Saturday, February 22, 2020

Saturday Morning Laughter (Sort of) on KCBS; Yawnfest with Sovern from Vegas and Menconi and Culross; The Non-Stop BS Jewelry Ad Has to Go

Image result for Saturday Morning in San Francisco

*I was giggling beyond control this morning; almost spit my coffee out. KCBS has their dual robot-like zombies in the studio anchoring news--the awe-inspiring, Keith Menconi (wink) and insufferable, Melissa Culross, interviewing political reporter,  Doug Sovern, from Las Vegas, where it's Caucas Day in Nevada.

Sovern, his usual boring self, said a lot of nothing realty, but did talk about the idea of seeing showgirls, bartenders, even clowns, show up to various pooling sites to vote. It was rather refreshing and funny, you'd think one of the brain-dead anchors would have shown some emotion but they didn't: dead air would have been appropriate because that's what this five-min segment amounted to. A lot of on-air Velveeta without the cheese.

Sovern has become a windbag; he says very little and doesn't have an ounce of insight. I'm surprised he didn't mention he'd play some poker at the Bellagio --that would have made for interesting radio because his drone-a-thon isn't the least bit informative.

Image result for Melissa Culross KCBS
Melissa Culross
Menconi, I'm still trying to get whether he's thinking he's anchoring a NPR gig ---he goes on and on and on. Culross, with her ego-driven pregnant pauses while she's out in the field reporting, "Melissa Culross, …(PAUSE), 'KCBS."

Culross is known as ego boss around the office, gees, what a surprise.

*I'M always kind of a light-hearted guy (wink) I can deal with pretty much anything but seriously, that NON-STOP jewelry ad drives ME NUTS lately.

Sure, they pay the money to air their disgrace, but do they realize how pathetic its become?

And the moron man and woman on the ad have to be immediately DEPORTED for their mass-irritation --what a COMPLETE DISGRACE and ABOMINATION!

Someone call the authorities, QUICKLY!


  1. Melissa Culross...a face for radio.

  2. So was the Genuine Black Man's settlement his new podcast on the cloud web site? I was definitely not expecting to see him on the KGO official site ever again, but a new 21-February podcast is there at
