Friday, February 14, 2020

Armstrong and Getty Belong on KSFO Because They're Boring and Predictable; Long Odds for KGO and Medoro on New 6-9 AM Drivetime Show; Friday Open

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I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO SAY THIS: I really don't give a darn about politics. If you have talent, if you are entertaining, and you grab me, then I'll listen and I'll watch. I can't listen to Armstrong and Getty. They are BORING. They don't offer anything different. They cater to morons which is why I call them the "Forrest Gump" enhancers. A bunch of vanilla wafers. Insufferable to the max and yes, they're Trump butt boys, I wouldn't give a damn and would still listen only they're so damn uninteresting and BORING, I can't. I'm not alone.

*So now they'll move to KSFO mornings. It doesn't cost Cumulus a dime and it'll cater to KSFO's conservative crowd, oh yeah, this just in: Armstrong and Getty are CONSERVATIVE. Boring conservatives. I've always said give me entertaining and good radio, I'll LISTEN to mater what political stripe, case in point, Lee Rodgers, who was too good to be true and whose politics I mostly disdained but found his broadcasts riveting. Armstrong and Getty? Leftover wonder bread and not the least bit funny or clever mostly a bunch of Midwest guys who are less funny and poignant than watching paint dry.

*The old KSFO Morning Show with Brian Sussman and Katie Green was basically a goner when Brian decided to "retire" and became stressed out when Cumulus and he couldn't get a contract done. Sussman then decided to hold out and in effect, take a sabbatical. At that point, his show died. His brother, Brad, has been filling in the past four months and the program has tanked. It's better than A&G but so is month-old pound cake. A&G will help along a Titanic that will stay afloat because it's an election year and therefore, there will be interest even if the story line is eventually, Trump vs. Bloomberg.

*For KGO to give Nikki Medoro a morning drive show surprises me. Morning drive is a helluva lot different than 3-6 PM. It's a bunch of pissed-off people trying to escape hell, their own life and navigate the Nimitz freeway. I like Medoro but I don't know if she can conduct the orchestra from 6-9 AM, I'm not being negative, I'm being honest. It's a whole different world. If she gets decent guests and can keep a solid pace going, maybe she survives and accelerates --highly doubtful, but not impossible. Nobody but you and me listens to AM radio on their drive in to the office except a few analog folks who don't buy Teslas or just want to listen to traffic updates in which case, there's Wonderley for that on KCBS. I will listen but the odds are long and short on Medoro's future in drivetime.


  1. She is bad. Low IQ radio, she'll fit right in on the current KGO.

  2. Those who wanted to listen to Weakarms and Spaghetti were already been doing so. Some KSFO listeners will stay. Some KGO listeners will move to KSFO.Some KGO loyalists will give the new talent a try. I'll be listening to Lamont and Tonelli. They are a clown show. They recognize that they are a clown show and in fact strive to be the best clown show!

  3. They should have dumped Chip and gave her that slot.

  4. Moving A&G from KGO to KSFO helps both stations. That's a no brainer. If KGO-radio also said good riddance to John Batchelor's hard-right night-time hogwash, they'd be back to a reasonably good lineup on weekdays. The weakest segments of the day would then be only mildly annoying: the fantasy programs from Chip Franklin and Coast to Coast.

  5. Armstrong and Getty without balancing presence of Marshall Phillips have deteriorated into nothing more than a lot of cackle tracks played over stale inside jokes. No way Medoro can succeed as a solo morning show. But at least she'll be freed of self-impressed windbag Chip Franklin. Kinda like salty Katy Green tho, sorry to see her go. Sounds like Cumulus is cutting to the bone.

    1. Agree with Franklin observation. His biggest fan,himself. Termite ad is perfect for him.

  6. Have enjoyed A&G for years. Like their personalities, sense of humor. Have never voted a republican for pres. Will be following them to Ksfo. Also enjoy Mark Thompson & John Rothman at Kgo. Pat Thurston's OK except for her OTA ads promoting day trading. Ota is being sued by FTC for fraudulent advertising claims. Better to invest LT than (day trade.= gambling).
