Thursday, February 13, 2020

Medoro New KGO Show Has Domino Effect; A&G Move to KSFO; Wipe out Brad Sussman and Katie Green; My Take-The Lowdown

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Nikki Medoro switches from being a sidekick with Chip Franklin on KGO from 3-6 PM to hosting on a new morning show from 6- 9 AM --more on that later.

"Armstrong and Getty" switch to conservative radio outlet, KSFO --replacing Brad Sussman and Katie Green. Green effectively is out of talk biz but will continue to do news and traffic updates --the big skinny here? It's an acknowledgment from KGO suits that Armstrong and Getty are conservative yappers and Trump lovers, why they weren't put on KSFO to begin with is astonishing to me.

Their placement on KGO made no sense and only sounded more silly as the Trump mouthpieces they were and always will be. Now they can kiss Trump's ass all they want in a home and listenership that will love their allegiance.

Medoro will work a new KGO morning show (beginning March 2nd) with Brett Burkhart being a capable if not spectacular #2. KGO will try this avenue because, really, they have nothing to lose. The idea of a truly local show makes sense but will Medoro have the chops to make it survive and prosper? She is good. She'll have plenty of help. She has a cute voice and is good on taking calls and inter-action. She certainly can take command but I'm not sure her name is big enough to hold a big audience but she's certainly young and bright. Her interviewing needs more help and guidance but I hold out hope. I'm not a huge Bret Burkhart fan but I'll give a listen and see if there's some meat.


  1. Good for her. She'll do well.

    Surprised you STILL haven't mentioned Kruk and Kuip doing the "SPLITKAST". What a ridiculous idea.

    1. It's not that ridiculous. The Olympics have often not broadcast the events on location but rather in a studio. I'd rather have Krukow in studio than Javier Lopez in the booth

    2. 2020's version of The Monty Show.

  2. Nicky can hold her own. She has proved it by filling in for Franklin. She's good. I'll be listening.

  3. And the legacy of Brian (Brad) Sussman is in the circular file of history.

  4. Great...I will then be able to stream all my shows on KSFO. Never liked their Sussman/Green morning show. Rich, I like how you put down President Trump supporters. We like winning and you like hating.

    1. And you know what's really amusing today? Mr Limbaugh, clinging to life, asked his audience what American parents would do if their kidlets saw Pete Buttigieg, a married man, kiss his husband. He implied that it was a sure way to lose an election,one he may not be here to see. In any event, down in DC, Donnie was going full tilt boogie, wounding the Justice Department and demanding light treatment of his good,close,long time buddy, Roger Stone. Mr.Stone, despite his recent convictions for lying to congress and witness tampering et. seq. has a rich history of placing ads in DC naughty papers, seeking "hunky, muscular men" for threeways with him and his wife. I think it is so wonderful that Mr. Trump has gotten over his homophobia and is embracing a lifelong, proud bisexual/trisexual( "I"ll try anything"-Roger Stone quote). YOu don't suppose Donnie is ignorant of that,do you? Any threesomes,Donnie? At least the president is also finally speaking up for people of color. He and Roger are both the same hue, orange, spray tans, and makeup.

    2. "Clinging to life". Just terrible.

    3. I really don't wish death to anyone but I'll make an exception for that POS Rushbo.

    4. Someone seems triggered.

    5. Sloooow down, take a deeeep breath, and turn off CNN.

    6. Is Harry Reid "clinging to life"?

      I used to be a fan of Christine.

    7. Someone is upset that she didn't get that KGO morning slot!!!

    8. To East Bay at 4:46 can you explain what Trump is winning at. He has not done anything about health care, infrastructure, nothing has come of his talks with North Korea. The economy is good, but it was good during Obama's last year. And not liking Trump is not the same as hate. I like some of Trump's policies, but detest his personality. I think what Rich was objecting to is that Armstrong and Getty is always, or for the most part, making excuses for Trump and his bad behavior, where as if Obama had done some of the same he would have caught holy hell. I have to say this for A&G they talked about other issues, and at times could be very funny, I listened to them, because they were better than Sussman and Katie, I will be listening to Niki Medoro. I think Rich like many of his are frustrated with the double standard, or hypocrisy from the right, if Obama had done half the things Trump has we would be hearing about from Hannity, Rush, Levin forever. To Christine Kraft love your post, right on.

    9. Ms. Craff as whacky liberal as ever. FWIW, before POTUS remarried, he actually had a long-term black girlfriend... smoke on that! And record low black unemployment. Etc. But I know Ms. Craft feels superior bc she adopted an adult African American woman, so NorCal of her.

      So we have Bloomberg the racially insensitive vs the Democratic Socialist whose wife bankrupted a college vs the white Top Consultant vs the truth teller in th e white pantsuit. Delish.

    10. For the record, Mr. Limbaugh has announced, on the airwaves that he has advanced lung cancer. The president has declared that it is "stage four lung cancer". Mr. Limbaugh was awarded a big medal with a ribbon during the SOTU" speech, despite his statements about America being safer when we had slavery, American women are "Nazis" for seeking pay equity, and disabled people were perfect targets for his mockery. I opined at the time, that if he survived such a terminal diagnosis, perhaps he would keep his humor and originality, but ditch the cruel stuff. With his comments about the evils of gay couples and a gay man running for president, that hasn't happened. Mr. Limbaugh , who famously filled up a private plane with his buddies and a load of illicit Viagra for a Dominican Republic sex romp is somehow moral? Donnie who has an intimate relationship with a notorious bisexual isn't subject to scrutiny? In any event, I know Harry Reid has a host of health problems and has for years. If he has a terminal illness, by definition, he would be "clinging to life", as any of us would. We all achieve room temperature,did you not know? Was rush's claim of terminal illness a ploy?, not genuine?Could that be?. Re: Nikki more sidekick! Did you think that someone who fought for women to keep jobs in broadcasting wouldn't support the first woman to get such a prime spot on KGO? Are you nutz? I haven't done radio in three years, or so, since I supported HIllary on the airwaves. I"m 75 years old. I don't know anyone really, male or female, for that matter who still does at that age, do you? Like many of my similarly aged colleagues, we realize that saying the "wrong" things in this climate, could get you killed. This isn't a time one can safely opine about anything edgy, without having bodyguards. The only radio I own is my car and it is permanently fixed on KQED.

    11. Right, Christine, take shots at the ailments of the elderly. Jealous much of a broadcasting career you couldn't achieve? What are you dying of? Remember,life is a terminal disease and you're no spring chicken.

    12. As I recall, President Clinton in 2013 received the same award. Was that a good choice?

    13. I made broadcast history, you numbnuts(see Museum of Broadcast History, and the Newseum, for more). I just said we all achieve room temperature. Is this a surprise to you? Some, with a known disease process can pretty much guess that the modality of demise is already known. For example, every three weeks , I go to an infusion center and hold the paw of my 86 year old swim buddy, a world class water engineer, big brain who has hiked the planet. Now he has lymphoma, at a stage eminently curable for a younger person, but iffy for one his age, even in otherwise superb health all his life. Did you think that those of who are geezers were unaware of the friends we have dying around us, or didn't understand that our remaining time is limited? Were you born yesterday. I wrote a book, thirty five years ago about being "too old'. Did you think I thought I was a "spring chicken" at 75? Mr. Limbaugh claims to be dying, right? One would hope that a scintilla of empathy, at such a point in a man who has used cruelty as a tool to make money, would emerge.It may, but so far it hasn't. Mr. Limbaugh, like others, is a prominent public figure who has chosen to give us his diagnosis, a nasty one.Did you think he would be absolved from scrutiny? Think again.

    14. Did Bill Clinton ever make fun of the disabled? when?

    15. Happy Valentines Day, Christine!

      I have complained about your comments here and there but I do appreciate your input. Stay with us!

  5. On a different subject, don't know if you saw this today but boy it was painful!

    1. Good god!! Thanks for that! A bloated Ashley at the mike!

    2. He's lip syncing!!!!! Wow... Terrible.

    3. Oh my word! That was PAINFUL!

  6. Her being on in the morning makes Murph and Mac must listen.

    1. I had a roommate awhile back that had those 2 guys on, I never heard them say anything of interest or importance, is just sounded like aimless juvenile banter. However, if that is what you like go for it, not everyone will like everything. There are enough of us who like Niki and will be listening, she will do just fine.

  7. Replies
    1. Brian's brother was filling in for Brian during Brian's medical absence.

  8. Oh how the mighty KGO has fallen.

    1. Dumping A&G was a good move. Lousy ratings, crappy show, non-stop laughing at their stupidity, these idiots don't even take calls, afraid to face opposite views.

    2. You just described Chip and Nikki! Minus the calls of course, but they just talk over them and hang up on them while claiming the caller "hung up".

    3. The use to take calls years ago, but then stopped, I have listened to them off and on for years, even though I lean left, mostly because not much else is on at that hour, could not stand Sussman and Katie, and A&G is at times funny, and they do some okay interviews with the likes of Ian Brenner and Mike Lyons, yes they are conservative, albeit with some libertarian leaning, but I don't mind listening to someone from the other side of the isle. Compared to what you hear on Hannity and Rush they are quite moderate.

  9. Easy pass.

    That will draw in tens of listeners.

    1. A & G were big $$ and ratings were worse than the news they replaced on KGO. Now they'll be on KSFO, the only "local" show they'll have, even though it's Sacramento.

  10. Looks like A&G are only going to be on from 6A-9A on KSFO, which is one hour less than their full show. Wish they would cut an hour off Rush Limbaugh who apparently starts at 9A. Anyway, it will be nice not to have to hear Chip Franklin's voice during the commercial breaks

    1. @544...A Rushbo and A&G fan? Pathetic. Not too many brain cells left after 6 hours of these kooks.

    2. 8:39 you just described an evening spent viewing CNN and MSDNC.

    3. @8:39 Hey dummy. Read my post again. I'm saying I wish that A&G were going to be on from 9A-10A instead of Rush. I can't stand listening to Limbaugh. Once A&G are over, I'm done with talk radio for the day. Perhaps it is you who is brain cell deficient

  11. This is excellent news for KGO's potential re-emergence. I'll definitely be tuning in for a listen next month. Hopefully she realizes that the reason listeners would take time to tune to her 810 AM morning show is b/c they want to hear what other listeners have to say about the issues of the day. They aren't tuning in to listen to the host and co-host pontificate. That should be kept to a minimum. The host's role is to introduce the issues of the day, take calls, challenge the caller's logic if required, and moderate the forum. If she does that, she'll be successful. Best of luck to her.

  12. "Wake Up and Whine with Nikki" ... Can't Wait!

    1. Are you the same person who always says Pat Thurston is whining, if so seem you have a problem with intelligentl, well informed woman. May I suggest you just listen to Rush Limbaugh I think that is more to your cup of tea.

    2. "Intelligent and well informed".

      Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.

    3. It depends on your point of view, obviously you have a problem with women, also seem you have a problem with someone you disagree with. Don't really know why I'm replying to your comment, you are really not worth my time.

  13. Thanks for the info. I was wondering what was to become of Brad Sussman and Katie Green. I'll try to remember to tune into both 560AM and 810AM on as I'm unfamiliar with both Armstrong & Getty and Medoro, although I seem to remember hearing some of A&G before and not liking it.

  14. I'd be open to hearing someone like the "Emperor Gene Nelson" again, with the same music (now vintage rock), not so much today's music; and simulcast on an FM-HD channel for better sound quality. Or maybe that guy who started "there's a lobster loose!" (maybe it was Paul Wells).

  15. So, after years of playing the sidekick, you think Nikki should just play emcee, instead of establishing her own on air personality, running her own show? Would you say that to a new male host?

  16. Thank God, this is a twofer! Now I get to avoid two crappy shows on KSFO at the same time!

  17. Christine & 8:39 are spot on. And 8:04, Paul Wells was and I believe via streaming still is The Lobster.
    RL, maybe the revamped KGO will help crack the Adachi scandal. Gotta expose this. Those hiding will regret doing so.

  18. Just about every day A&G say negative stuff about Trump, which may be why he was never on their show. True, like like many of his policies, but they have been very critical of many of his Tweets and have criticized him and the Republican and Democratic parties for runaway deficit spending.

  19. Great move changing A&G to KSFO, those guys crack me up. I've been listening to KSFO pretty much sense 810 dump trucked on its loyal hosts and long time listeners. Now I can listen to A&G without ever having to go to what's left of kgo...bye kgo !!

  20. This has to be some kind of joke...take the only person in the building dumber and more annoying than Chip and give her her own show? LOL

  21. According to Brian's February 10, 2020, 4:28 a.m. reply to comment at end of February 8th blog []:

    ". . . I gotta stay in the game somehow! Sadly, the guys who are running KSFO don’t understand our special format. Brad will be gone at the end of the month and he’ll be replaced by a syndicated program.
    Fun while it lasted for sure…


  22. Still bitter Christine. Deuchy Chip will just want to beat every body up with his I know everything about everything mentality and I need to ppund some sense into Trump listeners. Talk about a yawner for a morning show. I will not be listening. Hmm Alice, The Nikki show or A & G? What to pick?

    1. Still incapable of knowing that a sentence needs a subject and verb 8:51? I would be the worst person in the world to do any morning show anywhere. I live in a different place, would not be local, have clients in a practice in a different place, and as a geezer have earned the right to sleep in. I"m not a "perky", "wake up and embrace the world" type. I never would have made a good morning host. Having not listened to anything other that KQED for years, I"ll turn back and sample the new morning show on KGO. At least those horrid, predictably misogynistic, and unenlightening duo is finally gone. I can't imagine why they were ever on KGO in the first place. I loved that station ..when Mickey was there and you had great morning news hosts and real reporters, Ronn's show at his peak, great interviewer, Gene, Bernie, John and Pat on the weekends...every point of view allowed to play off of every other... a real brain workout, participatory in nature.That was great radio.

  23. Chip is staying where he is in the afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m. This will be Niki's show with some help from Bret Burkhart.

  24. Check out the teeth on Medoro. What's the name of the show going to be, "Chew on this!" or "This host tells the tooth" or "Biting commentary in the morning"? I guess I know why she doesn't have a TV career.

    1. She looks pretty nice to me. Now back to your bleached blonde Fox bimbos.

    2. It's a Mr. Ed remake.

  25. 1:29 Have no idea why Rich post your comment, you are not adding anything to the conversation. Do you care to post a picture of you? What does looks have to do with anything? You sound like a caveman.

  26. What happens to Sheri Yee? Hopefully she keeps a job. I’ve always liked her.

  27. I get so tired of Nikki's screechy voice. She goes on and on screeching it's hard to listen to
