Friday, February 14, 2020

Mayor Breed Admits to Romantic Relationship with Nuru; Will SF Press Grill Her?

SO, the news is out.

Image result for Mayor London Breed Mohammed Nuru San Francisco

Mayor London Breed has admitted to a romantic relationship with indicted SF DPW official, Mohammed Nuru.

Will the SF Press give her a pass  or will they attempt to grill her on how thorough was her relationship with Nuru and did she curry favor with him by helping him out with some internal friendship?

The journey begins, or does it?


  1. Oh my, this isn't good.

  2. The lapdog media will just sweep it under the rug, as they did with Jeff Adachi. (Just read Adachi's Wikipedia entry...Even that has been heavily redacted.)

    Instead of fearless reporting, you'll see Phil "Bulldog" Matier trading high-fives with Willie Brown as they talk about the 49ers or something.

  3. No, actual news reporting would interfere with the clickbait and ads on SFGate . . .

  4. Loose London tried to get her brother's prison term reduced. Didn't the man murder his girl friend? What's going to be her excuse here? Loose London can't keep the streets clean. Companies are thinking twice about having big events in San Francisco because of the filth. The homeless seem to be taking over The City. How is Loose London going to get out of this one? Just goes to show how corrupt politics really is. From Troubling Trump, to Galloping Gavin to Loose London. Meanwhile, the understaffed, underpaid and under incentivized media won't touch this for fear of getting shutout. Pussies.

    1. I think pussy caused this problem.

    2. > How is Loose London going to get out of this one?

      Melanin. How they get out of most things.

    3. Stop with the "loose London"stuff...just call it as it is...or has everyone just fallen into the Trump Dumpster and we are all talking like him...lets just see how honestly she handles this...then if SF voters don't buy it, they'll start showing up at City Hall and Willie won't write glowingly about her. End of story...she's not the only politician or human that has fallen.

  5. "Surrender Dorothy!!".....I mean London.

  6. Hopefully our crackhead mayor will not be able to sweep this under the rug like so many other things that happen in this city. The City is loosing conventions right and left and she does nothing but hit the stem and drink 40s.

  7. Dear Christine

    You would think you might have learned from your numerous failings, but you haven't.
    You went from a TV career, to a lawsuit you won, but lost, to being a pauper paying off legal bills. You almost made it on KGO 810, you even made a song for management that you sang on air, pleading to take over Bernie's spot.
    Pitiful! Failed again!
    They gave you some fill-in work, but your temper with listeners got the best of you.
    Then, you became a less than successful part time lawyer. I suppose you lost cases or received smaller awards because of your temper and poor judgment.
    Now you speak ill of Limbaugh (personally dislike his shtick), whom you used to praise on air, as a nice person you once knew from Sacramento radio.
    This is the only forum you have left, Rich will probably boot
    you at some point like he did with Stan.
    You are one that never learns.
    Be careful of your Karma, you made come back as a cockroach.
    Go ahead pick at the grammar, that is all you have left!

    1. No one is worse than Christine, hard on the eyes too!

    2. That is some serious focus and energy, toward hating a person.

  8. Shit..... we're still waiting on the scoop about Jeff Hibachi......

    1. And you'll never get. San Francisco, that liberal bastion of smug superiority, protects its own just as actively as Trump does his. Same shit, different party.

  9. Gross, both of them. Thanks for the mental image.
    :thumbs down:

  10. First her brother and now this. Terrible.

    Why are San Franciscans electing people like this and that DA?

    1. Identity politics over competence. The same way lame people win awards they don't deserve, or if someone else wins, they threaten the establishment if things don't change next year. This is the bullshit liberals and Millennials today want.

  11. Wait...isn't that the same person?

    Is that a scene from "Undercover Boss"?

  12. She's black. Her job is safe. If she were white, she'd be sent packing after a superficial "investigation."

  13. Looks like abc7 News jumped on this story. Will see how far it goes.

    1. > Looks like abc7 News jumped on this story.
      > Will see how far it goes.

      Not very. She broke it just before a weekend, and a holiday weekend to boot. She's betting by Tuesday there will be other things to clog the news cycle, and she's the city's first African-American Person of Color minority quota-filling female mayor, so they won't dig too hard and they'll softball any questions.

  14. Utterly pathetic... on all counts. The stench only gets worse.

  15. Her and that idiot mayor of Oakland are are both so incompetent and complete and utter embarrassments to this area. And let's not forget Kamala who blew her way to the "top". And yet they're all out there pushing the agenda for women to be taken seriously. Pathetic.

    1. Where are the liberal women in the local media (KG0, former KGO) that call them out for their bullshit?

      Oh thats right, they don't. They're too busy hemming and hawing over Trump.

    2. Thank you, 6:40. Well-said.

  16. Innocent until proven guilty?

    1. What's to prove? She *admitted* it.

  17. Such a firm confirmation of the truth in the Bay Area, not what I witnessed back in my youth, but the Bay Area sure sucks nowadays...

  18. I'm disgusted with the racist and sexist comments here. Let's wait for the facts, just because she dated him years ago, does not mean she knew anything about his corruption. Wasn't there just a Republican congress man that just was indicted for corruption, Duncan Hunter. As far as I can tell corruption happens in both parties, and with all races and sexes. The racist and sexist comments do not add anything to the discussion.

  19. The SFO commies corrupt as can be.

  20. > just because she dated him years ago,
    > does not mean she knew anything about
    > his corruption.

    And no one's saying she did.

    She took gifts from him. That's the issue. And leave it make everything racist and sexist. How about "she broke the law"? Black people can and do do that too, only they don't get called out for it as often. And no one's going to call out the first female African American probably bi-curious or at least sympathetic and friendly to transgendered people with giant ear piercings mayor of San Francisco.

  21. RL needs a two-fer: after finding out that Breed's relationship with Nuru clears all hurdles similar to a Blue Bloods episode, then it's time to go all in on the Adachi case. Whatever it takes to bring 60 Minutes, Dateline, or 20/20 to the City to expose the left-side equivalent of hide-and-go-seek, only without the abusive boasting.

  22. Sex is such a common thread in this town.

    You've got Kamala sleeping with Willie before she becomes DA.

    You've got Jeff Adachi doing coke just before a weekend with a woman from Colombia, and then he suddenly dies.

    And now we learn that early in London's "career" she was sleeping with allegedly crooked Public Works director Mohammed Nuru 20 years ago, before she was on the board of supervisors.

    The interesting thing about today's revelation is that we, the public, have been told precious little about London's personal life. Did she have a boyfriend? Girlfriend? Ex-husband? Ex-wife?

    Now we learn that she dated a guy who works for her in one of the most powerful positions in city government. Wow, what a bunch of odd coincidences.

    Of course this story would break on a Friday, and it will vanish from the airwaves, newspapers and websites by Sunday, just like Kamala's affair with Willie and Adachi's hook up with the Colombian woman.

    And was that Colombian woman involved in any drug cartels? How did she Adachi get acquainted?

    1. > Sex is such a common thread in this town.

      In every town!

  23. Breed has never worked a day in her life. We have been supporting her and her whole crackhead family for ever. She lists as her mentors two of the most corrupt politicians ever to rape this city. The mayor dips her beak in everyone’s scam; that’s why they are politicians.

    1. Shhhhh! She's San Francicso's first African American Woman of Color (WoC)! Have a little respect.

    2. Does that mean she gets a pass? Statement of ignorance.

  24. $300K per year plus all the kickbacks and graft and she needs to borrow $5600 to “fix her hoopty”? Who is this bitch kidding? Does she think we are all stoned or stupid? IMPEACH her now.

    1. > Does she think we are all stoned or stupid?

      Yes, because the popular media that sets the tone *IS.*

  25. Her story is ridiculous, but going beyond on that, why didn't these two get married back in the day. They look like they could be a couple right now. Would he have hurt her career? Hardly, he could have bribed the people she had to sleep with. I suspect all of the women in power in SF got there the Kamala Harris way, by sleeping with the boss.

  26. Ask Willie Brown for help if convicted!!! She is not even qualify to serve the spot, just Ed Heartattack chose the wrong person with connections.

  27. What a stunning coincidence! They both work for the City of San Francisco all these years later. Birds of a feather ...

  28. A lot of Trumpers in these comments.
