Friday, February 28, 2020

Ask Rich Lieberman

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PLEASE, Name and city/town, always gets to the top of the list, answering your Bay Area/National TV/Radio/Internet questions.


  1. I heard Brian Hackney doing weather reports afternoons on KCBS. Is this just filling in for vacationing regular or is this Brian's new gig?

    Also, Do you know who writes Bonnie-Jill Laflin's questions that she reads verbatim on the KNBR Morning Show?

    Kevin Triplett
    Walnut Creek Ca

    1. The TV weather person on PIX (in this case, Hackney, ) does the radio gig (on KCBS) as a regular feature. It saves money for CBS and Entercom --Hackney is just doing this as fill-in...BJL I hear the interns write the q's. I'm not making that up.

  2. Any new word on Trixie leaving Kgo?

    1. She'd been auditioning for jobs in North Carolina, which might explain my recent post, we'll see.

  3. More iconic schnoz: Karl Malden or Jimmy Durante?

  4. Why did it take 5 attempts to get through a comment that Papa thanked you for setting up the Jim Brown interview?

    You went from loving to hating to I think liking Papa again. So you did them a favor, so what? I appreciate the fact you set that interview up Big Vinny!

    Would love to hear you on their airwaves one day.

  5. Was it our wonderful California Democrat leaders passing AB5, causing thousands of layoffs statewide, that eliminated the 2 man hosts in the evenings on KNBR? Drew Hoffar had a 2 hour slot after Mark Willard but he's been gone since late last year. Now they run national radio in that slot.

    Not that I miss him. He always came across as more a regurgitation of what was heard on the station throughout the day. Where did he end up anyways?

  6. Gasia, are they real?

    Jesse Katsopolis
    San Francisco, CA

    1. Of course they are, not only that, they giggle too.

    2. They're real and they're spectacular. True story. I work with her. She always brings the good vibes and the fab tatas!

  7. The question! The question!

    I can't think of a single little person that has ever worked as an anchor or field reporter anywhere in the country. Why is that?

    Hervé Villechaize
    Fantasy Island

    1. That's a tall order to comprehend so I'll defer, Herve.

  8. Why does Tracey Watkowski still have a job when the morning show is a shambles, noon isn't much better, the best people are fleeing to the South Bay, and everything she touches turns to a turd?

    The only good things there are Ashley and the evening crew, but that was put in place by her predecessors—the people she shooed out—and she's riding their wave. She hasn't done anything right in her whole life.

    What does ABC/Disney see in her? She's not even hot, so it can't be that.

    1. She has people in high places at ABC that she knows and has been able to float around. I think she's at a place now where her time is up though and she can no longer rely on their loyalty.

    2. I've worked with her, and her whole modus operandi is yelling to get what she wants. That's all she knows about "management"—fear me, or it's your job. It's worked remarkably well for her too. From the writer who is Jewish and was banned from writing any stories about Israel because he "couldn't be trusted to be even-handed" to the anchor she openly berated because he was angry she had canceled his vacation after he had booked rooms, flights, etc., she is a horrible, horrible person and proof women who are bitches can in fact advance in the "male corporate world, mainly because the "male corporate world" is largely a myth cooked up by women who want an express train to the top, and Harvey and Jeffrey can only blow so many.

    3. 2:02's accurate statement about Trixie reminds me of some guy Back East who is expecting everyone to fear them, even though Coronavirus is far more worthy of fear than he will ever be. Broadcasting, Entertainment, Politics - too many industries choose good sounding image over good health saving information. At least Trixie doesn't have ugly orange hair.

    4. 3:25 take your meds.

    5. 7:00 think about others, not image and sounding good; you sound like a traitor

    6. 10:33 still...take your meds. and turn off MSLSD

  9. I'm surprised you haven't commented on the Oakland A's no longer having a terrestrial radio station, only online streaming. What are your thoughts on why they did this? I think it's a bad idea. Thanks.

    1. I've been late because I think it's outrageous and un-professional to the max. They have no concept of marketing --they're flat-out amateurs. And they're basically giving a middle finger to older fans who don't necessarily have the will or rigor to "stream" to get A's broadcasts so really? Screw 'em.

  10. Brian Copeland has a new podcast on KGO. Does that mean he’s getting a show back?

    1. Brian Copeland Co-Hosting a program with Ronn Owens would be an interesting consideration for Cumulus's management.

    2. I just checked KGO's website, Brian is listed under podcast, there is a picture of him, and it says Brian's corner. I clicked on it to see if it would be similar to the Owens report, but seem like he will do a 45 minute or so podcast weekly. I will definitely listen to them, I for the most part liked his take on things, and don't give me the one trick pony, and I black, he did lots of different shows, local, entertainment etc. However, there are few black talk show hosts and getting his perspective is something I look forward to. Remember it is a podcast, so those of you who don't like him, have a choice, so spare me the racist comments etc. I know Rich is not a fan of Brian, I also, as far as I can tell, Rich is not racist.

  11. So is KPIX really going to have 4 weather people?

  12. How the hell did Kate Scott get that NHL play-by-play gig on NBCSN recently? Is it because she was a woman and the "most qualified" to do this? That "most qualified" is certainly a stretch in this case. Has she ever been around the game? Playing NHL 20 on EA Sports doesn't count. BTW: nice touch with "The Streets of San Francisco" photo. -- Elias in Pacifica

    1. Elias: Your take is pretty good about Kate Scott. They feed her more cheesecake than all get go. She takes advantage of her place, I'll leave it at that, but you're so right on it's crazy.

  13. How much longer do I have to wait for Kyla Grogan to take over fully for Bill Martin? Steve - San Jose

    1. Steve, this is the last year of Bill Martin's contract and I think you'll see Kyla sooner rather than latter. Martin has become a serious pain in KTVU news platforms and Kyla is obviously more primed for prime time.

    2. > I think you'll see Kyla sooner rather than latter.


  14. Hi Rich: Yesterday I was shocked to read that mediocre KRON anchor/reporter J.R Stone got hired by KGO 7. I would have thought the better more talented anchor/reporter Justine Waldman who does the KRON 4 weekend newscasts with Stone would have been moving on up instead. Rich you mentioned at one time CNN was possibly interested in Waldman. Since her husband Grant Lodes also works at KRON anchoring the 5 & 9 pm weekday newscast do you think Justine is just happy being at the same station with her hubby? I personally like her as both an anchor/reporter & frankly am surprised she's still toiling away at the dumpster fire known as KRON 4 instead of advancing in her professional TV career. Rich: What do you think. I absolutely love your blog. Cary SF

    1. Cary, everyone always needs an adequate body and KGO obviously needed one so all they had to do was look upstairs at 900 Front and not have to spend good $$ for their search--Stone was right there.

  15. What do you think of Oakland A's president Dave Kaval's response to John Shea's article about their lack of terrestrial radio? Dave came back with an, "Ok Boomer". It seemed to infuriate local writers & radio hosts galore. Very very bush league. I particularly enjoyed Deiter Kurtenbach's response on KNBR on how Dave is a complete joke and should have been out of there a long time ago. Loved Marty Lurie's response as well.

    1. Kaval shows remarkable lack of business etiquette for a guy as smart as he is; maybe he's not that smart and more of a dumb wiz I hope somebody in the A's org. gives him a sit down and tells him to STFU.

    2. Kaval helped build Avaya Stadium for the MLS San Jose Earthquakes, but still hasn't made an official announcement about new Oakland Athletics' groundbreaking coming? How complicated is the cleanup process?
      Unfortunately, streaming is the future while radio is the past. Some also feel that way about streaming music vs the overly scratching and bad-for-hoarders vinyl records.
      And the poor treatment by Kaval over Shea? Sounds like the hundreds if not thousands of rural stations nationwide being legally sabotaged (er, bought) by the heartless Sinclair Broadcasting (they the pro-Hairpiece network with the no-time-limit contracts where unhappy employees have to pay to leave and end up broke for life).

    3. Papa on the radio today said something about hearing whispers and he wouldn't be surprised if Oakland lost the A's to Vegas as well. The leaders of that city are a complete joke.

  16. A Good ‘Ol Darkie from FremontFebruary 28, 2020 at 1:22 PM

    My man. I see you love the sistas and who can blame you. But what about this white girl Darya on KRON. Lady had on a leather Catwoman suit this morning. You know what I’m sayin?

    1. Nah, I'm still interested in the sistahs.

    2. John Gullbunny hiding in Hunters PointFebruary 28, 2020 at 3:30 PM

      Right on Rich! Who would you consider the finest of all the sistah's

    3. A Good ‘Ol Darkie from FremontFebruary 28, 2020 at 7:02 PM

      Rich and John - both you all is wrong. Darya in her fine ass leather look like Pam Grier in Coffy. Now that is a sista!

    4. I’ll tell all you all who a fine ass sista. Kari Hall on nbc. Sista got junk in the trunk and groceries upstairs. And they ain’t nothing but meat and potato’s.

    5. Listen up. We need our version of Nadia Crow...NOW! Make it happen Rich, that ass is fine!

  17. Do you think Rosemary Orozco will get the main weekday evening gig if Bill Martin leaves or retires from KTVU?

    1. Probably, but don't rule out Kyla G.

    2. > Probably, but don't rule out Kyla G.

      That would be too intelligent for KTVU.

    3. Rosemary better bring the heat and start matching Kyla’s tight outfits if she wants that weekday gig. Bill Martin looks like he’s just going through the motions

  18. Kaval is a schmuck. We are agreed he should have been gone long ago. His intended spot for ballpark info is never going to work
    Drew Hoffer might be doing fill in at the Game or in Sackamenna
    Crowley was good in that 2 hour slot and Kurtenbach was much better than Hoffer. Ray Woodson, wher are you?

  19. KNBR tonight is garbage now, between Willard with the tranny voice and that nazi from Chicago Kurtenbach they are ruining late night radio. Any chances the leader makes a change sometime soon?

  20. Yosef the mench from San MateoFebruary 28, 2020 at 3:38 PM

    Hey Rich, how you doin? What is the latest with that little yenta Bonni-Jill?

  21. I think The A's made a huge mistake in not getting a radio flagship for their games. Kaval is a horses ass - whats he trying to prove? He belongs over with Zaidi on the other side of The Bay. #idiot

  22. Best TV-series mystery detective? Colombo? Sherlock Holmes? Poirot? Tom & John Barnaby (Midsomer Murders)? Endeavour/Morse? Lassie?

    George in San Jose

  23. Do radio stations understand how many listeners they lose when certain commercials come on? Is the revenue from the commercial greater than the loss in ratings? Think about the Kars for Kids spots. How often have you changed the station when that's come on. Lately, it's been Liam Mayclem who is doing real estate ads. When he comes on, I turn off KCBS. Wonder if management has calculated the cost of running spots that irritate people?

    1. They understand that that to the point but it's all about money so they keep running it and the fact you're talking about it? Next. --Oh, don't get me started on asshole foodie chap, LM.

  24. Rich, could you see Karel and Christine Craft hooking up?

    1. I'm a straight male and I'm thinking Karel may be the more attractive of that pair! A match made in heaven, both of them love their animals! Maybe it will happen.

  25. Does KPIX anchors get paid more than the other stations doing way more work and filling in for KCBS radio, KPIX News and CBSN News?

  26. What the hell is Lawrence Karnow doing with spiked hair...Has to be on a bet...Can't stop watching...

  27. What's happened to Mychael Urban and Rick Tittle? They seem to be missing from 95.7 The Game lately.

    1. Urban and Tittle have been gone a month. Slow sports time and a break? Or let go.

    2. The Game seems to be hiring younger and less-seasoned on-air personalities.

  28. What do you think about Justine Waldman and Grant Lodes on KRON. You never talk about them. I like them. How bout you?
