Sunday, January 19, 2020

Replace Sussman with Melanie Morgan on KSFO Morning Show

Image result for melanie morgan ksfo
Melanie Morgan


I say KSFO suits hire back Bay Area conservative radio broadcaster, Melanie Morgan, to replace Brian Sussman.

There's complications all around this move --issues galore. But sound reasoning could spell success. I'll talk about that in a sec.

Years ago I detested Morgan for her shrill, grating, obnoxious banter. Sure, I abhorred her politics but big deal, I still listen. Morgan gradually began to blend in with late, great, Lee Rodgers.

A side-note: It was Mel that worked and seasoned Katie Green. They both get along real well. Girl power on the spot.


  1. I rarely listened to Sussman, but highly enjoyed Rodgers. Melanie would probably be a decent ace to pick up the show.

  2. That would be nice, to have Melanie back on the air, but does she even want to do this sort of work anymore? Having a morning gig completely takes over your day's schedule. You have to surrender to the time for prep and planning topics. You have to be ready in case a guest decides not to show up, or is the type who answers in one word remarks.

  3. I remember liking her when she was on the air; and was sorry to hear, somehow, Sussman was chosen over/instead of her.

  4. I'd also like to see Mel on the air and she would be a fine asset too.

    1. On radio, how can you SEE her???

  5. This is something I never told anybody and never will face to face. I recall the very morning I found out that Lee Rodgers was off the air, this time for good, and Brian Sussman was taking his place.
    I was in Novato in the parking lot of Grocery Outlet (Bargain Market) enjoying a smoke. Radio on, engine off. Then I heard about the change. I rolled the windows up, and I cried for a few minutes.
    Here I was, a Fifty something Black Republican, sobbing over a Talk Show. Isn't that a laugh?

    I cried, because I knew that whole Era was over. Doubly sure it was over, since Melanie didn't get the spot. I could tolerate Brian in small doses, but I was hoping for Melanie.
    That whole era with Officer Vic and whomever was OVER. It was like the day I graduated from Art School. "Nothing will be the same." And so it was.

  6. She would be an excellent choice but remember these are the same people that chose sussman/green and then allowed them to run the shit show it was for so long.

  7. That would be a perfect choice.

  8. I'd hit it. Has a Markie Post feel to it.

  9. Bet Ronnnnnnñ whors himself out for the spot!

  10. Below this sentence is a list of successful female morning talk show hosts:

  11. I'd like to see her with a big rubber harness gag stuffed in her mouth. And I'm not into bondage.

    1. Nice. Misogynistic and into torturing women. Democrat?

  12. Can't stand the right-wing-nut hate radio spewing their BS propaganda. I believe KSFO is all syndicated crap outside of Sussman's old gig. They need local so if Meanie Morgan is an option, I'd say go for it. I I never did like her and won't tune in but at least it's local which I think is a positive.

    1. As opposed to the liberal drivel that nobody tunes into. Left wing lunatics and their feel good proposals get you squatters in Oakland that the city BUYS the house for. "Moms for Housing". More like unemployed welfare rats that just continued their free ride. Where are the fathers of these children btw? Can't they afford to pay rent?

      Isn't liberalism grand.

  13. Seems that former listeners remember a much better past than I. As I recall, Melanie and Sheri Yee and Tom Benner referred to Lee "Mr. Crankypants." The show was much different than today with back to back to back interviews of what we know today are Deep State RINOs. On the day that Melanie was fired, Lee put her down as his "news reader," who he alone had allowed more air time. IMO, no way she can carry a show as the lead. Definitely a 2nd banana and now that she's in her mid-60s, how motivated would she be to wake up at midnight to prep for a 5am show? She retired for good 3 years ago from backwater KSRO. Time to move forward, not backward. But as the only live and local program that doesn't spew insane rhetoric, it's a great opportunity for some host to pick up the mantle and build upon a successful platform informing and entertaining the vast audience of sane but silent conservative Bay Area residents.

  14. Melanie was already brought back once, it was obvious she didn't mix with Brian and Katie, she quit abruptly, l think because the show was no longer the same quality as when she was co host with Lee Rodgers. I don't think she wants to co host with Katie and vice versa. Like Rich I didn't and don't care for her politics, but that's besides the point.

  15. Have they announced his firing/quitting yet? He was awful, just awful.

  16. Maybe her husband can get her another job.

  17. Always thought Mel and Lee where class acts. I can’t imagine she’d won’t to go back, but “maybe”, given that it’s an election year.

    Speaking of talent on that show, I’ll bet Officer Vic struggles to make a good living.

    As for Sussman, boring as hell, never heard an original thought pass his lips.

  18. During the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the Bay Area, Melanie Morgan was on the air on KGO Radio and despite authorities pleas to the public to use their telephones for emergencies only, she invited listeners en masse to phone in with their earthquake stories and reactions. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
