Saturday, February 15, 2020

Drudge Report Says Mike Bloomberg Considering Hillary Clinton as VEEP Running Mate for 2020 Election

Image result for Drudge Report Hillary


The Drudge Report has come out today (Saturday) with a report saying Michael Bloomberg is considering Hillary Clinton as a VP candidate for the 2020 Election.

The Bloomberg campaign has downplayed the report.

MY TAKE: I don't know how this would help Michael Bloomberg --in fact, I would think it would hurt him and hurt him big. Moreover, if this is true, why would it be leaked on a Saturday, the slowest news day of the week.

Is Matt Drudge looking for publicity? Of course he is. But this? I would think if this has any legs, it's a mother of all trial balloons, if indeed Bloomberg is serious about this and based on early response, I think he'll swipe it away with vengeance. There's no way in hell placing Hillary on the ticket is good for his presidential aspirations.

Another gut feeling: right-wing media machines have ALL to do with this as a means to crush Bloomberg momentum because we know how much they despise Hillary Clinton.


  1. Hill was too ill during her 2016 run, and the last time I saw her on TV she looked very shaky. Mikey should pass on that idea.

    1. A Russian talking point still being put in the right wing Kool-Aid.

    2. It's true that Donnie's best friend, the unfortunately named David Pecker, now forced to seek immunity from prosecution in exchange for info(SDNY) publisher of the National Enquirer ran endless stories about how HIllary was near death..It was all bs, and you bought it. IF the Bloomberg campaign sees numbers showing a blowout if Hillary is veep pick, and if she has a scintilla of interest in it, it'll happen.

    3. My sources tell me everyone at that rally was strictly limited to 8 oz glasses of water per Mike's orders.

    4. Nothing "fake" about Hillary's campaign statements, regarding her "pneumonia" and "thyroid problems." Those were in response to a video of her collapsing. Post-2016 loss, she became wobbly and fell down while trying to walk down a flight of stairs. And that mishap occurred while she was hanging on to someone for support. Then there was a TV appearance, where she woozily walked out on the stage, and walked straight to a desk (so she could lean on it).

      The woman has health issues, and they were cited (by her) as far back as her Secretary of State days.

    5. Despite your certainty that she would die, she thrives. I'd like to see you maintain a campaign schedule with walking pneumonia..Can we follow you with cameras?

    6. By health do you mean drinking?

  2. Drudge is a Trumpsicle of the highest order...

  3. That would be Arkancidal.

  4. I've always wondered why the Democrats never said to themselves "We lost to Donald Trump - a complete lunatic. What must people think of us?" Instead they've wasted the last three years bitching and come back with the same cast of candidates. Give me reasons to vote for you - otherwise, you are just telling me your the best of two bad choices.

  5. Hillary could be a good choice. Remember that Hillary received 3,000,000 (three million) more votes than Trump. But; Bloomberg has an issue with non whites therefore if he choose a female it could be Kamala Harris. Bloomberg and Kamala might be the winning ticket.

    1. 3:14...California, there's your 3 million. 1 state should not decide an election.

    2. While campaigning, Kamala has a tendency to make a complete ass out of herself. Even more so than the typical politician. That is one thing that she has in common with Biden. Sadly for the Democrats, that is a huge deterrent.

    3. California is where the people are. I person, 1 vote. The electoral ccollege has to go. Even Trump said in 2012 that it was horrible but sure changed his tune 4 years later when it got him over the top.

    4. Wyoming shouldn't have more skin in the game per capita than California, Texas or New York.

    5. Not when that 1 vote, 1 person state welcomes in illegal immigrants by the hundreds of thousands and hands them voter registration cards. 18 years later that family of 2 becomes 4 and boom you have California with all of its problems in 2020.

    6. I'm guessing that Dick and Liz Cheney would disagree with you, 8:38.

  6. I think the drudge story is giving Donnie more green funny.

    1. Tell us about this "green diarrhea". Have you experienced it?

    2. You can only see it when your potty is gold. To clarify, Bloomberg is giving it to both Donnie and Bernie, the multimillionaire ...which is marvelous!

    3. I wonder who killed Mr. Epstein. It couldn't possibly have been Donnie, could it? Epstein, afterall, only had 14 different phone contact numbers for the orange vulgarian "he-man, who has 70 different women who have accused him of rape and sexual assault.

    4. Christine...they're ALL multi-millionaires.


  7. My condolences on your upcoming "suicide"

  8. There has been clear confirmation through multiple Judicial bodies that Russians hacked 2016, so there will always be shouts of stolen election, no matter that it actually happened or not. And it is clear that the Hillary Staff SUCKED in the Rust Belt, not just in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, but especially in the lead swing state of Ohio.
    Instead of playing to the base - especially in the case of the New England Senators - go out of the box, listen to ALL voters, find common ground, and come up with a better, more inclusive message. Steyer's dire warning about the AOC "idea-over-winning" crowd, as proven by de Blasio's Bernie endorsement, has more merit than we all want to admit. Make an effort to connect, unlike the extreme sides of each aisle, and unlike today's local news broadcasting world.

  9. My 90 year old mother in law disliked Hillary...and she is a Dem. Nobody liked HRC! (Loser)

  10. Wake me up in December when this is all over.

  11. Mikey B has shut down this insane rumour. He would self-destruct if Hilarious ran with him. Just think...all of that $$$ spent on commercials down the toilet.

  12. Will be klobuchar. Unless SHE wins the nomination

  13. dear 4:39...Your twisted revisionist history re vote counts in California is beyond laughable. California's electoral votes went to Hillary Clinton..Do you read nothing? We have a winner take all state. No republican can win in a presidential election electoral count.Figure out why.

  14. Stop posting fake news. Please!

  15. Rich, are you stupid? Are you stupid? ARE YOU STUPID? Ever hear of giving something from Drudge the ol' sanity check? Try reading your copy of the Constitution. The candidates for president and vice president cannot reside in the same state (in this case, New York) unless they want to concede all the electors from that state, because an elector cannot vote for both a presidential candidate and a vice presidential candidate if they're both from that elector's state. (Those of you who have drunk the Trump Kool-Aid should request someone with working brain cells to explain this to you.) So unless Bloomberg is so sure he has enough states in his column that the loss of New York's 29 electors won't lose him the election, he's not going to risk having Hillary Clinton (or Chelsea Clinton, Krysten Gillibrand, Bill DeBlasio, Andrew Cuomo, or even Michael Cohen or Rudy Giuliani) on his ticket so long as they reside in the Empire State, location of Bloomberg's own residence.

    1. 11:22, while I see your point, insulting Rich as you did on this one is just wrong. Rich is just reporting the news. And if you had read the article yesterday (I did), you would have seen that Bloomberg was considering changing his primary residence to 1 of 2 properties he owns in other states (they listed the states).

    2. Read the article and get the facts 11:22. Then talk about brain cells and Trumptards. Oh brother.

  16. I approve this message.

  17. Jesus Christ, will these billionaire creeps do what Tom Tolbert suggests from time to time and just "Go away...and leave the rest of us normal people alone. Please. Just. Go. Away."

  18. I don't know if anyone else mentioned this yet but Matt Drudge sold the Drudgereport last year. He has nothing to do with it anymore and it's taken a decidedly left-leaning bent since then.

    That being said, why the hell would Hillary want to be VP anyway? This whole story is so bogus from top to bottom. Trump is going to be re-elected no matter which dem clown runs against him.

    1. Thank you for pointing this out. You sometimes have to spell things out...s-l-o-w-l-y...for liberals.

  19. Oh great! America's biggest crime family is back in business. Does Bloomy not realize everything she touches turns to sh!t.

    1. What are you talking about. The Trumps have never been out of business.

  20. If Bloomberg is considering Shillary he must have a death wish. That would end his campaign faster than a pothole on 880.

  21. That choice would be almost as dumb as picking Kamala Harris for VP. Almost.

  22. Yes, she’s so accomplished and ready for the job. *sarcasm*

  23. The Drudge Report is an aggregator, they don't write content...dummy.

  24. All I know is Trump must be stopped! Pardoning rich criminals today! No blacks unless Kim K steps in.
