Thursday, February 20, 2020

SF Press Disgraceful on Mayor London Breed Possible Corruption

Image result for Liz Kreutz Kate Larsen KGO SF


I KNOW newsrooms; I know about derelict news directors who in yesterday times would have been shipped out and kicked to the door in an nanosecond; I know incompetence when I see it; I know about a soft, benign market that couldn't even accomplish mediocre work if their life depended on it; the lack of oversight by your SF Press is straight out broadcast -news/print/digital malpractice.

Mayor London Breed has been given the pass of her life. I don't give a damn that's she a woman, a black woman, green, brown, white or yellow, whatever; all I know is that Breed and her possible wrongdoings involving her relationship and gifts, unlawful and illegal, have been whitewashed (pardon the pun) by a illegitimate SF Press more interested in Mission District burritos than a powerful mayor who has managed to hoodwink an entire city with lame excuses, pathetic reasoning and an innate ability to play footsie with you all.


The local TV people? You should all be embarrassed. What a farce! Don't tell me about quasi press conferences and ludicrous one-on-ones that amount to half-wit photo ops, you all should be expelled from your duties. Breed may be innocent of all speculation and innuendo but you'd never know because we've never seen her cross-examined nor even asked in detail about the investigation and scrutiny she allegedly faces, yeah, there's quite a bit of talk about investigations but real-time query? Hell no.

The Chronicle? What a joke. They've always been in bed with SF establishment but this doozy? Makes you laugh and cry at the same time. What an out and out abomination. PLEASE ALL, go get a lap dog and have some melba toast on me.



  1. Liberal media. City controlled top to bottom by Democrats.

    Watch out for needles and shit on the sidewalk, watch your back on the street, lock your cars, oh and keep electing those Democrats!

  2. GREAT post today Rich! So true. Will we hear even a peep of criticism on Chip and Nikki's show today? Pats? Nope.

  3. Honestly, I expected this story to get buried. It's an embarrassment and quite sad. San Francisco is a disaster - a dumpster fire. Just can't take the The Bay Area media market seriously any longer - not only for its obvious political agenda and bias, but because they flaunt it. No checks, no balances, just enabling the corruption.

  4. Liberal hypocrites....

  5. Rich Lieberman, telling it like it is. This morning's entry would have put a smile on Howard Cosell's face!

    1. Let's not get carried away.......

  6. Hypocrites come in all political forms. Just heard someone on Mark Thompson's show, saying how he could not condone the lie Elizabeth Warren told to get into college, was very adamant about it. Then Mark asked him I guess you are not a Trump supporter then, to which the caller said;" Yes I'm very much a Trump supporter", when pressed about Trump's lies, he said it was okay, because the caller liked Trump's policies. Give me a break.

    If Obama had done half of what Trump is doing, everything from playing too much golf, to interfere in the judiciary, I'm sure Hannity, Rush and that crowd would be talking about it every chance the got.

    1. What does Rich’s column today have anything to do with President Trump? You haters need to get a life.......

    2. I assume 8:37 you are directing the comment to me I wrote the comments at 12:11. It was in response to the 11:32 comments that read "liberal hypocrites", I was merely pointing out that the hypocrisy happens on either side of the political spectrum. The story about the caller to Mark Thompson's show clearly illustrates that. If you had listened just for a shot time to Hannity and Rush when Obama was president you would know what hypocrites they are. Nowhere do I mention any kind of hatred for Trump. I do have a life, you seem to have trouble understanding the distinction I'm making, can't help that. I like some of Trump's policies, not others, but that does not qualify as hate. I would venture to say I don't make it a habit of hating (or loving) politicians.

  7. All media is a disgrace these days

  8. Loose London is at it again. This isn't about the first African-American woman mayor. This is about getting the job done and doing what's right for the city. Stop grandstanding. Get the job done. Spend time working for the people, not trying to whitewash everything. London Bridge is falling down and she's taking the city with her.

  9. AA's...13% of the population, 52% of the crime. Did the voters expect any different?

    1. FBI statistics say it's 70% ... let that set in.

    2. More Russians Bots. Say, can you guys lower the interest rates on my credit card?

  10. Reporters aren't going to dig into this after seeing what happened to Bryan Carmody. The whole point of using the SWAT team to break down the doors to his home and office was to warn other journalists to leave the Establishment alone. It didn't matter that the warrants the cops used were illegal.

    Nobody wants the police to break down their door and put them in handcuffs for eight hours while detectives search through your personal belongings.

    So it's no surprise that Dan Noyes, Phil Matier and the other blowhards of local journalism are staying as far away from this story as they can. It's common sense.

  11. Rich: You're absolutely right about both the SF Chronicle & Bay Area TV Media giving little or no coverage about the blatant corruption swirling around SF Mayor "Big Mama" London Breed. So far both Phil Matier along with London Breed's close long-time Ally & Political Adviser Willie Brown have not written Anything At All whatsoever regarding this scandal. The only local journalist who actually has the balls to cover this story in depth has been SF Examiner Columnist Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez who has written several in depth articles regarding the ongoing corrupt behavior between London Breed, Mohammed Nuru & Nick Bovis. Now that the Feds have already indicted both Nuru & Bovis hopefully they will also eventually indict the totally corrupt SF Mayor "Big Mama" London Breed.

    1. > hopefully they will also eventually indict the totally corrupt SF Mayor "Big Mama" London Breed.

      Not gonna happen. The SF media is too busy doing stories about how we're all happy-happy in this multi-cultural state.

  12. The Examiner is doing a great job - led by Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez

  13. To channel my inner Stan: I haven't seen this much black trash in a city since I last visited Hayward.

  14. The media really has the guts to talk about Gavin Newsman private affair issues back in the old days during the start of Obama legacy and Afros running on the freeway to protest. After he took office, look at San Francisco today, anyone can run for a spot without the experience, a wanna be low-life being a main morning anchor and what is next....a homeless man running for politics????

  15. Even DeDe Wilsey got thrown under the bus... but Mayor Breed? Oh - she gets a pass because (dare I say it) of her skin color and gender?

    1. It's part of San Francisco's narrative that the first "African American Person of Color Female mayor" CANNOT be anything but wonderful, perfect, flawless. Anything else cannot be tolerated and will not be reported. And we're all a bunch of smiling, hand-holding libtards in the Bay Area, where there's no crime because, if a PoC commits a crime (and they're mostly the only ones that do), it's simply not reported! What a great idea! Invent reality. Straight out of the Soviet and North Korean playbook.

  16. Rich: Best post you've ever made. Seriously. This city is a sham. There is no longer any journalism here, just press release stories and thinly-veiled ads for development.

  17. Dear Anonymous 2:50 PM - Your post was so good I'm going to reproduce it below, just in case anyone missed it:

    Reporters aren't going to dig into this after seeing what happened to Bryan Carmody. The whole point of using the SWAT team to break down the doors to his home and office was to warn other journalists to leave the Establishment alone. It didn't matter that the warrants the cops used were illegal.

    Nobody wants the police to break down their door and put them in handcuffs for eight hours while detectives search through your personal belongings.

    So it's no surprise that Dan Noyes, Phil Matier and the other blowhards of local journalism are staying as far away from this story as they can. It's common sense.

  18. Didn't you see her advanced degrees she brings with her. Next to name note the Dem, AA, LBGTQ. All indemnify her for all crimes real or imagined. Keep voting exclusive Dem and you will exclusively have this type of government.

  19. This column makes me chuckle. So many think that they are so "in the know." But you're not. If you think that journalism is alive outside of SF, you must be living in a sensory deprivation tank. Journalism, as an industry, is dead in the US. There are but a handful of true practitioners of the trade and all of them are independent bloggers and podcasters.
