Monday, October 7, 2019

Hair Mess

Image result for Ama Daetz and Veronica De La Cruz SF TV anchors
Veronica De La Cruz

SHE TWIRLS ...and twirls...and twirls; it's so every night at PIX they've devised a drinking game.

You'd BE shitfaced in five minutes if they actually executed.

Then across the street, there's the DAETZ.

Image result for Ama Daetz and Veronica De La Cruz SF TV anchors
Ama Daetz
Same thing.


  1. I'll Veronica over Ama but neither have any talent outside of their looks.

  2. On-air, VDLC has also been hiding her bloating belly. Holding strategically placed papers when she is standing up, and with crossed arms and interlocked fingers when she is sitting down.

    1. Yeah, I noticed that too! At first I thought maybe she was pregnant but now I'm not so sure. Hmm.

  3. As long as I have a face, VDL has a place to sit!! Just gorgeous!

  4. Oh, what I would LOVE to have being twirled around by VDLC's wonderful hair … (think Rich, think!!)

  5. I take Ama, I cannot stand Veronica harsh voice and sneeky looking eyes

    1. Is “sneeky looking eyes” code for cock eyed?

  6. I almost saw a saccharin 1970s lyric next to VDLC's photo. But it was "TWIRL and twirl", instead of "whirl and twirl". Otherwise, Captain Daryl Dragon might rolled in his grave. Neither looks like a Muskrat Susy. And I still believe Ama does a strong job, benefiting from working with the great Dan Ashley.
