Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday Visual: JR Stone's Head; Larry Krueger's Neck; Vicki Liviakis's Eyes

Image result for JR Stone face KRON

Image result for larry krueger knbr

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  1. And Larry Krueger's chins. Looks like Krueg has been packing in the slop.

    1. Ofcourse the double standard if a women had a neck like Fredie Krueger, whoops Larry she would not be on the radio or TV.

  2. Funny you mention Vicki's eyes. The picture you posted looks fine but I was just thinking while watching her last night that her eyes were made up to be much too dark.

  3. The photo of Larry is shocking!!! He's age and looks much older than what he is. That being said, when you listen to him on knbr, he brings a ton of knowledge and energy every day.
