Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday Morning Abomination on KGO--Meet Newbie, Liz Kreutz; Giggle, Giggle

Image result for Liz Krauetz ABC7


I'M WATCHING KGO this Sunday morning and I'm laughing. I'm thinking to myself, "where do they find these women?"

I'm talking about the latest KGO Sunday anchor,  Liz Kreutz, who seems about as real and authentic as a Union City Rodeo Drive.

Kreutz is polished enough and can read a teleprompter fine but isn't genuine or at least doesn't come off as such; she's got her social media box checked but everything else is a robotic voice, a twirl of the hair and an artificial giggle straight out of Sacramento.

I'm seeing that Liz has spent time in TV News in New York and LA which automatically tells me big-market cities are no longer proof positive for future anchors --it's astonishing to me right now watching this abomination on KGO.

Giggle, giggle.


  1. Rich likes the sistas. A certain ex KGO talker likes the brothas. I see a pattern.

  2. She looks like Jay Leno's twin.

    1. It's a bad picture. I just looked her up. Easy on the eyes!

  3. Hold the hyperbole! She's not an "abomination" -- at least that would be interesting (albeit in a repugnant way), but she's just boring. And that picture isn't what she really looks like -- she's not ugly, just boring.

    1. She's beautiful and not ethnic. That = not boring.

  4. The 2 female on weekday mornings are even harder to watch. One wanna be Reggie Aqui female version and her other twin is fighting to get the spotlight. Is ABC trying to be more diverse supporting the major of SF with these anchors???

    1. KGO is run by a news director with no chops but who fucks higher-ups at Disney to stay where she is.

    2. Diverse, certainly. They need a new call sign for their diversity. How about, Circlejerk 7.

  5. Rich, come on! She more interesting that Julian what's his name. Easy on the eyes and Winnebago's that dwarf Argen's Winnebago's. She brought me back to watching KGO weekend mornings again!

  6. She's filled in mornings during the week sometimes too. Much cuter than that photo.

  7. No wonder men are considered the slime on the planet anymore. Have you nothing better to do with your time than rate women on television? Really? Please find some more constructive way to spend your time. Maybe get a hobby, or exercise more. Yes, exercise more. You need it. Your brains are rotting away, obviously.

  8. Your city comparison jokes aren't even funny. They're just cringey as hell now.

  9. While I 100% agree with you she is as bland as the blouse she was wearing she is still better than Caroline Tyler or Chris Wynn. The newbie I have the most problem with is Julian Glover. At first I thought he had to be Danny Glovers kid but it turns out he is a Cleveland butt boy. Cleveland is a good town with a zero tolerance policy on queers. Someone ought to tell young Julian to dress up like a big boy when he delivers his riveting field reports. I guess Reggies’ “husband” is not getting the job done at home.

  10. Hmmmm.... I gotta say, I kinda like her. At least much more than Dion Lim.

  11. On Sunday morning I don't need splash and flash. I think she does great for the time slot and she is easy on the eyes.

  12. It was great to see Roberta Gonzales on KGO-TV news on Monday morning. I have missed her Bay Area broadcast presence. I ope to see more of her.

  13. There's a Twitter account about all the errors that make air on KABC ABC7 out of LA. Pure TV Blooper Gold

  14. This is NOT an NYC reporter. She was ABC online crap, not network at all. She is a Sacramento anchor. From the ABC there.

  15. I only watch KGO-TV news for the dumpster fires. They have to be making up those mediocre ratings or making these anchors pull these embarrassing stunts FOR ratings because I swear only the deepest of the disturbed can view this total shit show.

  16. I love Liz Kreutz. Exactly the kind of news personality that is engaging without being trite, and appears to actually understand the content she is reading.

  17. Just checked out LK - no complaints from me. As mentioned by other's, easy on the eyes.
