Pause for a holiday. Eat, drink, nosh, mosh and pray for a good game and not a blowout on either side. Be careful out there too. There's a lot of folks in blue who are in no mood to deal with wack jobs who don't know how to handle adult beverages. Oh, by the way, chicken wings are overrated.
ONE OTHER THING --since you asked:
SF 37
Kansas City: 32
(Which now if you bet the opposite, you'll probably win.)
I know for Christine, it will be Weekend at Bernie’s.
ReplyDeleteFor the sake of posterity, I hope Papa and Jughead leave all the forced nicknames and cheerleading out of their broadcast. Let the team's play be the story. Save the amateur sh#t for the Murphs and Macs of the world.
ReplyDeleteI am one of the eleven people in Marin County who don't give a f**k about the Super Bowl, or Football in general. To each his own. I tried to like it, just as friends told me I would love Chess. I found both less than exhilarating. But that's just me. You be you, as they say nowadays. I'll be cleaning my oven while listening to Issac Hayes Hot Buttered Soul.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way about reality TV, especially beyond boring process-obsessed talent and dancing shows. And don't get me started with anti-democracy pundits who support rape boasters!