Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Yenta Alert on KNBR

The real deal --and that's the problem.

We give you Bonnie-Jill Laflin --proving everything we abhor in life.

It will get worse as the days go on.


  1. Hugh Jassol from TiburonJanuary 15, 2020 at 9:04 AM

    Why is she there? Why does Murph introduce her for the traffic report but all she does is read an ad for the sponsor of the traffic report, and someone else does the traffic. She’s a useless middleman. It’s like there manufacturing things for her to do since she has no purpose. She’s as useful as a hooker with cold hands on a hot night in Pacific Heights.

  2. I don't know about her reporting or broadcasting skills, but she looks pretty hot to me ...

  3. I’d like to hear Paulie Mac make a remix of his Adam Gasse song for BJ.....’The boobs of Bonnie-Jill....’

  4. I wish Brian Murphy would teach Bonnie Jill how to ask a question. She prefaces every one with so many facts, she ends up answering the question before she even asks it. She needs to learn that the best interviews are conversational.

  5. Cam Hultoe on Linda Mar BeachJanuary 15, 2020 at 10:03 AM

    The last commenter is correct. Why do they do this needless obligatory Bonnie Jill question in the middle of Brian Murphy’s interview? It disrupts the entire interview and then a Murph continues. Unless she’s gonna talk about her boobs, she needs to stop talking.

  6. Hey Anonymous....she can barley read, have you heard the reports at 15 and 45 past the hours? She fumbles and stumbles through that report like a Chris Berman calling a Ahmad Brooks fumble recover...Shes rumbling, fumbling, stumbling!!!

  7. I still don't understand why KNBR hired her. Yes, she's hot, but you can't see her assets on the radio. They already have Paulie Mac--they didn't need another clueless moron in the morning.

  8. Lisa SaPuta from the MarinaJanuary 15, 2020 at 10:49 AM

    I heard she was hired because they thought she could bring in big name athletes as interview guests. So far these athletes just seem like a collection of mid level African American athletes from the 90s that she possibly slept with.

  9. Jenny Talia from South CityJanuary 15, 2020 at 10:56 AM

    If they only hired her because of her looks, why not hire Kate Scot? Kate is attractive and more importantly she’s talented. Plus, she might tell some hot lesbian stories, which are always good for ratings.

    1. Former Playboy playmate? Or am I mistaken?

    2. That is correct!

    3. Kate Scott? Why would they hire her again? She was as useless as Bonnie Jill during her first go-round at KNBR.
      Don't see her talent either.

  10. I hate how they say, oh she has connections to bring content to the show. Then all you get is Warren Moon, Michael Irvin and LeRoy Butler, a bunch of 90's athletes that KNOW her well if ya know what i mean. No one wants to hear from all ex-BF's!

  11. Guy that enters fake name on Rich's website and thinks he's funnyJanuary 15, 2020 at 12:39 PM

    Sorry she wouldn't fuck you, Rich.

  12. Rich you mentioned shes a yenta, and will get worse as the day goes on. Can you explain for us of the non-jews?

    1. gossip-monger, talker...go to Webster.

    2. OH I did but wasnt sure the context- like is she a big gossiper behind the scenes?! I could see her being the vindictive type!

  13. What is she getting ready to do with that Mic?

  14. Her go naked for PETA pictures put a rise in my fur.

  15. It seems from reading this that she likes black guys, but what about Asians. I have an ancient Chinese secret to share with her!

  16. The whole show is a complete tire fire. 4 people trying to talk with Murphy's arrogance and Mccaffrey's constant interruptions, and stupid quips. It's really terrible radio, in a huge time slot.

  17. Anon at 9:50 speaks truth! Murph is the only knibber yakker that can ask a question and shut up; all the rest seemed to go to the 'Ralpheroo' school of posing a question, then talking for 2 minutes to try and sound brilliant, then re-phrasing the question and awaiting (finally) the answer. Sorry haven't heard BJL at all cause I gave up on the morning show a few yrs ago due to excessive mind-numbing commercial spots.

  18. Well, if the Niners play up to their capabilities, they will win. But if the Packers play great like their Cheesehead faithful say they will, then I discourage all of you to say far away from Rich's least favorite Yenta. Because if Bonnie Jill makes no sense at all now, what would happen if Danica's Main Man atones for his career worse performance in his previous visit to Hi-Tech Land? I know I want to stay farther away from this boorish broadcast.

  19. It is so uncomfortable listening to her attempt to read the hourly updates.

    It is so bad it sounds like she doesn't speak English and doesn't know what she is saying - maybe the words are just spelled out phonetically for her and M&M plug their ears until its over (just like the rest of the audience)

    For the love of god BJL, read a few books or take an English class or ANYTHING.
