Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday Fracas on 415 Media

Image result for San Francisco 2019


* I SAID GAVIN was the only guy that could possibly beat Trump not that he would beat Trump --learn some English for gawd's sake. Trump gets by the uneducated crowd and lazy white guys who have no hope therefore they love The Donald which is why the more lunatic and pathetic he is he's more popular --Newsom knows that which is why he's not an automatic but the boys in the bar at the Balboa seem to think his time is now. But
yes, Gav might be playing for 2024 but 2020 is on the radar. As Trumpy would say, "believe me."

*No sir, you're wrong about guys making $350K at KPIX (and other locales, except KRON) Ken Bastida makes about 500K granted an old contract but nonetheless. Yes, the old days are over and Van Amburg money is rare and often unbelievable.

*Except for Dan Ashley.

*I don't recognize these new by-lines the Chronicle whips out every day. It's so different and toxic I even miss Jon Carroll columns about his cat.

*I really don't give a shit about Reggie Aqui's personal life;  whatever rocks your life, fine so be it, to each his own. I DO CARE how the schmuck comports himself on TV and he's nothing but one miserable yutz and utter fool. Case closed which is why KGO has no cred in the morning, like meatloaf left over from a week ago.

*And PLEASE, seriously, Dion Lim? A true yenta with little news acumen about as solid as a French restaurant in Fresno.

*Another Gavin Newsom factoid: Remember, Ronald Regan ran several times and LOST before ultimately winning in 1980 and become POTUS so Gavin could lose to Donnie and still have much more political life left, certainly the local and national media would LOVE this contest.

*The reason why KRON has no hope is not that their corporate owner hooligan is beneath contempt it's that KRON is still KRON and not the old KRON where dedicated people loved their gig and worked hard to deliver quality newscasts. At this KRON in order to get admiration and respect you have to sleep with the boss and boy isn't that just peachy.

*YEAH, I SURE DO COMPLAIN AND RIP which is why you and the other schlemiels come here; ask yourself this: in todays' environment with the local peons we have here, why not COMPLAIN? If you're engaged to this current crop of rank amateurs we have here in the Bay Area you need to immediately check into Napa State Hospital.

*PIX update: apparently it's not a shoe-in that Brian Hackney will take the weeknight weather gig because supposedly Hackney thinks of himself as the local Walter Cronkite.

*OH PLEASE, Wayne Freedman at KGO get a hold of yourself.

*You too Tom Vacar.

*John Rothmann can't stop gushing out loud lately how awful and disgusting our current Prez is and yes, I agree but it is THIS aspect that Trump keeps on keeping on. I don't call it White elitism but those in the heartland believe otherwise. And John, please, ENUF of the "There's no place I'd rather be" because everyone under the moon is getting sick of it.

*KGO Radio toast: Mark Thompson. But maybe he'll be available to hang out with Ronn on his (Owens) next cruise in November. They could compare manicures.

*Hey, Beth Spotswood of the Chron: was that a commercial or a column?


  1. Brian Hackney is a dick. He thinks of himself as a real ladies man and he is just the opposite....Take a hint, Hackney... The women I've talked to think he's creepy.

    1. Hackney fancies himself more a renaissance man.
      And he fancies Juliette as his Juliet.

  2. As a Democrat, I've been saying for some time that I think someone else is going to jump into the race, I'm just not sure one currently is getting me very excited and I know I'm not alone. I agree with Rich, Newsom would have a good chance to beat Trump, and his local so-called scandals pale in comparison to Trump's numerous issues. Newsom 2020!

    1. With the several articles I've seen lately "humanizing" her, I'd have to say that "someone" is going to be Hillary. Again. Groan!

  3. I think you'd find Gavin about as popular on the national level as Kamala is

  4. Why are these Friday blogs always so negative? I know you like John Rothmann, so the only thing you can find to be negative about is his "there is no place I would rather be", most hosts start their show with the same phrase or music. I agree it is not great, but I do believe John loves to be a radio host. As for him always talking about Trump, he does have other subjects, but majority is on Trump, but then he has a plenty to choose from, he is a good counter balance to Sean Hannity.

    1. rothman must hang out all day at their studio because i have heard him on in the morning and afternoons, sometimes he goes on with pat thruston, dont know maybe to kill time when she doesnt have any callers

  5. Gavin is a much better pure politician than Kamala...

  6. Newsom 2020! Should someone tell Gavin we've thrown him into the race?

  7. "I SAID GAVIN was the only guy that could possibly beat Trump not that he would beat Trump --learn some English for gawd's sake."

    That's rich, Rich.

  8. Gavin is an absolute TOOL! Not a chance in hell he could be Trump and hopefully nobody else for that matter. All the illegal crap he did in SF and the bad press he's get for banging his Chief Of Staff's wife.
    He's a slimy dick,

  9. does anybody read the Chronicle anymore- it's thinner than my hair

  10. While I am intrigued by love interests at KRON, you haven't mentioned any temper flareups or bullying by its news director in some time. He must have simmered down...or maybe its the love interest.

  11. Hackney's high opinion of himself is noticeable during his newscasts. IMO, that detracts from some of his strengths.

  12. Rich
    You are spot on about Reggie and Dion Lim, circle 7 news is horrid!! Did I mention Kate Larson also terrible. Who runs that newsroom? Must be a genius right?????

  13. Only four or five states count. Just look at Steve Kornacki's Blue Red map on MSNBC. Dems need to only win those states because of the electoral system. They won the popular vote last time but still lost the electoral (barely, as well) Same with Bush-Gore.
