I THOUGHT it was mandatory that people here were interested in their radio and TV. Newspapers, I know, are dying. Sad thing but not really surprising.
I began blogging over ten years ago-- gradually what was one time a hobby turned into a real job after lifestyle circumstances and chaos in the local landscape.
The abduction of local radio landmarks like the old KGO by Cumulus accelerated my involvement and when it became apparent that corporate incompetency and recklessness toward legacy stations ruined shining stars and made them into vanilla wafers, 415 Media took off and my readership swelled. It continues to swell despite my own deviations and demons that overtake me but didn't completely wipe out my passion and aghast at how such horrid big companies could destroy such valued community assets.
It didn't involve just radio. Television News, as big as it is, (if not necessarily the case here) was also a prime subject matter. KTVU News began to sink into the abyss as if relative success and tranquility wasn't good enough; again, corporate malfeasance and questionable internal tactics virtually destroyed a once-heralded news outlet. Incompetency galore; technical difficulties run amok; carelessness at the top; gross negligence permeated an operation. The beginning of "AsianaGate" only to be repeated and maintained further and further. KTVU became KRON, go figure.
I could go on and on but it's the Internet for god's sake where keeping people dialed in for a few minutes is the new order Not a chance. Brevity is the soul of whit, sure, but comprehensive study shouldn't have to be begged for; the kids of today? I can only imagine what it's like for a parent to request their son/daughter to read a book. Good luck with that.
I digress.
I WOULD have thought that there would be more than enough financial resources to support a full time media blogger/critic. Especially here. Especially after the KGO massacre. There isn't. Thanks Internet.
For over a decade I have tried to maintain writing, reporting, commenting, analyzing our local media goings-on; I took extraordinary and sometimes, maybe, bold steps and opinions regarding our local broadcasters and their style much of which I cannot fathom and comprehend while at your behest. You SEEMED; at least the majority of you, to enjoy my pointed rips and critiques even when I may have gone overboard but read you did read and read a lot.
I have come to my own personal reckoning --that while you all enjoy and come here frequently that you're not willing to fork out $2 bucks a month (roughly) to support me and this website. I know 2 bucks a month is astounding and financially fraught with fear, I understand. OK, enough with my shots --I'll be real now.
The majority of you that come here are in the Media/PR/Sales biz. Then there's those of you that are doctors, dentists, lawyers, bums, misfits, teachers, criminals, whatever, that just enjoy reading about Bay Area media. I'm not surprised, most of the time (when I'm not taking a week off to relax, cry, practice my torment and anguish in front of the mirror, seek out the few friends I have) you love reading this stuff even on the days where I truly suck or attempt to inject a sense of humor.
I've been screwed up a lot lately. 2018 has been a terrible year for me. I'm not going to go into detail but if you read me enough and have made acquaintance you know the deal. Plus, it gets even "suckier" when you're alone and requesting money so you can stay alive (literally) and continue to hold on by writing a blog and further irritating my good friends at KTVU.
But a reality check: I had a come-to-Jesus moment this past week and finally decided it's time to either put up or shut up. I simply can't do it anymore on situational requests. You're sick of it and so am I too.
So I digress again.
Think of me as your 415 Media ombudsmen; your watchdog in chief; a guy that will have your back if you see some silliness and mayhem on the local TV and radio (what's left of it) You may really think I do suck and are someone that I probably savaged in the past but if truly that offended you, you wouldn't be reading me and/or you understood the bulk of my material was tongue-in-cheek.
Or simply, the radical path: you just HATE MY ASS and would like to see me six-foot-under. I understand your feelings sometimes I feel exactly the same way. Life is damn cruel sometimes, ain't it?
You will survive the loss of 415 Media but truth be told for literally 50 cents a week wouldn't that be kind of crappy? I mean, the cost of toilet paper at 7-11 even for the shitty one-ply is a buck-sixty nine and you sure as hell need more toilet paper so say, being conservative, you spend 10 bucks a month (probably more) on toilet paper, is another 2 BUCKS a month gonna kill you? C'mon people.
ENOUGH commandiving (Yiddish word, look it up) I wrote this with the hope of raising enough money to keep 415 MEDIA afloat and my well-being (which is on empty almost) remaining slightly intact. It's sort of self-serving and selfish but I'm a rare bird. You all know that.
Industry people here, you're all I got so even if I annoy you and think I'm some schmuck, the alternative isn't so rosy. That's the truth and you know it. You too wealthy sales people and PR people and techies alike, without 415 Media you're pretty much down and out. It's the truth and you know it.
What will I do if we can't continue and carry on? I'll probably have to see if the shrink doctor will extend me on and plea for my well-being at least a few more years. I'll move forward somehow, some way, but it'll be a hard path. A traditional day job is outta the question for reasons which I'm too tired to go into detail now but one day in the future, you'll know.
It's all up to you now.
No more requests.
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