Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ask Rich Lieberman

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I ANSWER YOUR TV/RADIO/NEWSPAPER/INTERNET QUESTIONS; LOCAL and National; PLEASE, Name and City always gets top priority.

And please try to stick to media otherwise I'll have a headache.

*If You SUBSCRIBE/CONTRIBUTE to 415 MEDIA, You'll SUPPORT and help SUSTAIN LOCAL, independent thought, takes and scoops you don't get anywhere else. To Donate: Go to the "Pay Pal" "Donate" button on right side of blog and click on it, it takes less than a minute and is 100% percent secure and confidential. I will personally call/e-mail you thanking you for your contribution.


  1. Do you remember when KALX was the A's official station? Late 70's.
    Forestville, CA

    1. Larryt Baer was the head broadcaster, yes Frank, in 1978 --remember full well and an attendance of 400 people at one game.

  2. What's up with Len Tillem these days? He seems to have fallen off the 415 Media radar?

    1. Len is having some health issues, I'll leave it at that.

  3. For someone wanting to break into radio/TV does any local station offer a career path that includes a casting couch?

  4. So just how bad were Armstrong & Getty's ratings to justify the bonehead decision to give Nikki Medoro a morning drive time show?

    1. I don't have a specific breakdown on those two buttheads but let's just say they aren't thrilling or even mediocre just passable ratings and merely fill a body need.

  5. When do you expect to give your loyal readers the scoop on the Jeff Adachi story? I am certain you know more than you want to share but please do not leave us out of the loop.

    1. Jim, I'm trying to corroborate one helluva story if true and I think it is; if you want to donate to my fund so I can afford a lawyer because I think I might need one, go ahead make my day.

    2. The "Adachi story" is mentioned on here rather often. I know Rich can't give details yet but what exactly are we talking about here? I just know what I've read in the news. I don't know what the scandal is. Is it how he died or where he was or what he was doing? Is somebody covering something up? If so, why? What's the story we're waiting on?

  6. Why does Mike Nicco look so uncomfortable when sitting on the couch with Reggie and the gang. Is he looking for a job in a red state yet?

    1. Blue, red, hope he goes because he's tough to watch, I'm not one who advocates life issues but Nicco loses me every day I see him.

  7. Does Stan really make you laugh? If so, you are as sick as he is. Stan has some real mental problems.

    1. Oba, I'm not a huge vitals guys, look, Stan is an Internet sensation type I'm just here trying to earn a few nickels on a blog that now and then moves the needle, Stan makes me laugh, I can't do mental clarity like you can but have a nice day.

  8. What net worth would I need before Heather Holmes would even look my way?

  9. Why is 95.7 The Game's signal so shitty? I've seen it asked here before but I'll ask again...with the huge advances in technology the past 30 years, can't stations like this with crappy signals replace their outdated 1970's equipment to boost their signals for pennies on the dollar? So when you put your dial on a particular station that station comes in loud and clear? KNBR always talks about their 50,000 watt blowtorch...with everything made cheap in China nowadays why isn't every station "50,000 watts"? I'm sure you have some old engineers out there that could explain this to us.

    1. You are correct on that because I don't even know how to change a flat tire.

    2. Yes technology has advanced. You can now "stream" it to a "smartphone" or "smart device". You can then output the audio to a speaker or "ear buds" (Those are head phones that fit in your ear) using something called "bluetooth". Ask your grandson.

    3. A good, simple question and some online troll comes in to try to get the attention he sorely lacks in "real" life. I'm probably younger than the troll and I don't care to stream and know quite a few 20 somethings that don't care to stream. Nice try, "boomer".

      Hopefully someone answers the guys question.

    4. Nice of the Lyft drivers that work part-time at 95.7 The Game to chime in.

      So you're one of those clowns you see walking around with ear buds? Do you also sit at a dinner table and text back and forth with the girl in front of you? (I know, you probably have never touched a girl)

    5. The A's are on their way out.
      The shift to streaming is just the opening round of their departure.
      Expect them to make a play on Las Vegas or St Petersburg FL.

    6. The amount of power ("effective radiated power") a tv or radio station puts out is defined as part of their license and is regulated by the FCC. KNBR and KGO were originally "clear channel" stations, meaning their signals were intended to cover very large sections of the west coast. You can still hear both stations fairly far away from the Bay Area. AM signals can go past the horizon and the salt flats that both stations transmit from help maximize that. FM is line-of-sight, more or less. 50kW on AM will get a bigger coverage area than 50kW on FM. "The Game" transmits from Mt. San Bruno and is licensed at 6.9kW of power. Compare that to Star 101.3, who also transmits from Mt. San Bruno but is grandfathered in at 125kW of power. For "The Game" to increase power, they would need to petition the FCC for an increase and show that they wouldn't interfere with other stations at the same or adjacent frequencies. If they could manage that, they might be able to bump up to 50kW. But, there is an adjacent frequency station in the Santa Rosa area so chances aren't great for a major power bump.

    7. Thank you 9:51 for such a great answer!

    8. Because the Feds Regulate the output power of radio stations. YOU don't decide on output power (wattage). You are licensed for an area so you won't interfere with other stations on that frequency.

  10. You didn't like the Stan questions?

  11. FM Signals are lousy for several reasons; they are line of sight and prone to interference from hills and buildings; they are regulated as to their power by the FCC; one cannot simply throw equipment at them to boost the signal (or they would). Finally.. they've loaded them up with sidebands to carry track names and digital-radio signals, degrading the remaining analog audio even further. You might also try different radio and antenna sets; the quality of receiving equipment varies and many car radios are crap these days.

    1. Thank you answering this question in such detail. Very much appreciated!

    2. Agreed, 12:07 PM. One thing KGMZ management could easily do--with no cost (assuming it hasn't been done)--is transmit in mono. Stereo transmission degrades the noise performance of an FM signal. Transmitting in mono would improve clarity.

  12. What ever happened to Alex Bennett? Were you a fan back in the day (KMEL, QUAKE, LIVE 105)?

    1. Alex has been doing a podcast back in NY City where he still lives and enjoys complaining about life and entertainment in general...was I a fan? I liked Alex's radio show back in the day, especially the 'Breakfast with Bennett' and when some of the comics did their spiel. Oh, the 80's and 'The Quake.'

    2. I used to listen to Alex and was even in the "Studio Audience" back in the KITS days. Glad to know he still chugging along.

  13. How many of these local women reporters develop stalkers? I'm sure they're inundated with every Tom, Dick, and Stan that thinks they're talking directly to them and have a "personal" relationship with the broadcaster. Any horror stories of fans got bad? Didn't even Radnich at one point need security?

    1. I only know that Leslie Griffith and Anna Chaves in particular had serious stalker issues, Chaves so scary, she left the business, read my story.

    2. When I worked at KPIX I heard that Dave McElhatton had one, believe it or not. A little old lady, I'm told.

    3. Why would Leslie have a stalker? Always looked a bit masculine to me.

    4. That's funny. Then again who didn't love Dave?

  14. I love Vianey Arabs on nbc. But I hear she only likes black guys. True?

    1. You are kidding, right? (I hope so)

    2. I meant Vianey Arana. Sorry. Spell check changed the name. She’s beautiful but it looks like she’s with a brother on her social media so I’m out of luck. Estoy muy triste Rich :(

    3. It's Arana, not Arabs.

  15. Rich: Do keep us posted on whether the next arriving PIX anchor may lead to needed staff changes. KPIX is still extremely lucky that CBS' national programming success is keeping their news ratings from becoming even worse than they already are, let alone getting away with paralyzed, incompetent middle management. Not to mention that both Cook & Goodrich are continuing to save their hides as well.

    1. You pretty much got it down so I'll just exit stage left.

  16. What's the news on the new KPIX anchor? when does VLDC's contract end?

    1. Should be on the desk any day when he's ready, (I have no name yet) --on VDLC contract, 2021 to be a wild guess.

  17. It seems like A. Perro runs KRON and it appears as though Pam Cook's husband runs KTVU. Are there other news directors that run our other local TV news stations as well? Does broadcast management buckle under to the demands of the news directors? Who actually has the power locally? Kathy in SF

  18. They all do, Kathy. Some stations give more, some less but they all play significant roles. Significantly, KGO and NBC Bay Area, the News Director have loads of input and power and use it every day.

  19. Is Liz Kretuz anchoring worse on ABC7 than Kate Larsen?

  20. Hi Rich,

    Have you ever listened to The John Batchelor Show or George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated program Coast to Coast AM on KGO 810? If so are they worth listening to?

    East Bay Grease

    1. If you like green helicopter stories and UFO mojo, you love Noory. Batchelor is a slick Trump butt boy that's all you need to know about how I feel about Batchelor.

    2. I listen to Batchelor, and although what Rich is saying is true, he talks about more than just Trump. His program on the protesters in Hong Kong, the corona virus and China in general are quite good. He often has Gordon Chang on who is an expert on China.

    3. Batchelor covers subjects you won't hear about/are covered up by our local media. Great show.

    4. I wrote the comments at 10:14 and I agree, although I'm mostly liberal he has some interesting shows, in addition to what I mentioned he does a lot of show on history, WWII and other interesting subjects. Although it is obvious he is a conservative he has interviewed authors of books on both JFK and RFK, and did a really good fair interview, that was favorable to both JFK and RFK.

  21. Hey Rich ...
    Why did Bob Fitzgerald get fired from KNBR? I must have missed your take on the subject, and it's been bugging me for months! Nadine - Sunnyvale

    1. Nadine, have you heard him? How he's been able to fleece mgt. I think is unbelievable --good riddance.

  22. I'm surprised Betty Yu is still at KPIX as good as she is?

    1. They both need each other so to speak PIX more than BYu

  23. Rich
    Why is KGO's audience so predominately white ?
    The callers all have names like Emilly, Katie or Amy.
    They live in neighborhoods like Cow Hollow, Noe Valley or the Marina District.

    1. Thanks, you must be a KGO Sales guy, it sounds like you have a knack for the demo they're trying to win. And you're right with the names and locales. Good observation.

    2. Chip and Pat really connect with them. Rosie Perez with her new AM drive show should bring in about 5 former Telemundo listeners.

  24. From George, San Jose. Rich, who posts the best late night audience ratings, Kimmel, Fallon, Colbert, or O'Brien?

    1. Isn't that nice, I don't watch any of them.

  25. Is Paul DeAnno wishing he was back at KPIX?

    1. Check his Twitter feed, I'd say so --just not at KPIX.

  26. When is someone at KTVU going to realize Bill Martin is a babbling old man who doesn't make sense half the time when he talks and is tedious the other half? Aren't they penny-pinchers at that Fox fort? Send Billy Boy off to the retirement home and hire someone who's still mentally sharp for 1/3 the Benjamins.

    1. I think you're on to something --wait, you have to be a FOX exec because I think that's their blueprint. SAs for Martin? Gees, he's getting worse.

    2. I hope it's Kyla, love her presentation.

  27. Ever notice Elizabeth Cook is always coughing on live TV?

    1. Please, get started, it's very annoying especially because it's continual.

    2. Damn!!! I'm watching the 7 O'clock news and she's coughing again.......get her tested for the virus already!!

  28. Hey Rich, I work in local media and love your blog. Question- Viacom/CBS announced a huge financial loss this morning. The stock is plunging. Are any jobs safe at PIX?

  29. Hi Rich,
    I did send a email over to Lowell a few days ago, I have not heard back from him, I hope he contacts you.
