Friday, February 28, 2020

Media Doomsday as Coronavirus Stories Permeate; Friday Dread

Image result for Feeling of dread

A FRIDAY DREAD: It's a nonstop cacophony of dire straits --a growing feeling of fear and uber-anxiety regarding this Coronavirus and its implications.

KGO Radio has been non-stop on the story and while educational and informative, it's sort of fear investing gets to be exhaustive --I, like many, seem not to know what the hell is going on other than I've washed my hands about 10 times today and while I do that anyway, there seems to be more of an urgency.

The stock market took a tanking (again) --maybe that's the least of our worries. It might well lead to a doomsday scenario but it could take a back seat to the growing angst and nerves. I was going to go out and get a beer but I'll stick to the friendly confines here and pass on some sneezing ass guy who should know better.

The sky is mashed-potato gray. It hasn't rained in a thousand days and the streets are dirty. I just turned to ABC News and Drudge Report and there's more news about the sky falling and extension of Coronavirus stories.

I need something stiff.


  1. I got the KRONa4 virus.

  2. Dr. Drew said the media should shut up about it. Amen.

    1. Dr.Drew also called the politicians and public health leaders in the BA...

      "Complete Morons".

      Try not to leave out the best part of the story.

  3. Saw several sneezing ass guys and gals at the store this afternoon, letting loose with perfunctory cover up efforts. One sneezing and coughing lady looked like she needed to go to the Emergency Room. Glad my shopping, and other public outings, are done for a while!

  4. > I need something stiff.

    Mike Bloomberg's pretty stiff.

  5. Don't worry, we have the "brilliant" minds of the likes of Chip Franklin and Nikki Medoro to get us through this crisis!

    Oh brother.

    1. Hey Deuchy Chip knows all. He reads a lot. He will tell you that and shut you down if you don't agree with him.

  6. In other news, Priya David Clemens took over tonight the hosting duties on KQED's "Newsroom," and I forgot how hot she was. She seemed to put on some pounds when she left Channel 2 and was freelancing at CBS, and then later as PR lady for the Golden Gate Bridge District. But she's trimmed down and was in fine MILF form for "Newsroom" tonight.


  8. LOL watching how the Chinese community in Oakland and San Francisco Chinatown trying to use the media and politicians like London Breed in SF and Oakland Mayor attention to get the restaurant and other shop businesses back.

    In exchange, no % discount to customers at all stores and restaurant and not even free parking. And, customer service worst of the worst!!!

    1. Nancy Pelosi took her meds and sauntered out there last week for the cameras as well. She looked old, Trump derangement syndrome has aged her.

  9. Elijah Craig can and would help you...
