Monday, October 7, 2019


Image result for Pam Cook


We're supposed to believe this shit? As The Joker would say, ha ha ha ha ha.

If you scout the internet and search you'll see more of these --farcical pictures of superficial people who would have been laughed at and shown the door countless times only at PC-encrusted Kay-Tee-Vee-You, they're encouraged to spotlight fake enthusiasm and symbol. It's all just a façade --a completely dishonest tray of puff pieces with extra mayonnaise.


  1. One of them smells like Ass and Monkey Fur. Guess which one.

    1. Your comments is disgusting, asinine and irrelevant.

    2. Your comment reminds me of the Pure color anchor apologizing to the Dark color anchor calling him an ape on LIVE TV. Honestly, the Money Fur do have odor.

  2. Is it bad that I do not know who either of these people are?

  3. The picture shows the male anchor about 50lbs heavier than he is now. How did he lose so much weight? Too much in my opinion. Looks way too thin now. Did he and Sal go on the same diet?

  4. Age-wise Dave Clark is in his mid to late 60's. Since arriving from Los Angeles to KTVU Channel 2 back in 2007 (supposedly to replace Dennis Richmond who left Channel 2 in 2008) I personally have never warmed up to Dave Clark. Mainly because it looks like he always reads the morning news from a wall inside the studio. In addition whenever Pam or Gasia tries to elicit any response from Dave Clark all he ever says is "Oh Yeah." Dave Clark Cannot Ad Lib Worth a Dime. Rich--I absolutely Love Your Blog. Regards, Cary SF

  5. Does that mean we should call KTVU "Fake2"? Interesting role reversal in calling out "Fake News". And no, Beerguy101, it is not bad that you do not know either Clark or Cook. I have never watched them myself, outside of a dental cleaning or two.
