Monday, January 13, 2020

You want more 'Ask Rich Lieberman'


I have heard from you all: A lot of you love my "Ask Rich" Q and A and I will try to accommodate your request by posting more frequently your questions on Bay Area media.

It does require a lot of time but I will do my best


  1. Is the Chase Center that Lacob had built for the Warriors the best venue you've seen for sports/concert ever?

    1. It's nice but not spectacular like Madison Square Garden in NYC or the Staples Center in LA. Getting in Chase is a major hurdle too.

    2. If it was built in Oakland Rich would say it was on par with the Taj Mahal.

      The Garden is a dump.

    3. The Garden was renovated three years ago and it shows. Plus you can get there easy and conveniently and it's still cool inside with a ton of history, hardly a dump.

    4. The Chase should be in Oakland!!!!

  2. Rich, is their any female more in Bay Area news media more stunning than Rosemary Orozco? She's flawless!

    1. Jade Hernandez....lord have mercy. In my opinion, there was no finer looking woman who appeared on local TV than Jade.

    2. Yosef the San Mateo MenschJanuary 13, 2020 at 9:50 PM

      Ron, what about gasia mikaelian? Shes hotter than a armenian spicy sausage!

    3. The best way to define Rosemary is to use a few words from a Tina Turner song, they are..."Simply the best, better than all the rest." She certainly is!

      Your looking at a symmetrical goddess, a woman who is perfectly designed and lucky for us displayed perfectly!!

      The Women Are The News.

    4. The women mentioned here are all earthlings. Maria Medina is a heavenly beauty

    5. All too ethnic.

      Give me some Betty Ann Bruno baby!

    6. Yes, I agree, Maria Medina is absolutely stunning!!!

    7. I agree:

  3. Do you hate as much as I do when TV or Radio personalities talk about something and they pluralize names? Pawlie Mac is notorious for this and it drives me crazy. The other day for example he was talking about surfing. Of course he thinks of himself as a know it all on the subject. When he said "the Larry Hamiltons and Kelly Slaters of the surfing world". First off Mr surfing knowledge his name is Laird Hamilton and there is only one. He does this all the time pluralizing names and it drives me crazy. What say you?

  4. I can think of a whole lot more things to complain about--I share your irritation --and yes, Pawlie Mac is a total fraud but I'm not so outraged on that matter.

    1. To me, Paulie Mac is THE most annoyingly person on local radio. But obviously, many listeners like or buy his continuous psychobabble and repetitive and sophomoric sound stuff....."fresh pot."He is the master interrupter and irrelevant quipmeister.Just terrible.

  5. Do you see any changes for KOIT-FM? I suspect they do well financially year after year yet there isn't any local significant competition against them. A mundane format that makes money yet every other station just lets them be. Or am I missing something?

    1. What wrong with you, is your dial stuck on KOIT? Those of us that get out more listen to The Breeze, 98.1 KISQ. At one time the call sign was KABL, maybe you'll remember that old-timer. Don't know how well Breeze does in the ratings. Either one will put you to sleep just fine.

  6. Yeah, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas when they play 24-hour Christmas music which I guess a lot of people love.

  7. Have you and Stan ever shared a pastrami and talked shop at Grumpy's?

    1. NEVER. caps intended.
      But he is very funny at times.

    2. How dare you Anonymous. Rich isnt sitting, laughing and drinking Champagne coolies all day.

  8. Rich, did you notice that the KNBR fill-ins over the Holidays were notably better than the inept M&M, Lund, and Brooks? I thought Kurtenbach and Crowley stood out.

    1. Anything is better than the moronic mutts that pollute their daily airwaves. Crowley is OK, Kurtenbach? Meh.

    2. Kurtenbach sucks! Hes like Damon Bruce 2.0! Send him to over to Reggies @ 95.7!

    3. If today's sports talk hosts suck, what would you want in a radio host? Who would fit that bill?

    4. Crowley is an amateur -- out of his element. Writing is enough of a challenge for him.

    5. Kerry Crowley was indeed good as a fill-in.
      Scott Reiss was also good as a host.
      Both were smooth and comfortable in front of the microphone.
      KNBR should hire of these guys full time.
      And get rid of Rod Brooks and the other clown by the name of Mark Willard.

    6. Thanks, Mrs. Crowley!

  9. This is great Rich! You should make this a weekly thing, there are so many questions in the world of 415 media

    1. John Gullbunny hiding in Hunters PointJanuary 14, 2020 at 10:40 AM

      Great! Have you ever thought of doing your own radio show? You could use a platform like Twitter/ Periscope to stream it, like Tony Bruno does.

  10. Nice Randy Hahn entry.

    On the subject of Hockey: I don't watch all of the Sharks' games, but I've noticed that Kendall Coyne Schofield has been absent during the recent telecasts that I have seen. Do you know the reason for that?

  11. Is that intern who had an affair with Frank still working for the station?

    1. No. For good reason. Plus, she was probably paid a decent sum for going away present.

  12. How are the old KFOG frequencies (104.5 and 97.7) doing ratings-wise? Dec. Nielsen's show KNBR-FM as n/a.

    1. You just answered your own question--fyi, Paulie Mac in stereo more annoying too.

  13. Can it be true that the once lovely Erica Kato is keeping company with greasy headed UFO Da Lin? She has really let herself go since Daria got her fired from KRON, but that’s ridiculous.

    1. Married without children--EK works as the MUNI PR person.

    2. I'm wondering if Da Lin has any callings to advertise a hair"Moose" product.

    3. Thank God there is $$ coming into that household via Erica
      because Da has no future in the business unless he starts looking at the camera during live shots. He made the move to PIX from KRON before he was ready.

  14. How about Greg Papa’s touchdown & field goal calls? Asking for a friend

    1. Yeah, very funny. He's just slightly obnoxious on that one. "SAN-FRANCISCO!"

  15. Any chance at all that the Mark Thomson show will be dumped? It's mostly a BS session with Burkhardt and few calls are taken, real annoying!!
    David, San Jose

    1. I agree with Rich Mark Thompson's show is better, but still needs improvement. I have it on most mornings, there is much else on, other than straight news and super conservative talk host. I listen off and on since I'm usually getting ready for work at that time. I do think his show has some nice features, like "drain the swamp". This morning he interviewed the former director of the National Parks, which Trump is trying to destroy or at tamper with so they no longer are as pristine as now, as Mark said because of all the impeachment talk, other also very important issues are not being paid much attention to. This issue is dear to my heart, I have over the years spend many wonderful hours in Yosemite, hiking with friends and my daughter, the thought that anyone would want to tamper with that, and our other National Park is very upsetting.

  16. He's better. But it's still a bad show. If he continues to be stagnant and ratings tank, expect a change in March.

    1. Nick Gerz in the TenderloinJanuary 14, 2020 at 10:50 AM

      How about ever annoying Marcus Thompson, when will KNBR cut his air time. Hes on every show like 5 times a week! I'd rather listen to my scratchy old Marvin Gaye records than his ghetto ass!

    2. MT sucks, i hear better sports takes in the San Pablo popeye's parking lot! - Lester Green

  17. Some TV stations in the nation, the ones in smaller markets, are combining news operations with another station in the market. It's probably money saving, but they're touting it as making themselves more powerful. Could that happen here? Like maybe KRON4 and NBC-11?

    Johan in Belvedere

  18. Rich,
    It seems to me that Joe, Lo and Dibbs is just getting worse. Joe repeats himself 12 times every 5 minutes, severe compulsive disorder. Lo at times can be interesting at other times very ordinary and I actually think Dibbs is goofy but solid. The afternoon show is getting better like Damon and Ratto, the other guy is a waste of air. Do you see any changes in either line or the Game is satisfied with the talent they have?

    San Jose

  19. Has Marty Laurie's post game Giants show been canned ?
    Look like Bill Laskey has replaced him.
    I always thought Adam Copeland would replace Marty Laurie at some point.
