Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The New Chip Franklin Show on KGO Radio Sounds a Helluva Lot Better Then The Old One

Image result for Chip Franklin KGO
Chip Franklin
THIS IS GOING TO SOUND CRAZY but please, bear with me.

I had an epiphany.

I was told by a friend to listen to Chip Franklin of late. The friend said Chip's chow on KGO (3-7 PM Monday-Friday) had changed; he wasn't zig-zagging all over the place and concentrated more time on various topic, news topics at that and not some silly human-interest items that had no bearing on us and were meant for lazy shilling radio minutiae.

So I began listening more and yes, my friend was right, Chip Franklin was no longer crazy, wacky Chip. I'm guessing it was old KGO suits that told Chip to do some kind of entertainment show and stay away from the news.

Now Chip appears to have found his groove. Obviously, there's a coherent tone to his show now that wasn't there before. He's stopped talking fast and furious. There's developed a chemistry between himself and news sidekick, Nikki Medoro, a real genuine sincere back and forth. Franklin isn't perfect but who is? Sure, I beat him up (figuratively speaking) in years past but I am for redemption too and fairness and when I hear something that has shown marked improvement and is interesting and worthy of listening to it's only fair to give someone props now.

Franklin always had the ability and gumption to talk about the news; this days and age there's a lot to talk about and God knows we need healthy debate and passionate talk; our country is in the crosshairs of organized chaos.

I'm going to listen even more now; hopefully the new Chip is a constant.
Related image
Nikki Medoro


  1. Still well below average intelligence.
    Still annoying as fuck.
    Still not funny.
    Still unlistenable.

  2. Nikki looks a little like a young Alanis Morissette, at least in that picture.

  3. What time is Chip on the radio?

  4. He may be better, but he was so bad before. Why? Because he's a fake. He was a neo con nut doing his show down south. Now he's supposedly progressive? His shilling for the likes of Mike Anthony and doing lifestyle crap made him a pathetic sellout. Now we're supposed to trust and admire him? Hell no. Franklin the fraud! Get him the hell off the air!

    1. I did hear that he was conservative before, which is crazy because he is sooooo far left now. He’s a complete fraud.

  5. the best change they made was getting heather or whatever her name is, out of the studio and just doing traffic instead of becoming part of the show and chiming in all the time..she has an irrating personality and they stoped with that stupid fake news game they would do, which got very old very fast

  6. Oh chip is still terrible. I usually listen to 20-30 minutes most days. He’s so incredibly wrong about most topics that it is a little entraining.
