Saturday, February 15, 2020

Saturday Bagels and Coffee

Image result for bagels and coffee

THE VIRUS THINGIE --if one of the KGO Radio hosts did, say, an hour on the show with an influenza expert, I wouldn't be pissed off, see, that's the thing: they (the programmers, mostly) are so vile about your listening habits (of lack of) they figure, "why bother?" --their thinking: you guys can't keep an attention span past five minutes. And that's being optimistic.

This whole virus story does deserves our attention. It could be nothing burger central but it could also be quite disturbing too. The lack of information is frightening so please, KGO, enlighten us. It's what everyone is talking about now anyway.

*THIS is NOT a political blog. It's media first and foremost so please stop inundating me with pro-Trump, anti-Trump, Dem greatr, Dem bad, GOP this and GOP that--stick to media please. The fact I bring my own take into things is why most of he people come here, not to read your politics.

I brought up Mayor London Breed on Friday because the SF Media has largely gone soft on her and that was before the news of her relationship and acceptance of nearly $6K from the indicted Mohammed Guru.

Breed is front and central today with barely a whisper from her other than her mea culpa and that wasn't good enough. She needs to do an hour-long presser and a few one-on-ones with Phil Matier and the like and then face the music. I would say, "this has legs", but that would be too easy.

*Frank Somerville is going through a lot, (personally) it's a wonder he can go on the air almost every night at KTVU. By the way, Frank, this is a compliment. I don't rip just to rip. By the way, it's nothing medical, boys and girls.

*When I go public on the Jeff Adachi situation, you'll understand why I took so long. Trust me.

*If less than one percent of you, Out of 50,000 daily visits) were to throw 5 bucks my way every week, then there's NO PLEDGE BREAKS. Period end of story. Go to Pay Pal on right side of blog if you're reading this and help maintain this site if for no other reason, there is NO site like this in the Bay Area media scene.

*Hey, did you hear Ronn Owens is taking a cruise in October? It's been at least a minute since I heard the last spot on KGO.

*For all her pratfalls, and yes, there's many, I would love to listen to Christine Craft on the air. She knows how to move the needle and that's all I care about; sure, she's annoying, but so am I, isn't that why you come here?


  1. I come here for the pictures of Heather Holmes myself.

    1. I just follow HH on IG and FB! Agree that she is hot tho!

    2. I come here for the sexy pics of Christine Craft.

  2. I heard this one...What do you call a Seagull who lives on the bay? A bay-gull!
    Fit the photo!

  3. I would welcome a return of Christine to the radio. She was good as a fill in a few year's back. She is fair will callers and has her facts straight. Good for a host.

  4. Amen on the tiresome left-bashing, right-depressing posts! Breed does need to be more clear about how separate her relationship has always been from her job. And yes, the Adachi Mystery must be disclosed, especially with the help of 48 Hours, Dateline, 20/20, or even 60 Minutes.

  5. Frank Sommerville, judging from his Facebook post regarding his car break in, and an article on SFGate about his sandwich preference, is a pathetic, bloated, self-absorbed and self-righteous wimp. His love affair with his car is a stunning example. "Love people, use things" comes to mind as a standard by which we can judge his absurd behavior. He is a pitifully misguided and shallow individual. His post on Facebook about his car was the most ridiculous thing I had ever read. He's a wimp and it's hard to see how he functions in life day in and day out. He is one of those who rose to their level of incompetence.

    Aside from that, he is morally a coward for cheating on his wife. He is a person of no substance or integrity, and doesn't deserve the job of anchor on a major Bay Area television station. He would do well to crawl off somewhere like Bakersfield and leave us alone. I hope his little side trick was worth all the aggravation that ensued. He deserves it, as does anyone who seeks to compromise their marriage and family as he has done. When there are children involved it is nothing short of child abuse.
