Thursday, October 3, 2019

415 Media Happy Hour Thursday: Newsom To Run for 2020 POTUS? 'Worst Kept Secret in SF'

Image result for Gavin Newsom

'The Worst Kept Secret in San Francisco': Newsom set to run for 2020 POTUS

The other evening a longtime buddy of mine took me to dinner at a local pub--left their soon after and ventured over to ageing but still fun and connected Balboa where all the characters mixed and matched over dice games and people-watching.

It's still the scene there; not the scene mind you but a place where Guv Gavin Newsom has lots of pedigree (he used to own the place now its part of a trust b/c Gav is governor) anyway the bar was packed and a few big timers were immersed in heavy conversation and steak eatin'. The wine was flowing. I was merely eavesdropping.

THE WORST KEPT SECRET IN SF: What do you mean? HERE'S THE SKINNY: I got involved when the one guy near me started talking politics. In between the scotch and water, the back and forth turned to Trump and Impeachment. No biggie there. Then the other guy (it appeared to be local Dem heavyweight, Clint Reilly), muttered something about Newsom and his political goals. "What goal?" someone asked. "Well.he (Gavin) does want to be 'president." Don't we all, I thought" (Well, some of us, anyway.

The scotch got a little neater and the steaks meatier. And the wine was flowing even at the bar. I OPENED up MY BIG MOUTH: "Hell, the way the Dems are positioned, why not now?" "None of the candidates currently running will beat Trump, even under Impeachment setting."

A guy connected with a seriously gorgeous blond on his shoulder: "You're right, so what are you saying?"

'I"M SAYING ONLY GAVIN (NEWSOM) can BEAT HIM NOW." --Hey guy, "that's the worst kept secret in the city; in this bar."

Newsom: Guv. of biggest state. Young enough. Has family, beautiful wife, young kids (Kennedyesque) establishment candidate with enough political gusto to bury Trump and make it safe for GOP to quietly de-Trump Trump.


*Biden: too much baggage, too old, too clogged.
* Warren: great lady, pol, intelligent, unelectable (sorry, but the truth)
*Sanders: he was impossible before the health issues (heart) plus also too old.
*Harris: dragging down and down the polls; money issues all of a sudden
Image result for Balboa Cafe SF


  1. Turning to local radio for a moment, Pat Thurston this afternoon at approximately 2:30 insisted that Russia was part of NATO. I'm not kidding. A caller corrected her.

    1. She acknowledged her error, she was thinking about the G-7.

    2. Textbook liberal.

    3. Technically, Russia is not presently a member of the G-7, and when they were, it was the G-8.

      A little Wiki quote:

      The Group of Seven (G7) is an international intergovernmental economic organization consisting of the seven largest IMF-described advanced economies in the world: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States;[1] between 1998 and 2014, the group included Russia and was known as the Group of Eight, and had for a year been known as the Group of Six before the 1976 inclusion of Canada.

  2. When reached for comment, Kimberly Guilfoyle-Newsom said “I’ll take a Cleveland Steamer, please.”

    1. Kind of makes you miss Stan, doesn't it? I'd trade them.

  3. please read basic history before hosting a talk show.. Re: Newsom, he of the greasy hair, dyslexia and a million scandals? that one?

  4. Won't happen, dream on. Gavin has no baggage?

  5. Never happen!!!! but your right Kennedy like with his affair with his best friend's wife.

  6. Elizabeth Warren is not "unelectable." She's been "elected" senator from Massachusetts. Sounds sexist to me.

    1. Hillary was "unelectable". Is that sexist as well?

  7. Gruesome Newsom for Prez ????? No chance 75% of the country won't vote for that wack job. Worst governor in Ca history. He's a huge flip flopper.

  8. Harris money problems can go away with an injection from her good old friend Willie Brown

  9. That's an insult to the Kennedy's!

    1. An insult to the Kennedy's what, and which Kennedy?

  10. Thanks for the laugh today, Rich. I really needed it.

    Good luck with that. Completely unelectable. Only appeals to the dimwitted lowest common denominator new in the last 20 years Californian.

    1. 8:07
      similar to Trump appealing to the dimwit WHITE Conservatives across America???

  11. Senate at most. If Kamala can bang her way to the Senate he can.

  12. Everything he would represent, sanctuary cities, open borders, etc., was the reason Trump got elected. He shot himself in the foot. It's called Karma! America has been watching! Sure, he can Run, but he can't hide...America knows!

    Hispanic are now the majority in CA. As reported on Circle 7 news, 44% of families in CA don't speak English at home. We have 130,000 homeless people, housing problems, a congested mess and anything else you want to add to the list.

    Dan Walters a great writer coined it best in one of his columns a few months ago when he wrote CA is the first Third World State in America.

    I do not want to see what has happened to California, happen to the United States of America. Didn't someone write a book called, "An Enemy Within?"

    Amongst all this negativity there is one good thing...The Women Are The News.

  13. You are off by 4 years. It will be wide open for him in 2024. Him vs Pence.

  14. Whenever I see Gavin the first thing that pops into my head is EWWWWW!

  15. Gavin running for POTUS next year all depends on his performance as Governor now.

  16. I agree with his politics, but he maybe too the left and more like VP material, my favorite is Beto but I know he has no chance.
