Friday, February 14, 2020

Hey, KGO and Disney, Quit the 'Building a Better Bay Area' Crap and Stick to News

Image result for abc7 building a better bay area

KGO has been nauseating us for the past several months with its shameful, "Building a Better Bay Area" mantra, a slick, dumb, totally disingenuous theme designed to make it look like they really care about the Bay Area and its place and stature. What a farce. What an insult! What a complete falsehood. And those aren't even the worst reasons.

Disney, which owns KGO and several other TV stations, is a notorious family entity. Which is even more pathetic because all this "Building" crap is an attempt to hoodwink you. It's all a promotion, a small Disney movie designed to capture the audience with insincere BS like the "Building" BS. It has ZERO effect. It has ZERO credibility. It might as well be a movie with characters and a screenplay because it is all fiction. I would hate to have to be a KGO anchor that has to read this crap over and over and not laugh at its attempt to distort reality and highlight all the BS that is BABBayArea."

KGO is supposedly a news-gathering organization. Disney is an entertainment company; some of its holdings are TV stations that should entertain and inform, like a news-gathering operation like KGO. A total BS theme like this one is a shallow attempt to confuse, belittle and do something otherwise. If Disney and KGO truly wanted to build a better Bay Area, then write a check for $20 million and give it to charities in the Bay Area; never mind a few token crumbs and handouts, please, stop making me laugh.

You want build something?? Stick to news reporting and give us facts and the truth. Anything beyond that is above your pay grade.


  1. The news operation is but a small part of what is basically an entertainment company, though KGO-TV’s news offering makes up the vast majority of what passes for a local (community) presence on-air. It wasn’t always the case.

    Remember the days when the GM was actually seen on air providing what amounted to
    the editorial position of the station regarding local and regional matters? It rarely made a difference of course, but at least they were consistent in their effort to “build a better Bay Area”. KGO was also at the forefront of local programming which highlighted community events and personalities, but they buried the effort by airing those shows in the middle of the afternoon and feigned surprise at the lack of an audience. KPIX made an effort in this regard, as well as KTVU. Channel 2 still tries (minus the editorial opinions). Channel 2’s effort is far too sporadic to be of consequence, but I give them props for trying.

  2. This reeks of hypocrisy. You regularly laud the "News Gang" promos from decades ago, yet rip apart anything current. FYI, it's 2020.

  3. > You want build something?? Stick to news
    > reporting and give us facts and the truth.

    That'd be a first.

    They're all doing this shit, though. Have you seen the fluff that's been running on KTVU lately? Covering monster truck rallies and cookouts and the openings of new Walgreens and crap like that?

    You put down KPIX a lot, but they do less of this crap than any other station around here. They pretty much stick to the news, with a few exceptions. For all their faults, they're better than most. KTVU is the worst——barely news at all anymore, just PR fluff.

  4. Thanks Rich,
    I always thought "building a better bay area" was a piece of marketing vomit. Do they really think the public bought that steaming pile of horse crap? Then again what do you expect from Trixie ? She hired Reggie, Dion, and Kate Larsen all journalistic heavyweights NOT !!!

    Just a valley resident.

    You are spot on. As soon as I hear the phrase "Building a Better Bay Area" I reach for the remote.

  6. It really would be nice to get some "news" on the 4:00 p.m. broadcasts, both on Channel 2 and Channel 7. An hour of fluff, interviews and whatever.

  7. What's worse? Between 4:30pm and the 5:00 o'clock news, the four "anchors" from news, or weather, or sports, all chat around the table with idle useless chatter. Bay Area news, bring back the "old" KGO "if it bleeds, it leads". I want news, not PR social indoctrination.

  8. I'm not enamored with the "Building" bull, either. Unfortunately, the ratings probably tell us the opposite story.

  9. It's simply an "image" campaign. Back in the 70s and 80s, stations would try to improve their image with promos that had a musical theme and video of anchors doing positive things out in the community, like helping an old lady across the street. Now the research tells stations that people want their reporters to be solving problems, and housing is the No. 1 problem in the Bay Area. So focusing a spotlight on the issue makes it seem as if the station is promoting progress. It's a corporate mandate. ABC O&Os are doing a "Building" campaign in each of their markets. Nothing original about it. And, to answer your final question, Disney is too cheap to make a donation to solve such a problem.

  10. This "Building A Bay Area" crap needs to stop as soon as possible. It's more annoying than the "Kars For Kids" commercial. I use to watch the entire newscast now maybe the first five minutes or not at all. Another thing they need to do is just report local news, not national news. Please cut out all the chit chat. Like Joe Friday said on the old TV show Dragnet "Just The Facts Ma-am." PLEASE CUT THE CRAP!
