Friday, October 4, 2019

KGO's Middle-Aged Retread Mark Thompson is Simply Unlistenable

Image result for Mark Ibanez KTVU
Mark Thompson in his KRON days as weatherman 

SERIOUSLY, he's unlistenable.

I thought Mark Thompson would be fresh and creative, a bit of a risk taker on KGO Radio but since his debut last March, he's just plain stale, remarkably boring and nothing to listen to, as a matter of fact, simply stated, just an outright bore and ego-centric nothing. His monologue is putrid, his interviews uninspiring.

Here's the other thing about Thompson --specifically--and KGO in general. Thompson's internal numbers are marginal at best. he's neither outright terrible more simply flatline horrible, much like KGO's ratings. In other words, he's not even close to moving the needle, and KGO seems fine with that because KGO, minus a few interesting hosts, is now dudsville across the board and mediocrity its major highlight. Most people have turned the channel and now prefer more yoga parties and tofu recipes.


  1. To quote jim Harbaugh he is like warmed up oatmeal him and Ethan bearman can't think of two more dull uninteresting radio "personalites"

  2. I have listened to him on occasion and he did a good job. Booming wonderful radio voice.

    Compare and contrast with whiny screechy woman-child Pat Thurston who is absolutely unlistenable.

    1. So the voice is more important than the content? You must of really loved Ray Taliaferro then.(I doubt it, Trumpster). Thompson is as interesting as a Sunnyvale strip mall. Pat rocks, and she and Rothmann are the only good shows on KGO. The rest you can flush down the toilet. A & G are Trump bootlickers and don't even take calls. 4 hours of stupid cackling to unfunny shtick.

  3. Chip and Nikki are in unlistenable. I knew that about Mark. He is a way better guest on Tim Conway Jr. than a host. WOR tonight with Joe Concha is a nice change from the Chip and Nikki woke lecture. Chip is so woke, I love how he lectures us everyday. Nikki is just irritating. John Rothman will put out one question and even if there are 2 part he will cut you off.

  4. when i have listened to rothman for any length of time, he usually lets the trump callers go on for awhile, and prefers them..the funny part is when he has taken three or four in a row and argues with these people, he becomes almost distraught and sounds like he is going to start to cry on the air..

  5. I had to switch off KGO just now, per usual, because Pat was going into hyperbolic mode as she is prone to do every day after about 20 minutes of monologuing. I agree with her sentiments 98% of the time, but the shrill excoriations are just too much like being yelled at by a school teacher 50 years ago.
