and EBT,I wait for somebody to give me a counterpoint. What I get is the same crap that could be pasted into any place and time and subject. I write about the topic..give my deep understanding and then I read "get help"..yeah,get help about Radnich to Whales. Space to Trump to the ecology. Get help. Get me? Although "Racist" seems to be the 2020 thing. Trump projectionish.
      I might be sweet though. I sort of have George Clooney eyes they tell me...

  11. The A's on radio were fine when they were on KSFO (with Bill King & Lon Simmons). They have bounced around like a ping pong ball when it comes to radio. (KNEW, KFRC-AM, KTRB twice, 95.7 the Game)
    They are sure making it easy to attract a fan base.

    1. KHTK 1140 out of Sacramento still carries the A's games, and its 50 kW signal can be picked up decently in the East Bay day or night per Radio-Locator.

  12. The Giants should have been more careful about the Huff controversy. They've allowed the Trump followers to believe that Huff was dis-invited because of his support of Trump. And you know what Trump is going to do with that at his next rally. But this reduces fan support of the Giants. Conservatives (roughly half the country, maybe 30% of the Bay Area) might not be as eager to follow the Giants, particularly during a bad season. At this point, Baer should be looking for ways to attract as many fans as possible. And that means staying out of politics. Then again, I never thought Baer was that bright. He's more like a guy who won the lottery and thinks he was a genius for picking the right numbers. But his behavior with his wife shows how clueless he is.
