Friday, February 21, 2020

25 Gets Us Home Free

Image result for The number 25 I need your help; We need only 25 PAID subscribers to 415 MEDIA TODAY (Friday) --if we can reach that number, we will then cease Pledge Breaks for the rest of the month.
That's IT.

25 PAID subscribers ($25 a year) and we're home free and REPEAT: NO More Pledge Breaks for the month.

You may also make a donation too.

*415 MEDIA is 100% solely independent and relies exclusively on reader donations and subscriptions to be long term sustainable --THANK YOU FOR YOUR $UPPORT.

TO SUBSCRIBE: Simply click on the Pay Pal Icon on the right ("Donate Button") and make your contribution --it is 100% confidential and you don't have to have a Pay Pal Account to make your donation.

I will PERSONALLY e-mail and/or call you THANKING YOU for your SUBSCRIPTION/DONATION

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