Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Mistreatment by PIX Hastened Deanno Move to NBC Chicago; Master Nice Guy, Broadcaster, Pitchman, Sean O'Callaghan Dies

Image result for paul deanno kpix
Ken Bastida (left) Veronica De La Cruz and Paul Deanno


Much like the pro he is, Paul Deanno, has taken the high road and on social media said what a blast its been at his soon-to-be departing workplace, KPIX.

The Chicago-bound weatherman had a mostly positive run here when he began his tenure back in August, 2012. In fact he loved his gig.

But along the way and most recently, Deanno was big-time pissed off at what he regarded as disrespectful treatment by the upper bosses at KPIX. Sure, Deanno was not someone that would kill the station by leaving but his presence at PIX made the CBS O and O here at least watchful and relevant --he wasn't Superman by no means but he had that "it" factor and was widely respected by both friends and colleagues.

The beginning of the year started out with station officials approaching Deanno about a singular position as a hybrid anchor--Deanno would do his standard weather \forecasts and when neeed, he would also do some news anchoring and not in some crummy time slot, very much prime time and after football games perhaps. CBS saw him as a budding newsman and anchoring was on their radar.

That was an especially giddy moment for Deanno who loved the idea until he heard the nitty-gritty details, first and foremost, money. CBS (KPIX) wanted Deanno to handle both positions at roughly the same deal he was getting. Around $350K per year is no peanuts but when you're working dual gigs, it's almost an insult. At least that's how Deanno viewed it.

A source at PIX told me much the same: "They made this huge hullabaloo about him becoming a big news guy but yet they INSULTED him with the numbers." Which then set off a years-worth time where Deanno secretly began scoping other markets with an eye on leaving SF and beginning a new journey.

He was used to the good life coming from Seattle and living in the Bay Area made him comfortable and happy. Remember, he was more than satisfied doing weather and settling in for life; it was CBS here that brought up the idea of doing news too which intrigued Deanno until the fine print arrived.

Chicago NBC, here I come and SF, CBS see ya later.

Image result for Sean O'Callaghan Western Appliance
Sean O'Callaghan doing a Western Appliance commercial
*If you were here in the 70's and 80's you know doubt heard the amazing voice of Sean O'Callaghan, a superb broadcaster best known for his Western Appliance commercials. I'm sorry to inform O'Callaghan passed last month. Good man. Quality voice. Just a superb guy full of joy and laughter. Thoughts and prayers to Mr. O' Callaghan's family. Here's the obit.


  1. Hey Paul, sorry your feelings were hurt......just wait to you have to deal with living in Chicago, you'll get over the hurt feeling attitude quickly!!

  2. I'm sure he's not going to be living where the homies are. And he'll get more money and have a lower cost of living. Win-win.

    1. More money, lower cost of living, Chicago weather. Win-win-no win/windy.

  3. Veronica should be the one heading back to the East bringing her love nightmare memories back, being a single mom from day 1.

  4. I loved Sean O'Callaghan's voice as a newsie on KYA (yep, I'm an old timer).
    Steady, but with a bit o' twinkle.
    May the wind be at your back, Sean my boy....

  5. 350K is an insult?? Enjoy those bitter cold winters, Paul!

  6. No one at CBS makes 350k. There was a corporate mandate several years ago capping salaries at 250k at all CBS O&OS. Keep up Rich.

  7. I suspect Paul will probably stay in Chi-Town for a couple/few years and then move on to a national gig in NYC now that he knows he been thought of as anchor material. Don't be surprised to see him filling in for someone's evening news-weekend. You'll be saying, "Hey! Isn't that the weather guy from channel 5 from a few years back?!"
