"Rob from Richmond" --a frequent, and I do mean frequent caller on KGO's talk show platform; he's a GOP loyalist and Trump-is- never wrong supporter, kiss-ass --at first this guy was slightly amusing, now he's just an irritating lemming who talks over hosts (like John Rothmann) and repeats the same old GOP/Trump talking points. He's a shill really and talks like one. Used to call Ronn Owens habitually and now keeps on going on and on and on ...on Rothmann.
Too bad Rob from Richmond is wasting his talent and time on KGO. DT 2020 ....
ReplyDeleteOf the 12 clowns on the stage, does anyone really believe that any of them could beat Trump?
ReplyDelete@11:18am...says the guy who supports the biggest clown to ever reside in the White House. You Trumptards are delusional. Warren would destroy the Orange POS in a debate. His lies and BS will make him look even more foolish.
DeleteIt is really scary how cult like Trump supporters are. Since I listen to Rothmann as much as I can, I often hear Rob, and yes he is getting more and more annoying, however John knows how to handle him. I seems to me that kind of blind devotion to a politician is scary, seem like Trumps devotees is totally devoid of common sense, critical and independent thinking. Sad and scary.
ReplyDeleteRob from Richmond beats any bay area Angry White Liberal.
ReplyDeleteKGO voice of the mean and nasty White Liberal.
@1:31pm... Says the angry, nasty white Contard. Stick to KSFO with all the loony bigots.
DeleteTalk-radio stations need to be pro-active in addressing this sort of distraction adversely affecting the station's listeners. A talk show is sort of like a town hall meeting. Everybody gets a chance to talk for a set amount of time provided they follow established decorum. Likewise any radio talk show caller should be limited to one call per host per week. If any caller is repeatedly rude to the station's hosts, the caller should then be first warned, then if the behavior continues banned from calling in at all.
ReplyDeleteI think each individual host can set his own rules, how to deal with repeat callers and rude callers. John Rothman is very kind to almost everyone, but still firm, and there are times when he has had enough and terminates the call. Michael Savage and Mark Levin has very little patient with callers that disagree with them, Levin gets really nasty usually says "Get off the phone you big dope", Savage seems to depend on his mood and what the disagreement is, at times he engages the callers and it can be interesting and informative. Gene Burns was a master in dealing with callers that was rude, or disagreed with him. Christine Kraft often cut off callers who disagreed with her, or if she felt they were not well informed, it was often frustrating to listen to, sometimes I really wanted to hear what the callers point was, and I liked Christine's show, except for that one aspect.
ReplyDeleteIf only we could get rid of Rob from Richmond... then we could have more time to listen to Professor Rothman spell out the real "truth" during the engaging "group think" he directs with his more "informed" callers.
ReplyDeleteOf course the point in the calls we love the most is when Rothman issues his "yes or no" and refuses to hear any more unless the caller buckles down to give the answer which often leaves out the reality of real world nuances.
Always keep in mind the serious Bay Area discourse on Trump and such, knowing full well that regardless of content, regardless of how the listeners vote, it will not change the outcome of the 2020 vote one iota.
California is so far to one side of the column that not even a massive change in voting will affect California's Electoral College vote count.
So battle for purity by eliminating the Rob's of Richmond, so your little tea-social gathering won't be tainted with a uncomfortable alternative opinion.
Then resign yourself to knowing the entire campaign is in the hands of some designated "deplorable" in Wisconsin who never listens to KGO or Professor Rothman.
Know this though, Rothman himself made a daily habit, and probably continues, to listen to Rush Limbaugh, John Bachelor, Hannity, and others, that most of you would scream if similar callers were to be on Rothman's show.
He has told us he did and no doubt still listens to those shows.
I guess its OK for his trained mind to objectively listen to those shows, but the rest of us are too naive to digest ALL points of view.
Yes by all means... eliminate Rob of Richmond and "purify" the discourse on the Rothman-View
Rothman seems to take it personally when someone gets a historical date or fact wrong about a president too