Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The United States of America Radio Talk Show Hosts' Approves of This 2020 Message

Image result for hillary running 2020

Too Good To Be True.

Mother of All Media Events.

The race.

Trump/Clinton Round 2.


Political Armageddon.


  1. I don't think so. I liked Hilary as First Lady and Senator, not so much as a candidate, especially the second time. I think her time has come and gone, she needs to stay out of the race, will just stir up to many things from the past.

    1. Agreed. She's for the low information voters that are easily swayed by marketing, "talk show hosts" and "influencers". They basically need people to tell them how to think and live their lives. That's her base.

    2. There is no former Sec'y of State , US Senator, who has run for the presidency named "Hilary". Hillary Clinton won three million more votes than the orange vulgarian, and is still two years younger than he is. As for Donnie's panties being soiled, it's not because HIllary Clinton exists, it's because he's been busted extorting a foreign government to do his personal political dirty work, meddle in an American election, using taxpayer dollars as bait, ad he will be impeached.

    3. > Agreed. She's for the low information
      > voters that are easily swayed by
      > marketing...

      And Trump is........?

    4. To 12 PM commenter, I think you misunderstanding me. I wrote the comments about Hilary at 11:42. I think Hilary is very intelligent, and I'm a middle of the road liberal, but tried in 2008 and again in 2016 and lost, so I think a 3rd time is not going to change things. As for low information voters, that can be applied to the right, the left and those in the middle. Just because someone does not agree with you, does it mean they are low information or not intelligent, they just have a different point of view.

  2. You've. Got. To. Be. Kidding.

    or, Trump just came in his pants.

    1. gosh, I know. Imagine having a president who has not only read the constitution, but studied it at Yale Law! Donnie's never bothered to read it.That's for the little people, plus the words are too big. Hint: You can't be a patriot, no matter what your politics, without reading it.

  3. It's a two-fer. The Clinton Crime Family boss and she could snag Greasy Gavin and help clean up Calif in the process.

    1. "The Trump Crime Family", there, I fixed it for you...

    2. Greasy Gavin, so true.

  4. I kind of see the alternative universe of a Clinton Presidency with the GOP still in control of the House, impeachment hearings underway, but Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. Odd question - does MeToo still happen with a Clinton Presidency?

  5. Please Hilary run.......I could use a good laugh!!!

  6. Irrespective of her political views and actions, she is physically not well enough to handle the rigors of another Presidential campaign. And certainly not 4 years as POTUS. She had noticeable health struggles during her last campaign, and also during her tenure as Secretary of State.

    1. Correct, wearing those heavy pant suits can do it to anyone.

    2. You mean that the National Enquirer said she would be dead long ago and you believed it. Having a case of walking pneumonia, which Hillary did, would make anyone feel horrid.Did you know this..Did you think that a certain,bloated 73 year old who only eats shit was healthy?

    3. 5:50,

      When Hillary resigned from her Secretary of State position, she cited health reasons as a significant factor. She had MULTIPLE health-related problems during her last campaign. Post-2020 election, she has slipped and fallen down a flight of stairs (while hanging on to someone who was providing physical support). I saw on TV recently, and she was visibly shaky and leaning against a desk.

      "Thyroid Problems," "Pneumonia," "Dehydration." I've no doubt that she has suffered from those ailments. Based on personal observation, and I've worked in the health care industry, she is now chronically unwell and unable to run for and serve as POTUS.

      With regard to the National Enquirer: I don't read that publication, and I'm unfamiliar with their reporting on the issue. With regard to Trump's lifestyle: He certainly is at high risk for major problems, and he has demonstrated complete disregard for the prudent health advice that he has been given. Also, I think that Bernie's current health status should provide good reason for him to quit the race.

    4. Corrections: I meant to write "Post-2016 election...," and "I saw her on TV recently..." in the 7:11 entry.

  7. That's why I call it the most corrupt politician in the United States history you endorse. She's the Benedict Arnold of United States politics

    1. I'd say she's more like Eva Paron, but whatever. Trump is the Benedict Arnold. And the Benito Mussolini. George W. Bush was the Chauncey Gardiner.

    2. Who is "Eva Paron"? Did you mean Eva Peron? In what way, based on your lack of knowledge of Eva Peron, does Hillary Clinton in any fashion resemble her?

  8. PG & E crisis =
    RECALL--Gavin Newsom
    Remember Gray Davis ?

    1. California is becoming more and more liberal. Gavin will not be recalled, and he will likely enjoy an even more favorable public opinion rating (in this state) in the future. Here, the left rules. And they consider Gavin to be one of their darlings.

    2. What does recalling Gavin Newsom do?

      What did recalling Grey Davis do?

      Why not actually solve problems rather than acting like spoiled brat eight-year-olds?

    3. 10:52 but acting like a spoiled 8 year old is the Democrat creed.

  9. If this beeatch decides to run, the Dems would be so out of whack that D.J.T. will get a second term as supreme high exhalted mystic ruler. If you liked his first four years, you'll ejaculate like mad during his next four. But if you're like most with an ounce of gray matter in the noggin, you'll be headed for Iceland. Someone is trying to stir the pot, folks. Perhaps it's an indirect message to the Dems to get their shit together.

    1. If you could write comments without using vulgar language, perhaps you would be taken seriously. Iceland by the way is beautiful, I lived there for several months, and visited a few times as well. However, if you are a native Californian you will find the weather a bit cold, although not as cold as the name suggests.

  10. Comes to wealthy Danville where all the upper middle class socialites adore her...
    Promoting her "THE BOOK OF GUTSY WOMEN" and gets standing ovations.
    Right after she trashes a truly "gutsy woman" Tulsi Gabbard who put her life on the line in service to our nation.
    Meanwhile, Hillary's men... including Bill...did all they could to avoid service.
    Would love to see Hillary lose for the third time in a row.

    1. Thank God all of those Trump boys have served in the military. Oh wait, Donald had those bone spurs. With Bill, it was a chronic boner.

    2. Not surprised, Hillary doesn't like the Military. When she was First Lady she didn't like all the Military aides who work in the White House wearing their military uniforms, and asked if they could wear "suits" instead.

      Nothing like insulting every Veteran, past, present and future who served in the Armed Forces. I am proud to say one of them...Naval Aviation.

      She also didn't like the Secret Service people whose job was to protect her, nor did they like her. In a book I read about the Secret Service it indicates the worst job assignment you could get was the Hillary Detail.

      If she decides to Run her perfect running mate would be Jane Hanoi Fonda, they have a lot in common!

      The Women Are The News.

  11. Some of you laugh, really? When Clinton said Trump was "Putin's puppet", perhaps we should have listened to her...

    1. Please open a book. Educate yourself.

    2. 10:17 - GFY, I read every night, about real things, mainly history, you?

  12. I feel sorry for Gavin......he had an affair with his best friend's wife years ago and the public will never forgive him for being a sex-aholic.

    1. And yet Trump had affairs when his current wife was pregnant and his ex-wife testified he raped her...I think people will forgive Gavin.

    2. LOL yeah, they are punishing him for his transgressions by electing him governor!

      i hope you were kidding

      Rich, please don't start with the national news HOT TAKES, keep focused on Bay Area media stuff, plenty of places to get the other rot

  13. Maybe Hillary and Trump can get adjoining cells at Trump Prison...

  14. LOL, divorce Bill and run as Rodam to prove you are a WONDER WOMAN. Why borrow your husband name when we all know how good is your relationship

    1. If only she knew how much it would help by divorcing Bill... Who wants him hanging around the West Wing on the hunt for young interns? And it would show that she's finally "gutsy" and won't have to destroy women who tell what Bill did to them. But then she'd probably be thrown out of their "foundation".

  15. Clinton ran a horrible campaign by not spending enough time, or no time, in those 3 key states which she lost by 78,000 votes, and she also had to deal with James Comey's letter to Congress 10 days before the election, which turned out to be nothing, she also had to deal with Russian interference, but she won the total vote by 3 million votes.

    So to all you MAGAts laughing at the possibility, ask yourself this question, can she flip 78,000 votes in those 3 states? I say yes she can and easily.

    Trump has lost support, he's gained nothing in his base and he's going to be impeached, his approval rating has been stuck in the low 40's, his administration has been in chaos from day one, so how many 2016 Trump voters, mainly Independents, would switch their vote now? I think many would, or at least enough.

    But keep laughing...

    1. FYI, as a registered independent, I would never vote for Hilary!!!

  16. Please Please Hilary Run!!!!! lol lol lol

  17. Hillary is an abused woman. Why she puts up with that dog of hers, no one will ever know. She could never govern as a President because she is weak willed, and, try as she might, she is simply unlikable as a result of the fact that she has absolutely no backbone. But, "What difference, at this point, does it make."

  18. Simply amazing how the MAGAts on here make fun of Clinton, yet support the worst and most corrupt president in the history of the USA, and based on his behavior he's probably severely mentally ill. Trump will not win, and it probably doesn't matter who he runs against.

  19. Please Hilary, don't go back in the crack in the world but stay to continually grab your 15 minutes of fame on the widely seen CNN and other highly (lol) rated shows.
