Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Michael Finney on KGO: Still As Good As It Gets; Wednesday Quick Open

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HE'S STRAIGHTFORWARD --Honest, credible, reliable, and about as to-the-point as ever; KGO's Michael Finney, its Consumer Editor, is one of ABC7's most powerful and effective news anchors, sometimes we take him for granted and we shouldn't. The Consumer protector.

An endorsement. As always.


  1. Glad to hear that. I'm having a serious consumer-related problem, and I may need his help.

  2. Finney is one of those rare TV personalities that when he's on air you stop what you're doing and listen.

  3. KGO morning news shows what is wrong with SF. 2 Hood Rats and 2 Punters turning the news into a Boojie yenta talk show.

  4. Long ago I wrote to him and got results. Was an issue with AT&T.
