Thursday, August 30, 2018

Building a Wall at KTVU; Radnich Vomiting Farewell; KGO Radio Rumor Stale; New PIX ND Can't Save Titanic; Neda Iranpour: Does She Ever Stop Giggling?; KCBS' Bunger Mid-Age Blues; Ken Wayne Milba Toast Act at KRON Doesn't Move the Needle; Somerville, Ibanez and Haener Not So True Grit at KTVU; Thursday 415 Media Rundown

Image result for Build up a wall BUILDING UP A WALL AT KTVU

The new regimen at KTVU: those that dare question "The Firm" (management) and those fearful of the gruesome twosome, Kelley (Gregg) GM and Nohr (Chris) HR boss; they've effectively established a 'Divide and Conquer' atmosphere in Jack London Square, home of misplaced anchors and neurotic morning tonsils who put out memos to bloggers to kiss-ass boss dictators. It's working so far but ultimately there's no happy ending on the horizon.

*That much-anticipated KRON/Gary Radnich/family farewell a few weeks back was not the big story of the night; in fact, behind the scenes in the newsroom, I'm told, the majority of the staffers were supposedly laughing and mocking the Bentley guy --there were no tears, only a feeling of "god, he's gone, finally!"

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Gary Radnich
Hey, the man had a good run; 34 years is 34 years but truly, that farewell bordered on a Jerry Lewis song that has me cackling every time I see it.

*Just to repeat, as I reported here and not the utter BS you were fed by the local lamestream media, Radnich's farewell was absolutely NO retirement; it was a management directive that had the boss tell him KRON wanted him to be more "involved" and participate in weekend shows and cover more sports to which Gary said, "hell no, I got family; you expect me to start working again?" At which point he said goodbye and KRON said goodbye too. That's what went down if you want the truth and not the baloney.

*WHILE I WAS GONE ...someone at KGO Radio put out the word that the entire staff was fired up and rejuvenated over a rumor that the new boss, Doug Harvill (Cumulus SF Market Mgr) was about to unveil a new tweaked format that had a lot of money and new people hired, only one problem: there is no money nor new people, at least for now.

KGO has been in flat-line position for years now barely registering any new good numbers and having to resort to exhibition 49ers games promos because there's no fruit left on the tree.

Image result for Lisa White KPIX
Lisa White
*Yeah, so what, big deal, the news of Mark Neerman as new PIX ND; in fact, the move has caused more friction because the incumbent ND, Lisa White, was supposedly promised the job.

The overriding issue here is not who has the gig to run KPIX's news department; it is helpless and will never improve because the anchors are stale, the reporters, especially the new ones that don't even know their territory are eternally lousy and maintain that stale KPIX look.

If PIX is to try to revamp its crappy news presentation it needs to blow up everything and start over, "cleansing" is the operative word.

*By the way, I'm beginning to get seriously annoyed with PIX/KCBS morning weather yenta, Neda Iranpour, who thinks it's mandatory that every time she talks she has to giggle. It is especially irksome when she follows a serious news story on the radio and worse yet, her personal enabler, Stan Bunger seems to chortle her along.

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Neda Iranpour: giggle, giggle.
I cannot handle Bunger anymore either because he too seems to have been Entercomed like the rest of the staff. Bunger is not above reproach and lately has all the news acumen of a barking bulldog. My goodness, Stan, what has happened to you? Drink more water and lay off the KCBS coffee.

Furthermore, your irritating weather embellishments after the forecast are grating as all get go; as I've mentioned in the past, if you wanna do weather that bad, hell, just 86 news and we'll all live happily ever after.

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Ken Wayne: wake up
*The human melba toast known as Ken Wayne hasn't made a dent in KRON's ratings. I hate to break the news but, THIS JUST IN: Wayne is BORING. He doesn't have to be Don Rickles but he also could be more inspiring and inject a personality and not carry on a personality that is just about as exciting as watching paint dry. It all worked well at KTVU which one time liked straight news but at KRON it doesn't work. Wayne needs to spice up his bloody Mary with more vodka and less tomato juice.

Image result for Peterson Dean
The Peterson Dean roofer: go away fast
*The Peterson Dean guy with the obnoxious roofer ads should be imprisoned and have to listen to KNBR every day and night. Take your solar panels to a place near the back end of your body and let the Bay Area rid you of your toxic waste, you schmuck.

*Speaking of KNBR I'm bummed to hear the new PD scouts talent by eating his lunch at the Uber depot on Market Street.

If you can say "dude" 21 times an hour and utter, "what up?" on the nighttime schedule, congratulations, you have a job at the Sports Bleeder.

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Allie Rasmus
*Allie Rasmus: watch out for Mark Ibanez --the ladies' man--he's always on it even if his batting average has slipped below the Mendoza line.

Mark occasionally likes to spread his wings. It's a known practice from some men especially during the Caligula days.

*God, Frank Somerville, why are you so vain? Please, Frank, STOP! the sanctimony and fake look and be a little more human and transparent.

For heavens sake, there's enough rumors around the building as it is; why make things harder?

Frank, you're a damn decent talking head and you drive a Porsche but enough with the fake persona and I'll get you your six bucks back, deal? Deal.

Image result for Frank Somerville
Frank Somerville
*Then there's yenta supreme, Julie Haener, the gossip monger with more insincerity than a Bakersfield Arby's.

See, here's the deal with Julie. She continues this fake persona, just like Frank only Frank is a better performer.

Haener, miss innocent, likes to stir shit up, for example, talking gossip with her friend, Bill Martin, especially Ibanez' many darts directed at the mumbling weather guy.

If Haener keeps this up I'll have to invite her to the Leslie Griffith party.


  1. Isn't someone in a good mood today!!

  2. "the utter BS you were fed by the local lamestream media, Radnich's farewell"
    You mean
    Oh yeah,, home to the unsofistacated fawning media.
    Need a gushing vanity piece?
    Look no further than Ben-Fong-Torres.

  3. I remember Murph talking about Peterson Dean doing his roof in Marin - even got 100 free feet of fence dude! Best KNBR since Fitz used to schill for Adam Wins before Adam went to prison.

  4. Isn't it illegal for Neda to show these type of exposure on camera back in her origin country? One word, over the exposure limit on camera for the morning news. Time for KCBS to cut out her voice during weather updates.

    1. @4:38 Is the type of person to ask anyone who isn't white, "Do you speak English?"

  5. To anonymous 4:38- Neda's country of origin is this one. She was born in Los Gatos.

    1. Ha! Nice comeback! Fucking God damned racists....

  6. What's objectionable about the poor solar guy?

  7. dean peterson, mike liddel, darin the dui lawyer, joe cordell, dale piziniski, derek papa, chef ryan, matt closki, "steiny", "dibbs","urbs" "uncle towney", "frannie", uber driver, too cool for school "drew", plenty of insufferable, irritating, radio "talent" to go around

  8. Wow! You go Rich. The rest did you well. Bunger? I agree. I thought he was intelligent but now I think his insecurities are clouding his work on the air. He always interrupts whomever is talking, usually a co-anchor. He has to get the last word if not the only word on a subject. I feel sorry for his co-anchors because they sure have to clench up knowing that when they start speaking Bunger is not going to wait and allow them to finish a thought. His "hey, I'm the smartest guy here" act is irritating. Now, #2, pun intended, is the Peterson Dean guy. He's like those car dealer ads from lore where the dealer himself always was the focus of the commercial. Petersen wants to be camera centered on him at all times in many ways whining about why don't you buy my solar panels, roofs, fences. I get tired of his, "What's wrong with you?" attitude. The problem he faces is that the industry is saturated with solar sellers and installers. Homeowners who wanted to put panels on their roofs have already done it. Most of the rest don't want to spend the money, no matter how tempting the terms, and to wait years to break even on the up front costs. What really hurt him was that ad from a year or so ago where he's at a Trump style fake patriotic rally with a fake audience, telling customers to do their patriotic duty and buy American solar. He was all but calling out power companies as enemies of the people.

  9. Someone really needs anger management!!
